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Forward models: Supervised learning with a distal teacher

M Jordan
1992 Cognitive Science  
APPENDIX A (1992) Forward Models: Supervised Learning with a Distal Teacher Control system design normally involves a number of additional constraints involving stability and robustness  ...  DISTAL SUPERVISED LEARNING AND FORWARD MODELS This and the following sections present a general approach to solving distal supervised learning problems.  ...  APPENDIXC The dynamic arm was modeled using rigid-body mechanics. The link lengths were 0.33 m for the proximal link and 0.32 m for the distal link. The masses of the links were 2.52 kg and 1.3 kg.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0364-0213(92)90036-t fatcat:umuhiihso5ec3guc2chy2gy6am

Forward Models: Supervised Learning with a Distal Teacher

Michael I. Jordan, David E. Rumelhart
1992 Cognitive Science  
APPENDIX A (1992) Forward Models: Supervised Learning with a Distal Teacher Control system design normally involves a number of additional constraints involving stability and robustness  ...  DISTAL SUPERVISED LEARNING AND FORWARD MODELS This and the following sections present a general approach to solving distal supervised learning problems.  ...  APPENDIXC The dynamic arm was modeled using rigid-body mechanics. The link lengths were 0.33 m for the proximal link and 0.32 m for the distal link. The masses of the links were 2.52 kg and 1.3 kg.  ... 
doi:10.1207/s15516709cog1603_1 fatcat:x7xxs7xatzh6zho3qya3hsvxqq

Leveraging Forward Model Prediction Error for Learning Control [article]

Sarah Bechtle, Bilal Hammoud, Akshara Rai, Franziska Meier, Ludovic Righetti
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we present a learning approach which iterates between model learning and data collection and leverages forward model prediction error for learning control.  ...  We show how using the controller's prediction as input to a forward model can create a differentiable connection between the controller and the model, allowing us to formulate a loss in the state space  ...  Most similar to our work is [16] , where the authors show the benefits of using a 'distal teacher' for training the inverse model on a 2 link 2D arm.  ... 
arXiv:2011.03859v1 fatcat:k4gsydr2qja4vfx6w6q2nklvsy

Model learning for robot control: a survey

Duy Nguyen-Tuong, Jan Peters
2011 Cognitive Processing  
In this paper, we survey the progress in model learning with a strong focus on robot control on a kinematic as well as dynamical level.  ...  In the context of model based learning control, we view the model from three different perspectives. First, we need to study the different possible model learning architectures for robotics.  ...  In distal teacher learning approaches, the inverse model of the system is used for control, and the learning of this inverse model is guided by a forward model.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10339-011-0404-1 pmid:21487784 fatcat:tvzai536prcefg4g7xhd7j5q5a

Cerebellum: Models [chapter]

M. Kawato
2009 Encyclopedia of Neuroscience  
A general model of cerebellar learning, which is an extension of the model proposed by Ito to explain general movements with many degrees of freedom and a simplification of the model proposed later by  ...  Ito proposed that the climbing fiber input carries an error signal rather than a teacher (desired output) signal and explained adaptation of the vestibulo-ocular reflex by an LTD-based learning model.  ...  If supervised learning takes place in the brain for motor control, the following difficult computational problem called 'distal teacher,' formulated by Jordan, should be resolved.  ... 
doi:10.1016/b978-008045046-9.01307-3 fatcat:w2q35jqfafdp7pz3hoa3iw4jni

A Model of the Learning of Arm Trajectories from Spatial Deviations

Michael I. Jordan, Tamar Flash, Yoram Arnon
1994 Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience  
A. (1994). Hierarchical mixtures of experts and the EM algorithm. Neural Computation, 6, 181-214. Jordan, M. L, & Rumelhart, D. E. (1992). Forward models: Supervised learning with a distal teacher.  ...  For a tutorial introduction to distal supervised learning and other ap- proaches to motor learning, see Jordan (1994).  ... 
doi:10.1162/jocn.1994.6.4.359 pmid:23961731 fatcat:fu2eqytbqjhbpiuqiv53blk23e

An internal model approach for motor behavior

Cláudio M. F. Leite, Carlos E. Campos, Crislaine R. Couto, Herbert Ugrinowitsch
2021 Brazilian Journal of Motor Behavior  
Interacting with the environment requires a remarkable ability to control, learn, and adapt motor skills to ever-changing conditions.  ...  We present the Internal Models' background based on two main structures, Inverse and Forward models, explain how they work, and present some applicability.  ...  This function of updating the IvM is referred to as "distal teacher".  ... 
doi:10.20338/bjmb.v15i5.273 fatcat:efdzee4w6zhd7iddzgardkip5m

