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From Feast to Famine: Managing Mobile Network Resources Across Environments and Preferences

Robert Kiefer, Erik Nordström, Michael J. Freedman
2014 USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation  
Mobile devices regularly move between feast and famine-environments that differ greatly in the capacity and cost of available network resources.  ...  However, preferences for resource management vary across users, time, and operating conditions, and user and application interests may not align.  ...  Today's mobile device network management, with settings spread across apps, has at best an incidental effect on resource usage.  ... 
dblp:conf/osdi/KieferNF14 fatcat:jawttakl2rco7lpyltlcb2pscu

Digital Feast and Physical Famine: The Altered Ecosystem of Anatomy Education due to the Covid-19 Pandemic

Yvonne M Baptiste
2021 Anatomical Sciences Education  
The Covid-19 pandemic presented a major disturbance and disruption to all levels and types of education, including anatomy education.  ...  This article constructs a conceptual metaphor between a typical anatomy laboratory and an ecosystem, and considers the affordances, constraints, and changing roles of physical and digital cadavers within  ...  The effectiveness of digital resources has been shown to span across varying socioeconomic levels (Kononowicz et al., 2019) .  ... 
doi:10.1002/ase.2098 pmid:33961346 pmcid:PMC8239895 fatcat:gcrbn64c65envoobxkyazj4tj4

Famine and survival strategies: a case study from Northeast Ethiopia

1991 ChoiceReviews  
I wish to thank here the Social Science Research Council (New York) for its grant which enabled me to finalize the study and prepare the manuscript for publication.  ...  Acknowledgements An earlier draft of this work was distributed in the form of a report, and there I expressed my thanks to all the NGOs which provided me financial and logistical support during the research  ...  I n both instances, the effort involved collaboration and co-operation as scarce resources were carefully managed, and the potentials of the surrounding environment thoughtfully investigated and put to  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.29-1043 fatcat:qbrlkz4fa5g3xevcb3ksfzkmmy

Effect of extended famine conditions on aerobic granular sludge stability in the treatment of brewery wastewater

Santo Fabio Corsino, Alessandro di Biase, Tanner Ryan Devlin, Giulio Munz, Michele Torregrossa, Jan A. Oleszkiewicz
2017 Bioresource Technology  
Charlene Urfano for always being supportive from one adventure to the next. Micah Devlin for reminding me of my embarrassments and keeping me humble.  ...  Towarzyszy broni, Alessandro di Biase and Maciej Kowalski, for being the best of friends and colleagues. You were always able to deal with my cazzate, and you made our office a casa.  ...  from feast to famine conditions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.biortech.2016.12.026 pmid:27997869 fatcat:lyqvi27acjfx3cvlhedevblosm

Network Strategies for the New Economy

Tanya Sammut-Bonnici, John McGee
2020 Figshare  
We decompose the ICT industries into four levels, technology standards, supply chains, physical platforms, and consumer networks.  ...  In this paper we argue that the pace and scale of development in the information and communication technology industries (ICT) has had and continues to have major effects on the industry economics and  ...  Hence, the demand for the products of the ICT industries continues to grow (in spite of the feast and famine evident in the telecommunications industry reminiscent of the fragility of corporate structures  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.12251558.v1 fatcat:qqf3kzer7zfvjnhgawkwmfxupm

Persistent Controversies about the Neolithic Revolution

Serge Svizzero
2017 Journal of Historical Archaeology & Anthropological Sciences  
It is widely agreed that the shift from a total reliance on wild resources to the use of domesticated foods led to a number of fundamental and far-reaching changes in human society.  ...  The Neolithic Revolution describes the transition from hunting and gathering to farming and then to the onset of agrarian societies.  ...  From the Near East, farming spread across Europe between 8,500 and 4,000 years ago.  ... 
doi:10.15406/jhaas.2017.01.00013 fatcat:kxeipvjparhrhpjy2n4mlffgka

Temporal Resource (Dis)continuity for Conservation Biological Control: From Field to Landscape Scales

Benjamin Iuliano, Claudio Gratton
2020 Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems  
Conservation biological control (CBC) seeks to promote the occurrence of natural enemies of agricultural pests by managing habitat to provide key resources in and around farm fields.  ...  Here we review how continuity of trophic (food) and structural (shelter) resources affect natural enemy conservation and pest control outcomes within farm fields and across agricultural landscapes.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Randy Jackson, Matthew Turner, members of the Gratton Lab, the associate editor, and two reviewers for helpful comments on prior versions of the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fsufs.2020.00127 fatcat:fj3zobv4gzehteq76ha2ojvws4

Urbanization within a Dynamic Environment: Modeling Bronze Age Communities in Upper Mesopotamia

2007 American Anthropologist  
The examples, drawn from late prehistoric and Bronze Age societies that developed at the onset of urbanization, show how small communities might respond to various resource stresses and environmental fluctuations  ...  ABSTRACT Here agent-based models are employed to explore the behavior of small communities and their associated economic systems within an area of climatically marginal environment in northern Syria and  ...  Funding was supplied by the National Science Foundation in the form of a five-year award from the "Biocomplexity in the Environment" program (NSF Grant # 0216548) to MASS Group investigators, to support  ... 
doi:10.1525/aa.2007.109.1.52 fatcat:jvvygspqyzfdhhertkv46xnvue

