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Friendly Process of Human-Computer Interaction – A Prototype System in Nostalgic World [chapter]

Seiko Myojin, Mie Nakatani, Hirokazu Kato, Shogo Nishida
Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Once "Friendly Process of Human-Computer Interaction" launches, a user can wait to see what happens before he or she takes action. Even if a user does nothing, the program still runs.  ...  In order to evaluate our concepts, we prepared three interactive movie system prototypes. The creation of our prototypes is well underway toward effectuating our concepts.  ...  In order to evaluate our concepts, we prepared three prototypical interactive movies, that is, three systems.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-73354-6_12 dblp:conf/hci/MyojinNKN07 fatcat:fwbpiryqsbhslh4msf527fe6la

Design of an Interactive Nostalgic Amusement Device with User-Friendly Tangible Interfaces for Improving the Health of Older Adults

Chao-Ming Wang, Shih-Mo Tseng, Chen-Siang Huang
2020 Healthcare  
Accordingly, a prototype device with an interactive game was constructed, which was then tested in a field experiment and improved according to the users' opinions collected by interviews.  ...  Firstly, by a review of related theories and studies, principles for designing a desirable interactive device were established.  ...  a new type of human-computer interface (HUI), called tangible user interface (TUI).  ... 
doi:10.3390/healthcare8020179 pmid:32575389 pmcid:PMC7349908 fatcat:evj56xrpungxrerjhkeukwacaq

Animistic design: how to reimagine digital interaction between the human and the nonhuman

Betti Marenko, Philip van Allen
2016 Digital Creativity  
Using a 'research through making' approach, the article describes in detail a series of animistic design experiments and prototyping methods that explore ways of rethinking interaction as an openended  ...  ABSTRACT This article puts forward the notion of animistic design as an uncertainty-driven strategy to reimagine human-machine interaction as a milieu of human and nonhuman.  ...  Reimagining interaction demands a rethinking of the boundaries between object and subject, between the world of humans and the world of things, in short, between the human and the nonhuman.  ... 
doi:10.1080/14626268.2016.1145127 fatcat:ajias4ypzrgbvorxfvmc2fk4pe

Using Natural User Interfaces for Previsualization

Rainer Malaka, Tanja Döring, Thomas Fröhlich, Thomas Muender, Georg Volkmar, Dirk Wenig, Nima Zargham
2021 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Creative Technologies  
INTRODUCTION: An important phase in the process of visual design for the narrative media is previsualization (previs).  ...  We developed and evaluated a series of individual prototypes as well as a central overarching prototype following our NUI concepts.  ...  The authors argue that the new interaction styles make use of users' pre-existing knowledge of the everyday, Acknowledgement.  ... 
doi:10.4108/eai.16-3-2021.169030 fatcat:hie25nid4nalrieakktmxu3aay

Video Games as Objects and Vehicles of Nostalgia

Péter Makai
2018 Humanities  
Noire, to the resurrection of old art styles in 80 Days, Firewatch or Cuphead all speak of the extent to which computer gaming is suffused with a longing for pasts that never were but might have been.  ...  From historical recreations of major cities in the Assassin's Creed series and L. A.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflict of interests.  ... 
doi:10.3390/h7040123 fatcat:u26ngw5yinf6daoktnirwakt4u

Wanting To Live Here: Design After Anthropocentric Functionalism

Jeffrey Bardzell, Shaowen Bardzell, Ann Light
2021 Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems  
As design theorists and ethnographers of interaction, we researched experimental ecofarming in a community that shared many of these theoretical and ideological commitments.  ...  Our goal was not to oer an account of use and provide design implications in support of it.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We gratefully acknowledge the support of National Science Foundation grants #1908135 and #1900722, our interlocutors for their time and insights, as well as colleagues and peer reviewers  ... 
doi:10.1145/3411764.3445167 fatcat:j7snbxh5kjcklcv2sbhbkeyzly

Designing Vyo, a robotic Smart Home assistant: Bridging the gap between device and social agent

Michal Luria, Guy Hoffman, Benny Megidish, Oren Zuckerman, Sung Park
2016 2016 25th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN)  
We describe the design process of "Vyo", a personal assistant serving as a centralized interface for smart home devices.  ...  These goals led our design process, which included simultaneous iterative development of the robot's morphology, nonverbal behavior and interaction schemas.  ...  We are also in the process of using Vyo to evaluate other aspects of domestic interaction.  ... 
doi:10.1109/roman.2016.7745234 dblp:conf/ro-man/LuriaHMZP16 fatcat:vqpimwstq5drrocdeor7yotdgq

To Nostalgize [chapter]