Context and Models for the Analysis of Individual and Group Needs

Wendy Patton, Peter McIlveen
2009 Career Development Quarterly  
, which is at the level of distal societal environment that imbues the individual with a range of influences.  ...  Respecting a synthesis of models, this article highlights the importance of viewing the concepts of career and career development from the proximal and distal contexts of the person.  ...  , which is at the level of distal societal environment that imbues the individual with a range of influences.  ... 
doi:10.1002/j.2161-0045.2009.tb00118.x fatcat:mozz4dhnvjfyhnzu4vx3jlq7ne

Trackerless freehand ultrasound with sequence modelling and auxiliary transformation over past and future frames [article]

Qi Li, Ziyi Shen, Qian Li, Dean C Barratt, Thomas Dowrick, Matthew J Clarkson, Tom Vercauteren, Yipeng Hu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
With the temporally available frames, a further multi-task learning algorithm is proposed to utilise a large number of auxiliary transformation-predicting tasks between them.  ...  The best performing model was associated with predicting transformation between moderately-spaced frames, with an interval of less than ten frames at 20 frames per second (fps).  ...  A novel online learning framework with self-supervised learning method and adversarial training was proposed in [9] .  ... 
arXiv:2211.04867v2 fatcat:xzrkzqyuzfa43jjhjx4a6joaz4

Page 4406 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 82, Issue 9 [page]

1995 Psychological Abstracts  
Forward models: Supervised learning with a distal teacher. [In: (PA Vol 82:35331) Backpropagation: Theory, architectures, and applications. Developments in connectionist the- ory.  ...  applies to any supervised learning algorithm that is capable of learning in multilayer networks distal supervised learning and forward models © distal learn- ing and back propagation © static environments  ... 

Approximate Optimal Control as a Model for Motor Learning

Neil E. Berthier, Michael T. Rosenstein, Andrew G. Barto
2005 Psychological review  
Current models of psychological development rely heavily on connectionist models that use supervised learning.  ...  The authors present a model of motor learning in which the child uses exploration to discover appropriate ways of responding.  ...  Moreover, interactive exploratory learning is compatible with other styles of learning, such as supervised learning in which a teacher provides a standard of correctness that the learning agent improves  ... 
doi:10.1037/0033-295x.112.2.329 pmid:15783289 fatcat:z5zrnlcazfb23p7is2gkgnc7li

Self Efficacy and Work Performance: A Theoretical Framework of Albert Bandura's Model, Review of Findings, Implications and Directions for Future Research

Manasseh N. Iroegbu
2015 Psychology and Behavioral Sciences  
The review of Iiterature revealed that findings have been varried with some studies having a positive relationship between self effficacy and work performance, some a negative relationship and some no  ...  and end up with low performance.  ...  The study was carried out with a sample of four hundred and twenty (420) teachers selected at random at the researcher's school of choice.  ... 
doi:10.11648/j.pbs.20150404.15 fatcat:zlrcbwavt5hznnkfr2fdhryml4

Continuous online sequence learning with an unsupervised neural network model [article]

Yuwei Cui, Subutai Ahmad, Jeff Hawkins
2016 arXiv   pre-print
We show the model is able to continuously learn a large number of variable-order temporal sequences using an unsupervised Hebbian-like learning rule.  ...  The model also exhibits properties that are critical for sequence learning, including continuous online learning, the ability to handle multiple predictions and branching sequences with high order statistics  ...  Continuous learning with streaming data Most supervised sequence learning algorithms use a batchtraining paradigm, where a cost function, such as prediction error, is minimized on a batch training dataset  ... 
arXiv:1512.05463v2 fatcat:n2dyllh5bveg3hlvd5slybbgha

Page 756 of Neural Computation Vol. 4, Issue 5 [page]

1992 Neural Computation  
Forward models: Supervised learn- ing with a distal teacher. Occasional Paper #40, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (to appear in Cog. Sci.). Kumar, S. S., and Guez, A. 1990.  ...  Learning to control an unstable system with forward modeling. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, Vol. 2, pp. 325-331. San Mateo, CA. Morgan Kaufmann. Jordan, M.  ... 

Active exploration for body model learning through self-touch on a humanoid robot with artificial skin [article]

Filipe Gama and Maksym Shcherban and Matthias Rolf and Matej Hoffmann
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we present an embodied computational model on a simulated humanoid robot with artificial sensitive skin on large areas of its body.  ...  Learning about one's own body is likely a foundation for subsequent development.  ...  Distal learning allows the incorporation of a forward model and inverse model in series.  ... 
arXiv:2008.13483v1 fatcat:vlbkg5jie5dtpobcr7z3f5bg3e
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