Urbanization within a Dynamic Environment: Modeling Bronze Age Communities in Upper Mesopotamia

T. J. Wilkinson, J. H. Christiansen, J. Ur, Magnus Widell, M Altaweel
2020 figshare.com  
Funding was supplied by the National Science Foundation in the form of a five-year award from the "Biocomplexity in the Environment" program (NSF Grant # 0216548) to MASS Group investigators, to support  ...  a research project entitled "Settlement Systems within a Dynamic Environment and Economy: Contrasting Northern and Southern Mesopotamian City Regions."  ...  Further, to combat the stress caused by the low rainfall and reduced yields, households made more use of their kin networks to share food resources.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.13503243.v1 fatcat:mbwid4d54ran3frrhiplvp6nty


Andrew Ofstehage, Felix Stein, Matei Candea, Andrew Sanchez, Sian Lazar, Hildegard Diemberger, Joel Robbins, Rupert Stasch
2020 Cambridge Encyclopedia of Anthropology  
to sit at the end of an evolution from hunting and gathering to pastoralism to farming, but people may choose to avoid agriculture and sedentism in favour of mobility and flexibility.  ...  This complex system was managed by an intricate ritual cycle that connected spirits to the physical realities of the environment (Rappaport 1967) .  ... 
doi:10.29164/20farming fatcat:vzz3kdopwzg2tfyhuwxagrf5gu

Provisioning ecosystem services-sharing as a coping and adaptation strategy among rural communities in Ghana's semi-arid ecosystem

Yaw Agyeman Boafo, Osamu Saito, Godfred Seidu Jasaw, Kei Otsuki, Kazuhiko Takeuchi
2016 Ecosystem Services  
19 As complex challenges linked to changing socio-economic, environmental, political, and cultural 20 conditions continually hamper the delivery of ecosystem services to natural resource dependent 21 communities  ...  Adaptive capacity and community-based natural resource management. 36 Environmental Management. 35 (6): 703-715. . 1975. Gifts and exchanges.  ...  and 19 managing ecosystem services.For example, the increased inter-community sharing of common-20 pool resources (Ostrom 1990) ,likewater from small-scale dams in the study area,although driven 21 largely  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ecoser.2016.05.002 fatcat:mx3oygm325bynlvioi4rz7o6ou

Anders Hjort and M. A. Mohamed Salih (eds.), Ecology and Politics: environmental stress and security in Africa. Uppsala: Scandinavian Institute of African Studies, 1989, 255 pp., SEK 140, ISBN 91 7106 295 5 paperback

Tony Binns
1991 Africa - Journal of the International African Institute  
Oue to underdevelopment, the state objectives have witnessed double retreat from development to crisis management and from crisis management to bare maintenance of order and compliance.  ...  On the Local level we may come doser to resource management and conflicts over access to sparse assets.  ...  From a resource potential, there will have to be a reorientation to the north and greater attention and priority given to the marine environment.  ... 
doi:10.2307/1160275 fatcat:74jev2tzvrhthhrhjqmg7vainq

Inaugural Lecture Desperately seeking security

Geof Wood
2001 Journal of International Development  
Some people live in such precarious environments that they will alter their time-preference behaviour considerably in order to spread their options over more activities and sources of income.  ...  One of the ways to seek security is to diversify. The 4 brothers above are well spread across different sectors so that their combined networking is formidable.  ... 
doi:10.1002/jid.762 fatcat:r63bva4oorey5czg273ulpd54i

Ritual, Landscapes of Exchange, and the Domestication of Canarium: A Seram Case Study

Roy Ellen
2019 Asian Perspectives  
It is widely accepted that a major historic pathway to agriculture in the tropics has been via the management of forest and reliance on tree resources.  ...  Using ethnographic and ethnobotanical data from Seram in the Moluccas, this article illustrates how this might have happened in one part of Island Southeast Asia.  ...  I am indebted to Emily Brennan, Mark Coode, Johan Iskandar, Johannis Mogea, Joeni Setijo Rahajoe, Christel Schollaardt, Hermien Soselisa, and Tim Utteridge for permissions and assistance.  ... 
doi:10.1353/asi.2019.0016 fatcat:xizshqbfnfgevlbtyv4sfsozum

Aeta Magbukún of Mariveles: Traditional Indigenous Forest Resource Use Practices and the Sustainable Economic Development Challenge in Remote Philippine Regions

Vincent S. Balilla, Julia Anwar-McHenry, Mark P. McHenry, Riva Marris Parkinson, Danilo T. Banal
2012 Journal of Sustainable Forestry  
The Aeta's forest resource use practices are discussed from a sustainable Indigenous development context within unique socioeconomic, cultural, and environmental circumstances in Bataan.  ...  to adapt to the encroachment of non-Indigenous peoples onto ancestral lands.  ...  amounts to feast and famine.  ... 
doi:10.1080/10549811.2012.704775 fatcat:f4hkkbbonngb3fidx6zjkqp42y
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