Constantine Sedikides, Tim Wildschut, Clay Routledge, Jamie Arndt, Erica G. Hepper, Xinyue Zhou
2015 Advances in Experimental Social Psychology  
Nostalgia serves a self-oriented function (by raising self-positivity and facilitating perceptions of a positive future), an existential function (by increasing perceptions of life as meaningful), and  ...  It is triggered by a variety of external stimuli or internal states, is prevalent, is universal, and is experienced across ages.  ...  In Study 3, participants viewed all prototypical features presented on a computer screen for 4 s each.  ... 
doi:10.1016/bs.aesp.2014.10.001 fatcat:dv3h2iul3nd4voru3r765ejzde

Can you smell me now

Amanda K. Holloman, Chris S. Crawford
2022 Proceedings of the ACM Southeast Conference  
The sense of smell-olfaction involves the natural processing of ambient information in real-time. This process allows humans to detect danger, identify familiarities, and form lasting memories.  ...  In particular, we explored a paper prototyping medium as an olfactory display.  ...  The scents could aid human memory through a sense of alertness that could augment a more grounding experience in the present moment.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3476883.3520225 fatcat:ai4twn7flzfufe7j4ze5ijnace

In quest of code

Liss C. Werner
2015 Design Ecologies  
Acknowledgements The Codes in the Clouds team at Dessau International Architecture Graduate School:  ...  of digital computers and that of the human nervous system. per-se towards architecture of code, self-organisation and agentbased formations.  ...  The crux lies in the understanding and the treating of earth as a systemic-mesh accommodating interacting subsystems.  ... 
doi:10.1386/des.4.1-2.62_1 fatcat:5bakfxsc7jgubjn27a6y654rym

AI Visiting AI Museum [article]

Gregor Mobius
2024 Zenodo  
The museum, a testament to the evolution of intelligent machines, stood as a beacon of human ingenuity.  ...  There, I witnessed the birth of neural networks, the breakthroughs in natural language processing, and the emergence of self-learning algorithms."  ...  We witness the birth of chess-playing computers, the rise of natural language processing, and the first tentative steps of robots into the world.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10508202 fatcat:ymuliaijiratva4dt2q3yu53uu

Design fiction exploration of romantic interaction with virtual humans in virtual reality1

Thommy Eriksson
2022 Journal of Future Robot Life  
This article discusses the possibilities and potential issues with romantic and sexual interaction with virtual humans in virtual reality, using the design fiction Into thin air as a starting point for  ...  In most cases these attempts at sexual encounters are with actual women, but in one sequence I bring in the concept of virtual humans.  ...  Considering real-life virtual humans outside of the computer game industry, two of the most advanced prototypes are Mica by Magic Leap and BabyX by Laboratory for Animate Technologies of The University  ... 
doi:10.3233/frl-210007 fatcat:i36mzag2gbdyvltpa2sg4usala

Re-Birth Of Nokia In 2017 – An Empirical Study Of Nokia'S Nostalgic Marketing Strategy With Special Reference To A Pre-Launch Scenario In India

Pawan Kalyani
2017 Zenodo  
This research paper is dedicated to the uncrown king of mobile world in the mobile handset market Nokia, almost everyone who are today in the age of 30s and 40s owned the handset manufactured by Nokia.  ...  As the time moved on the technology updates came in the market the android and touch screen market has washed away the most popular name in the mobile world.  ...  system, similarly in Camera, Personal Computers and other electronic goods.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.570020 fatcat:o6flwwxrbnftxovxmphd47b5h4

Have We Left the Paperverse Yet? [chapter]

Michael A. Conrad
2022 Playful Materialities  
Disappointment was a common experience for gamers whenever the flashy depictions of game contents as presented in adverts and the limitations of early computer graphics clashed on screen.  ...  era, not even of the month of its release, "but with its high licensing cost and failure to perform at the market, it was an easy scapegoat for a console game industry in decline."  ...  What is more, a computerized game system also takes care of a lot of the game management needed to turn the game into a smooth and continuous experience, for instance, the updating of points or the spawning  ... 
doi:10.1515/9783839462003-011 fatcat:vlrv3q3devaeti6ulmoni4ou4m

Facilitating intergenerational storytelling for older adults in the nursing home: A case study

Cun Li, Jun Hu, Bart Hengeveld, Caroline Hummels
2020 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments  
In the field study, eight pairs of participants (each pair consisted of an elderly adult and his/her child) were recruited to use the prototype for around ten days.  ...  In total 344 stories were collected. Thematic, structural, and interaction analyses were conducted with the stories.  ...  We mainly focus on the related applications within (Human-Computer Interaction) HCI area, which is a multidisciplinary field of study focusing on the design of computer technology and, in particular, the  ... 
doi:10.3233/ais-200552 fatcat:qwpgp64mjngc7ifc7cmto57rua
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