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Friendship Paradox Redux: Your Friends Are More Interesting Than You [article]

Nathan O. Hodas, Farshad Kooti, Kristina Lerman
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Feld's friendship paradox states that "your friends have more friends than you, on average."  ...  In addition, we discover two new paradoxes: the virality paradox that states "your friends receive more viral content than you, on average," and the activity paradox, which states "your friends are more  ...  These facts together suggest the glib expression "your friends are more interesting than you are".  ... 
arXiv:1304.3480v1 fatcat:jq2kkqq6ojh45mjutht7oqswnq

Friendship Paradox Redux: Your Friends Are More Interesting Than You

Nathan Hodas, Farshad Kooti, Kristina Lerman
2021 Proceedings of the ... International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media  
Feld's friendship paradox states that "your friends have more friends than you, on average."  ...  In addition, we discover two new paradoxes: the virality paradox that states your friends receive more viral content than you, on average, and the activity paradox, which states your friends are more active  ...  These facts together suggest the glib expression "your friends are more interesting than you are".  ... 
doi:10.1609/icwsm.v7i1.14440 fatcat:qmc5j2nrynbyxipkmwgyygi42y

The Forster Connection or, Cosmopolitanism Redux: Zadie Smith's On Beauty, Howards End, and the Schlegels

Christian Moraru
2011 The Comparatist : Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association  
What is more, Smith's intertextual tour-de-force has a precise focus.  ...  An exquisite response to Howards End, the novel repays Smith's debt with cultural interest, so to speak, by retelling Forster's story for the new millennium's globalizing world, with the politically conservative  ...  ," "my" kind and "yours."  ... 
doi:10.1353/com.2011.0027 fatcat:hl4bahwnpngidakjzdrkdsrqja

Longfellow, Tennyson, and Transatlantic Celebrity

John Morton
2015 Critical Survey  
This reaction against the Victorian tendency towards veneration of the 'great' is linked to the equally Victorian interest in celebrity.  ...  Tennyson by, among others, Charlotte Boyce, Páraic Finnerty, and Anne-Marie Millim in Victorian Celebrity Culture and Tennyson's Circle (2013), which contains detailed reconsiderations of Tennyson and his friends  ...  Tennyson says, 'You have sent me a Christmas greeting: more than that, a Christmas gift in the shape of a very perfect flower from your own spacious garden: wherefore I exult and stick it in my cap and  ... 
doi:10.3167/cs.2015.270302 fatcat:7qw2365lu5dwvm25mufe53qgia

Social Media Analysis [chapter]

2017 Encyclopedia of GIS  
Course Requirements There are no required textbooks. The reading material is based on recently published technical papers available via the ACM/IEEE/Springer digital libraries.  ...  While there are no prerequisites, we expect students to be proficient in programming, algorithms and data structures, and have taken college level or above courses in linear algebra and statistics.  ...  Hodas, F Kooti, K Lerman "Friendship paradox redux: Your friends are more interesting than you." In ICWSM 2013. 4. [optional] L Backstrom, P Boldi, M Rosa, J Ugander, S Vigna.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-17885-1_101209 fatcat:lqygy2cnxvelnpo3mdtzorrk54

Three times lucky: in dialogue with Rein Müllerson

Agustín José Menéndez, Rein Müllerson
2022 European Law Open  
The range of issues is as wide as Müllerson's interests, hopefully offering the reader views which are out of the common road.  ...  The content and the direction of the propaganda are different in the East and the West, but the techniques are rather similar. You were more than three times lucky perhaps.  ...  Your passion for sports made you abandon your studies quite early, and it was not until you were 25 that you went back to finish your secondary education.  ... 
doi:10.1017/elo.2022.30 fatcat:w4fld7hwc5et5ajkv6jqk5conu

"All I Do Is Think about You": Some Notes on Pragmatist Longing in Recent Literary Study of Amiri Baraka

J. M. Glick
2010 Boundary 2  
more important, than ourselves."  ...  The first, from Ralph Waldo Emerson's "On Friendship" (1841), is a hallmark of Epstein's work: "A friend, therefore, is a paradox in nature. . . . Guard him as thy counterpart.  ... 
doi:10.1215/01903659-2010-005 fatcat:tisgyutzmvbsrgkzwf4naf4ce4

Pietas in Patriam: Milton's Classical Patriotism

Paul Stevens
2022 Humanities  
, have shown much interest in David Norbrook's acknowledgment that "English republicanism emerged in part as a vehicle for English nationalism."  ...  For all the energy that has gone into studying Milton's classical republicanism, there has been relatively little interest in that political movement's central concern with patriotism: few, for instance  ...  In completing these "new Institutes" of his native language, Buonmattei is demonstrating his patriotism: "you are much more intent on what you may do for your country", says Milton, anticipating John F  ... 
doi:10.3390/h11020042 doaj:66f3fb73d2874fe9a17cac3b65582ffe fatcat:yf2itxnscveapdrc2gkripusvu

Links [chapter]

Luc Bovens
2021 Coping  
His current interests are in moral psychology and philosophy & public policy.  ...  To make life more palatable, we can also focus on making changes within ourselves. These are strategies of self-management.  ...  And the more you believe that there is something worth striving for, the less you are flirting with apathy. To stand for standingfor-nothing is like a Liar Paradox.  ... 
doi:10.11647/obp.0268.10 fatcat:2wytukyykbelhbnz455aznlyu4

Lecture de The Widow Ranter d'Aphra Behn (1690) : illusions et désillusions

Claire Boulard
2002 Etudes Epistémè  
En mourant, Bacon se renie déclarant: “while you are victors make a peace – with the English council – and never let ambition – love – or interest make you forget as I have done – your duty – and allegiance  ...  by destructive storms, Abusing all our Charitable Hospitality, Usurp’d our Right, and made your friends your slaves.  ... 
doi:10.4000/episteme.8352 fatcat:sihcdtwidfcyjjqy23km7gi7zi

On Max Lerner

Jeffrey Wengrofsky
1993 PS: Political Science and Politics  
I appreciate your interest in FBIS products and thank you for sharing your concerns.  ...  Service (FBIS) are to you.  ...  But as a political scientist I demand more than off-the-cuff generalizations and value-laden, sometimes offensive, language.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s1049096500063563 fatcat:dcfuvenupfg6lkbtombmcnvopu

Richard von Mises and the "problem of two races": A statistical satire in 1934

Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze, Sandy Zabell
2007 Historia Mathematica  
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Bernard Bru for many helpful comments and suggestions. Thanks go to Mrs.  ...  I read with great interest all your Plato criticism. . . My own point of view is different.  ...  and the X j , j 1, are scored by whether they are greater than or less than X 0 .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.hm.2006.05.004 fatcat:tyj4q5hwjrgl3jtaqzte6icj3u

When Readers Become Fans: Nineteenth-Century American Poetry as a Fan Activity

David Haven Blake
2012 American Studies  
My father was no exception, and indeed suffered more than others, because of his kindness of heart" (E. Longfellow 81).  ...  But whatever ambivalence the son felt about these celebrity friends, Ernest was far more impatient with the demands that public life made on his father.  ... 
doi:10.1353/ams.2012.0017 fatcat:klrbpj5nsfhzvhw42xwzwi4d6y

Welcome to the Machine: Privacy Implications of Predictive Analytics in the Workplace

Robert Sprague
2014 Social Science Research Network  
while it records your keystrokes when you type a text message?  ...  Target can buy data about your ethnicity, job history, the magazines you read, if you've ever declared bankruptcy or got divorced, the year you bought (or lost) your house, where you went to college, what  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2454818 fatcat:enbcujpkbjd3llmtztusxtfcuy

Beware the Folly of Pride: Europe, Trump and the Enduring Need for the Transatlantic Alliance

Kristian L. Nielsen
2017 L'Europe en formation  
Instead, for most of the 2000s, more Americans have rated Asia as being a region of greater importance for US interests than Europe. 41 Although the margin has been varying, between 2005 and 2013, it  ...  Rhetorical point scoring may be satisfying, but rarely amounts to more than fake wins.  ...  Increased spending and greater political integration in Europe would make us not completely, but more able to stand on our own feet.  ... 
doi:10.3917/eufor.382.0063 fatcat:qxsaxvhmrrfbpfyldyaj4ciqai
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