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For or against Brexit? Justifying oppositional arguments in online discussion

Reijo Savolainen, Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
2020 Information Research: An International Electronic Journal  
This investigation examines argumentation about political issues occurring in online discussion groups.  ...  The focus was placed on the latter method by analysing the ways in which the discussants justified the rebuttal of opposing arguments. Results.  ...  He received his PhD from University of Tampere in 1989. His main research interests are in theoretical and empirical issues of everyday information practices.  ... 
doi:10.47989/irpaper863 fatcat:boc4dfcxbjgzlkkceuiiiwu5ta

Vaccine Nationalism or 'Brexit Dividend'? Strategies of Legitimation in the EU-UK Post-Brexit Debate on COVID-19 Vaccination Campaigns

Giuditta Caliendo
2022 Societies  
This paper observes the way in which Britain emphasized its blistering vaccination pace to deflect criticism against Brexit.  ...  From a discursive perspective, Britain's vaccine success was used to vindicate the Brexit project, providing a new argument in favour of its indispensable and timely nature.  ...  As previously anticipated, a number of scholars have worked on Britain rebranding its role as 'global' to prepare for/justify the Brexit move.  ... 
doi:10.3390/soc12020037 fatcat:6ghr4drzgbaopnegqhy5dv5vtu

Brexit and Academic Citizenship

Christian Joerges
2016 Social Science Research Network  
This working paper collects a series of personal reflections on the outcome of the Brexit referendum.  ...  Rather, the editor has solicited personal reflections from a group whose scholarly journey included the European University Institute, a hub for transforming, and integrating Europe.  ...  And the argument for Brexit in this?  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2871428 fatcat:rflsvcepdjdv5ghf2fd7iv4mau

Brexit, race and migration

Kathy Burrell, Peter Hopkins, Arshad Isakjee, Colin Lorne, Caroline Nagel, Robin Finlay, Anoop Nayak, Matthew C Benwell, Raksha Pande, Michael Richardson, Katherine Botterill, Ben Rogaly
2018 Environment and Planning C Politics and Space  
about future status; a discussion of intergenerational differences in outlooks on race and immigration and the sidelining of different people and places in Brexit debates; and a studied critique of prevailing  ...  Taken together these articles, all arguing for the need to eschew easy answers and superficial narratives, offer important and opportune insights into what Brexit tells us about race and migration in contemporary  ...  We raise the concern that academic scholarship attuned to subjectivities, identity politics and 'difference' is in danger of being positioned somehow as if is in opposition to, or at least obscuring, understandings  ... 
doi:10.1177/0263774x18811923 fatcat:5usa4ugjxjhpvcck75ep6yjuvm

Legal Implications of Brexit

:None, MyCoRe Community
2018 Hagener Rechtswissenschaftliche Schriften  
Many fear the Brexit process could open up a Pandora's Box of serious problems for the European Union and cause a serious economic backlash in the UK.  ...  These and similar questions are addressed in this compilation of some of the contributions submitted to the conference on "The Legal Implications of Brexit" organized on November 8th and 9th, 2017, in  ...  This paper firstly (and briefly) discusses the consequences of Brexit for human rights.  ... 
doi:10.18445/20181026-105319-0 fatcat:tnh55kfjcndg7htxl2vxz277yu

What Common Agricultural Policy after Brexit?

Christilla Roederer-Rynning, Alan Matthews
2019 Politics and Governance  
In this article, we examine the impact of Brexit from a political-economic perspective emphasizing the multi-level context within which the CAP is embedded.  ...  On the other hand, more radical farm policies in England and Wales could partly offset these effects by setting the agenda for continued CAP reform, if they are seen to be successful.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the reviewers, the guest editors, Ferdi De Ville and Gabriel Siles-Brügge, and Brendan Moore for their helpful comments on earlier versions of this article  ... 
doi:10.17645/pag.v7i3.2117 fatcat:herr3le2zbgefjcmskinnghecq

Justification Crisis: Brexit, Trump, and Deliberative Breakdown

Brian Milstein
2020 Political Theory  
The present article works toward rectifying this lacuna, using the 2016 Brexit and Trump votes as examples of a particular kind of "legitimation crisis" that results in a sequence of failures in the deliberative  ...  This essay explores the problem of legitimation crises in deliberative systems. For some time now, theorists of deliberative democracy have started to embrace a "systemic approach."  ...  their helpful comments, discussion, and encouragement.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0090591720968596 fatcat:xdnourntvzak5aazohckijlnqm

Crossing the Race Line: "No Polish, No Blacks, No Dogs" in Brexit Britain? or, the Great British Brexit Swindle [chapter]

Adrian Favell
2020 Research in Political Sociology  
, cosmopolitan, or human rights-based conceptions of global society which had taken root during those decades.  ...  According to many of the post-Brexit vote analyses, the single strongest motivating factor driving this vote was "immigration" in Britain, an issue which had long been the central mobilising force of the  ...  Another rapidly packaged mass market Brexit tome, Eric Kaufmann's Whiteshift (2018) , sought to justify the continued life of Powell's ideas in these very terms (see Trilling, 2019 , who reads this as  ... 
doi:10.1108/s0895-993520200000027012 fatcat:rucd3o2qe5aehck3es6ysorigi

Brexit and workers' rights

Countouris, Ewing
2021 Institute of Employment Rights Journal  
In a referendum held on 23 June 2016, 51.9% of voters expressed support for the UK to leave the EU.  ...  Article 50 TEU provides that the EU and the UK have two years to negotiate a 'withdrawal agreement' that would set a transition period and a final 'Brexit date'.  ...  outline in greater detail a number of alternative Brexit scenarios, and discuss their potential impact on workers' rights.  ... 
doi:10.13169/instemplrighj.4.0.0007 fatcat:h63opym6pnbohol4jnyw6uorum

Economic nostalgia: the salience of economic identity for the Brexit campaign

Lisa Suckert
2022 Socio-Economic Review  
A qualitative discourse analysis of almost 400 Brexit campaign documents shows that those in favour of withdrawal and often considered 'populist' did not neglect economic arguments.  ...  I argue that shared assumptions about what economic practices, institutions and conventions appear appropriate for the nation can serve the purpose of national identification.  ...  I thank Isabelle Puccini and Martin Widdig for their research assistance. A related German version of this article was published as MPIfG discussion paper.  ... 
doi:10.1093/ser/mwac037 fatcat:nt2z6mredjcfzcjjzpmekn3v6e

Brexit Dilemmas: Shaping Postwithdrawal Relations with a Leaving State

Ignacio Jurado, