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A Research on Automation Diagonsis of Pattern Recognition in Stained HEP-2 Cells

The automation of this diagnosis method is still challenging because of using various liquids to fix the HEp-2 cells in the slides.  ...  Diagnosis of autoimmune diseases can be achieved via Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF) images using human epithelial (HEp-2) cell as substrate in laboratory.  ...  [11] applied fractal descriptors for the HEp-2 cell cataloguing. This project applied various fractal dimension for the cell pixel complexity and spatial distribution.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.k1055.09811s219 fatcat:icke57trqnc4foelczvxg2kgbq

Mining textural knowledge in biological images: Applications, methods and trends

Santa Di Cataldo, Elisa Ficarra
2017 Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal  
Then, we review the main approaches to automated texture analysis, with special attention to the methods of feature extraction and encoding that can be successfully applied to microscopy images of cells  ...  Indeed, visual textures can be exploited to distinguish specific tissues or cells in a biological sample, to highlight chemical reactions between molecules, as well as to detect subcellular patterns that  ...  In the last few years, many researchers have exploited the analysis of HEp-2 textures to either perform the automated classification of HEp-2 patterns [22, 23] , the automated segmentation of HEp-2 cells  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.csbj.2016.11.002 pmid:27994798 pmcid:PMC5155047 fatcat:kycs2tx2djef3jnvefpcg4hble

Staining Pattern Classification of Antinuclear Autoantibodies Based on Block Segmentation in Indirect Immunofluorescence Images

Jiaqian Li, Kuo-Kun Tseng, Zu Yi Hsieh, Ching Wen Yang, Huang-Nan Huang, Hans A. Kestler
2014 PLoS ONE  
Various feature descriptors and classifiers are tested and compared in the classification of the staining pattern of blocks and it is found that the technique of the combination of the local binary pattern  ...  Indirect immunofluorescence based on HEp-2 cell substrate is the most commonly used staining method for antinuclear autoantibodies associated with different types of autoimmune pathologies.  ...  Acknowledgments I would particularly like to thank Kuo-Kun Tseng and Huang-Nan Huang, who have suggested numerous improvements to both the content and presentation of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0113132 pmid:25474260 pmcid:PMC4256175 fatcat:4ksrl4d3fje73b6egevcne2lwe

An automated pattern recognition system for classifying indirect immunofluorescence images of HEp-2 cells and specimens

Siyamalan Manivannan, Wenqi Li, Shazia Akbar, Ruixuan Wang, Jianguo Zhang, Stephen J. McKenna
2016 Pattern Recognition  
We present a system to recognize such patterns, at cellular and specimen levels, in images of HEp-2 cells.  ...  patterns suggestive of different diseases.  ...  Akbar was funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant EP/J500392/1) and W. Li was funded by the overseas student scholarship of the University of Dundee.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2015.09.015 fatcat:xcqdbn32cvghvnkxod6mhyiuki

Computer-Assisted Classification Patterns in Autoimmune Diagnostics: The AIDA Project

Amel Benammar Elgaaied, Donato Cascio, Salvatore Bruno, Maria Cristina Ciaccio, Marco Cipolla, Alessandro Fauci, Rossella Morgante, Vincenzo Taormina, Yousr Gorgi, Raja Marrakchi Triki, Melika Ben Ahmed, Hechmi Louzir (+27 others)
2016 BioMed Research International  
The Gold Standard database is used for optimization of a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) solution and for the assessment of its added value, in order to be applied along with an Immunologist as a second  ...  This CAD system is able to identify on IIF images the fluorescence intensity and the fluorescence pattern.  ...  The authors thank the Department of Health of the Sicilian Region (Italy) and the Public Health Department of Tunis (Tunisia) for the support provided.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2016/2073076 pmid:27042658 pmcid:PMC4794569 fatcat:seg4iz5z45fshpnfwspribmebi

Texture Feature Extraction Methods: A Survey

Anne Humeau-Heurtier
2019 IEEE Access  
Texture analysis is used in a very broad range of fields and applications, from texture classification (e.g., for remote sensing) to segmentation (e.g., in biomedical imaging), passing through image synthesis  ...  or pattern recognition (e.g., for image inpainting).  ...  HEp-2 cells into different staining pattern classes [98] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2018.2890743 fatcat:4p4jhufs5vehdjtnbxmfiicc5u

Novel chromaticity similarity based color texture descriptor for digital pathology image analysis

Xingyu Li, Konstantinos N Plataniotis
2018 PLoS ONE  
Aware of the high color diagnosticity in pathology images, this work introduces a compact rotation-invariant texture descriptor, named quantized diagnostic counter-color pattern (QDCP), for digital pathology  ...  Pathology images are color in nature due to the use of chemical staining in biopsy examination.  ...  To obtain a compact color texture descriptor, the LBP operator is applied to the hue channel directly [24] .  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206996 pmid:30419049 pmcid:PMC6231632 fatcat:x5rfoaiywrapje7udjhcdd75wu

An Automatic HEp-2 Specimen Analysis System Based on an Active Contours Model and an SVM Classification

Donato Cascio, Vincenzo Taormina, Giuseppe Raso
2019 Applied Sciences  
The most common methods to determine ANA are indirect immunofluorescence (IIF), performed by human epithelial type 2 (HEp-2) cells, as substrate antigen.  ...  In order to classify the HEp-2 cells, six SVM and one k-nearest neighbors (KNN)classifiers were developed. The system was tested on a public database consisting of 2080 IIF images.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app9020307 fatcat:looewpgn3bevtcfcebkskfqjc4

Deliverable 2.2 -Optimized KPI quality markers

Moutou Katerina, Tsipourlianos Andreas, Tzioga Lamprini, Power Deborah, Santos Soraia, Najafpour Babak, Li Lisen, Pinto Patricia, Cardoso João, Koumoundouros Giorgos, Fragkoulis Stefanos, Kourkouta Chara (+5 others)
2020 Zenodo  
The outcome was two tools, one, a multiparametric semiquantitative scoring system (MSSS) composed of 18 descriptors belonging to 6 organ districts: gills, liver, anterior intestine, posterior intestine  ...  To maximise the scope and success of the developed tool a suite of methodologies were utilised; histology, tissue and organ histopathology, proteomics and molecular biology.  ...  When dietary lipid or energy exceed the capacity of the hepatic cells to oxidize fatty acids, the result is the large synthesis and deposition of TG in vacuoles, leading to a morphological pattern known  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4549119 fatcat:hoqr7gmvq5acvlkyscwjc4vdc4

Classification of Microglial Morphological Phenotypes Using Machine Learning

Judith Leyh, Sabine Paeschke, Bianca Mages, Dominik Michalski, Marcin Nowicki, Ingo Bechmann, Karsten Winter
2021 Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience  
In our study, we describe a novel microglial classification method by morphological evaluation using a convolutional neuronal network on the basis of manually selected cells in addition to classical morphological  ...  The developed method for the classification was confirmed in a mouse model of ischemic stroke which is already known to result in microglial activation within affected brain regions.  ...  HEp-2 cell image classification with deep convolutional neural networks. IEEE J. Biomed.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fncel.2021.701673 pmid:34267628 pmcid:PMC8276040 fatcat:xpku6i3f2neztfxoo6bggtudri

A Review of IRS-1C Applications in Urban and Regional Studies, and Infrastructure Planning

Pramod Kumar, K. Venugopala Rao, Sudha Ravindranath, Sandeep Maithani, Asfa Siddiqui, B. D. Bharath, S. V. L. Bhavani
2021 Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing  
This review article articulates the scale and mapping potential of IRS-1C data for urban and regional areas, data fusion methods and information retrieval based on visual or digital image processing techniques  ...  It made possible to explore urban and regional areas either independently or in combination with other remote sensing data for base map preparation, land use survey and planning, growth modelling, environment  ...  It was found that a segment size of 25 km was optimal to understand the spatial patterns of landscape dynamics.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12524-020-01283-5 fatcat:e7df2yks65fejegcexl5g5u7q4

7thESACP Congress in Caen April 1–5, 2001

2001 Analytical Cellular Pathology  
To perform a classification of cells in cytological images, quantitative descriptors are needed to describe the cells extracted by a segmentation scheme.  ...  We have applied the described method to investigate the expression patterns of a large number of proteins in tissue sections of cervical carcinoma.  ...  Methods: Using various types of commercially available software packages, the tool was developed to run from CD (on PC or Mac).  ... 
doi:10.1155/2001/414753 fatcat:7vxekd2dbjherbnpv5q7dshpsu

Convolutional Extreme Learning Machines: A Systematic Review

Iago Richard Rodrigues, Sebastião Rogério da Silva Neto, Judith Kelner, Djamel Sadok, Patricia Takako Endo
2021 Informatics  
The results presented in this systematic review are expected to contribute to the research area of CELM, providing a good starting point for dealing with some of the current problems in the analysis of  ...  Much work has recently identified the need to combine deep learning with extreme learning in order to strike a performance balance with accuracy, especially in the domain of multimedia applications.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/informatics8020033 fatcat:tg5ldqwx4ra5nhnv4tqoxzpife

The Complete Local Spatial Central Derivative Binary Pattern for Ultrasound Kidney Images Retrieval

Chelladurai Christiyana, Vayanaperumal Rajamani
2015 Applied Medical Informatics Original Research   unpublished
encoding of central derivative of the surrounding neighbors of the center pixel.  ...  In a local 3X3 square region of an image, the new pattern considers the relationships among the surrounding neighbors about their neighbors at different spatial distances whereas the standard Local Binary  ...  Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Dr. S. Arul Kishnamoorthy, English Professor (Retired), Kovilpatti, Tamilnadu, India for his linguistic support.  ... 


2019 Zenodo  
In this work, an attempt was given to increase the specific effectiveness of chemovoltaic converter by changing the planar function of heterojunction on three-dimensional structure with high chemical activity  ...  of the surface.  ...  This information will be further used to implement concrete measures that will make the cooling system more efficient, ensuring both a better functioning of the computer systems and energy saving.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2591122 fatcat:cgqeyphd4nbxrgthx36auadk7e
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