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Efficient Foreign Object Detection between PSDs and Metro Doors via Deep Neural Networks

Yuan Dai, Weiming Liu, Haiyu Li, Lan Liu
2020 IEEE Access  
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of our works and their many insightful comments.  ...  On one hand, there are little research on detecting foreign objects between PSDs and metro doors.  ...  METHODOLOGY To detect and localize multiple types of foreign objects between PSDs and metro doors, deep-learning-based methods are used for quasi real-time processing of images.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2978912 fatcat:76jebvl2mrgddknfe3ufmlvmbe

Real-Time Enumeration of Metro Passenger Volume Using Anchor-free Object Detection Network on Edge Devices

ZhongXing Zheng, WeiMing Liu, Heng Wang, Guici Fan, Yuan Dai
2021 IEEE Access  
First, we capture videos from the cameras and design an anchor-free object detection network called CircleDet to detect passengers' heads.  ...  The accuracy of enumeration is as high as 97.1% on our own metro object detection (MOD) dataset. INDEX TERMS Metro passenger volume, edge device, deep learning, computer vision.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful reading of their works and their many insightful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3054938 fatcat:w7u5oehenjck3oqbamwzohllja


2021 2021 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Taiwan (ICCE-TW)  
, long short-term memory (LSTM) network, and deep neural network (DNN), for network intrusion detection.  ...  The new detection method can be divided into moving object detection, and neural network processor architecture.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icce-tw52618.2021.9602919 fatcat:aetmvxb7hfah7iuucbamos2wgu

Recent Advances in Humanities, Commerce, Management, Engineering, Science & Technology [article]

Dr. Walunj Mahadeo, Dr. Ranjan Kalita, Dr. A. A. Keste, Dr. Prashant Chavare, Dr. Sharad Karne, M. Dr. Deka R., Santosh P. Mane
2022 Zenodo  
Solar radiation was estimated using deep recurrent neural networks (DRNNs).  ...  We compare our strategy to a number of well-known alternatives, including deep recurrent neural networks and autoregressive integrated moving average models.  ...  Keywords: Covid-19, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Recession. Objective of the study To study the impact of Covid-19 pandemic in the inflow of FDI in India.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7316086 fatcat:sd532jxsafc5hgxs4kizmqsar4

Cyber risk management for data-driven enterprises [article]

Miranda Maria Beka, Μιράντα Μαρία Μπέκα, University Of Piraeus, Στέφανος Γκρίτζαλης, Stefanos Gritzalis
My VPN, my Very Personal Network, my closest people, have made it till here together with me, because I have made it thanks to you. Ι reciprocate by working hard to make you proud every day.  ...  My colleagues, for making every day different and letting me know what the real thrill (and responsibility) of being a team "president" is!  ...  Grateful for the people I met, the things I learned and everything I earned, in knowledge and experience.  ... 
doi:10.26267/unipi_dione/2117 fatcat:epsebm5kefakncgwrtsiufyfh4

Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 12, Issue 1, January 2019, Complete Issue [article]

Acknowledgments We would like to thank all participants of the seminar for their contributions and lively discussions, and the scientific directorate of Dagstuhl for providing us with the opportunity to  ...  By adding the atomic predicates conn k (x, y, z 1 , . . . , z k ) that hold true in a graph if there exists a path between (the valuations of) x and y after (the valuations of) z 1 , . . . , z k have been  ...  The objective of this Dagstuhl Seminar was therefore to start a deep interacting discussion between Mobility Data Analysis researchers and Ethics experts to link these two fields with the objective of  ... 
doi:10.4230/dagrep.12.1 fatcat:7yrxmj6zhve4zgcdpffp4uhtnu