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Cognitive and Statistical Pattern Recognition Applied in Color and Texture Segmentation for Natural Scenes [chapter]

Luciano Cassio, Mario Luiz, Arthur Jose Vieira Porto, Carlos Roberto, Rogeria Cristiane Gratao de Souz
2012 Advances in Image Segmentation  
Using a region-growing method to segment the image, this one is considered initially as one single region.  ...  characteristics, such as color elements, complex objects composition, shadows, brightness and inhomogeneous region colors for texture, JSEG segmentation algorithm was approached to segment these ones,  ... 
doi:10.5772/51862 fatcat:6ch65b2ferapvkonu4leb7o64a

Overlapped Apple Fruit Yield Estimation using Pixel Classification and Hough Transform

Zartash Kanwal, Abdul Basit, Muhammad Jawad, Ihsan Ullah, Anwar Ali
2019 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
We used the fine tuned morphological operators to refine the blobs received from the previous step and remove the noisy regions followed by the Gaussian smoothing.  ...  The results ensures the proposed algorithm successfully detects and count apple fruits in the images captured from apple orchard and outperforms the standard state of the art contoured based method.  ...  Pixel Classification The apple fruits grow on bunches, overlapped and surrounded by the green leaves of the tree in orchard.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2019.0100271 fatcat:qih3jhasnffx7cr4htj75lkzxi

Recognition and localization of actinidia arguta based on image recognition

Dejiang Liu, Jian Shen, Hongsheng Yang, Qiang Niu, Qingxi Guo
2019 EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing  
Based on this, this study uses the color model to perform image basic processing and uses frequency domain enhancement to process the image.  ...  The results show that the proposed algorithm performs well and can provide theoretical references for subsequent related research.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank the editor and anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and valuable suggestions. Funding Not applicable.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13640-019-0419-6 fatcat:xvwqbprhs5eq5cr2ypkviv4wku

Adaptive Active Positioning of Camellia oleifera Fruit Picking Points: Classical Image Processing and YOLOv7 Fusion Algorithm

Yunhe Zhou, Yunchao Tang, Xiangjun Zou, Mingliang Wu, Wei Tang, Fan Meng, Yunqi Zhang, Hanwen Kang
2022 Applied Sciences  
In this paper, a fusion method of deep learning based on visual perception and image processing is proposed to adaptively and actively locate fruit recognition and picking points for Camellia oleifera  ...  In addition, the colors of leaves and fruits are alike, and flowers and fruits grow at the same time, presenting many ambiguities.  ...  We are also grateful for the efforts of all our teachers and friends.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app122412959 fatcat:4ahlm6yzrbfnlgasgybnu3pz44

Segmentation of foreground apple targets by fusing visual attention mechanism and growth rules of seed points

Weifeng Qu, Wenjing Shang, Yanhua Shao, Dandan Wang, Xiuli Yu, Huaibo Song
2015 Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research  
Experimental results showed that the proposed method can remove background targets and focus on foreground targets, while the k-means algorithm and the chromatic aberration algorithm cannot.  ...  Background targets could be eliminated by extracting the ROI (region of interest) of apple targets; the ROI was roughly segmented on the HSV color space, and then each of the pixels was used as a seed  ...  According to the different methods of extracting ROI, the existing ROI detection algorithms could be divided into three categories: those based on interaction, those based on transformation and those based  ... 
doi:10.5424/sjar/2015133-7047 fatcat:ypgix4pogvdqpimjdlk7te5qfy

A Literature Survey on Methodologies for Classification, Maturity Detection, Defect Identification and Grading of Fruits

Reshma R., Sreekumar K.
2018 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Fruits are classified based on different features like size, color, texture, etc ... the presence of defects on the fruits affects the market value of the product.  ...  There are different species of trees and few of them are dig for fruits. Fruit has been accepted as a good source of vitamins, minerals and fibers.  ...  The fruit grading system based on image processing used different types of algorithms for detecting and sorting through fruits.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2018916897 fatcat:fvgiegasa5ci7gxob3tmlnyw2y

Semi-Automated Ground Truth Segmentation and Phenotyping of Plant Structures Using k-Means Clustering of Eigen-Colors (kmSeg)

Michael Henke, Kerstin Neumann, Thomas Altmann, Evgeny Gladilin
2021 Agriculture  
Here, we present a efficient GUI-based software solution which reduces the task of plant image segmentation to manual annotation of a small number of image regions automatically pre-segmented using k-means  ...  Thereby, the binary segmentation of plant images in fore- and background regions is performed within a few minutes with the average accuracy of 96–99% validated by a direct comparison with ground truth  ...  rely on conventional methods such as intensity thresholding, region growing and/or propagation, as well as polygon/contour based masking of regions of interest (ROI) that are not suitable for pixel-wise  ... 
doi:10.3390/agriculture11111098 fatcat:knqswwy2tva6hfpwgyl3exvupe

Apple flower detection using deep convolutional networks

Philipe A. Dias, Amy Tabb, Henry Medeiros
2018 Computers in industry (Print)  
To optimize fruit production, a portion of the flowers and fruitlets of apple trees must be removed early in the growing season.  ...  Moreover, a performance assessment on three additional datasets previously unseen by the network, which consist of different flower species and were acquired under different conditions, reveals that the  ...  Together with factors such as climate, bloom intensity is especially important to guide thinning, which consists of removing some flowers and fruitlets in the early growing season.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.compind.2018.03.010 fatcat:x25y63ud4jeoff7q4xlkiyfpda

Machine vision Systems in Precision Agriculture for Crop Farming

Mavridou, Vrochidou, Papakostas, Pachidis, Kaburlasos
2019 Journal of Imaging  
Studies of different agricultural activities that support crop harvesting are reviewed, such as fruit grading, fruit counting, and yield estimation.  ...  Moreover, plant health monitoring approaches are addressed, including weed, insect, and disease detection.  ...  Then, an interactive region growing method based on the CCF map is used for disease spot segmentation from the clutter background.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jimaging5120089 pmid:34460603 pmcid:PMC8321169 fatcat:d7fzfos7jjbkhg4tbo54eb6mxy

Fruit Grading of Garcinia Binucao (Batuan) using Image Processing

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
Digital image processing, along with computer vision techniques, can be applied for automatic gradation of batuan fruits based on the quality of the fruit.  ...  For gradation, we have used the color features and area of the fruit. The average accuracy for batuan fruit grading is up to 98%.  ...  The system uses a nearest neighbor's classification algorithm to classify and recognize fruit images based on the feature values obtained.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1028.078219 fatcat:3zm72vefcrcrzj7nz6a6sdvuyu

Fruits Disease Classification using Machine Learning Techniques

Yassine Benlachmi, Aymane El Airej, Moulay Lahcen Hasnaoui
2022 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (IJEEI)  
spots on the fruit skin indicating various diseases.  ...  The approach fundamentally employs three machine learning classifier algorithms -KNN, Decision Tree, and Random Forest.  ...  Segmentation has primarily two approaches one is region based and the other is boundary based.  ... 
doi:10.52549/ijeei.v10i4.3907 fatcat:a4i5xvh4qrenrcgafw2zq55nje

Adapted Approach for Fruit Disease Identification using Images [article]

Shiv Ram Dubey, Anand Singh Jalal
2014 arXiv   pre-print
the art features are extracted from the segmented image, and finally images are classified into one of the classes by using a Multi-class Support Vector Machine.  ...  Diseases in fruit cause devastating problem in economic losses and production in agricultural industry worldwide.  ...  Images are partitioned into four clusters in which one or more cluster contains only infected region of the fruit. Kmeans clustering algorithm was developed by J. MacQueen (1967) and later by J.  ... 
arXiv:1405.4930v5 fatcat:v5y3yq7nxrex3afhtzvjl3jwma

A Literature Review on Machine Vision based Approaches for Ripeness Detection of Fruits

Rencheeraj Mohan, Sreekumar K.
2019 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Quality assessment and finding of fruit ripeness is a major concern in agriculture business and becomes a growing research concern in computer vision.  ...  This paper is a survey of different techniques that are deployed over different varieties of fruit images in order to detect maturity stages for ripening, fruit region estimation and also, the effect of  ...  From the binary image acquired, the fruit region was used to remove noise and for feature extraction (Rm, Gm, Bm, Hm, Sm, Vm, L *, a *, and b * ).  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2019918744 fatcat:ekxy52jiqfacjmhyg6ipmhz3fi

A Review on Apple Detection Methods for Harvesting Robot

Kinjal V. Joshi
2017 International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering  
The computer vision approaches used to recognize a fruit depends on four basic features i.e. intensity, colour, shape and texture.  ...  Nowadays robot is used to harvest fruit from trees.One major difficulty in developing system for selectively harvest fruits is to define the location, size and ripeness of individual fruits.  ...  Then, this preparative seed is rejected and a new one is chosen. Finally, a growing seed is selected to grow under the growing rules.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijmue.2017.12.2.07 fatcat:nneix443hrc4zal2s2572e7oye

Prediction of Total Soluble Solids and pH of Strawberry Fruits Using RGB, HSV and HSL Colour Spaces and Machine Learning Models

Jayanta Kumar Basak, Bolappa Gamage Kaushalya Madhavi, Bhola Paudel, Na Eun Kim, Hyeon Tae Kim
2022 Foods  
The HSV based SVM-R model could explain a maximum of 84.1% and 79.2% for TSS and 78.8% and 72.6% for pH of the variations in measured and predicted data in training and testing stages, respectively.  ...  ., length, diameters, weight and TSS and pH values. An image of each strawberry fruit was captured for colour feature extraction using an image processing technique.  ...  ., RGB, HSV, HSL and L * a * b *, and support vector machine (SVM) algorithms to evaluate the level of ripeness of fruits, and based on the experimental results, it was shown that HSV colour feature achieved  ... 
doi:10.3390/foods11142086 pmid:35885329 pmcid:PMC9318015 fatcat:rmizox66anae3i2mny6ip3rlcq
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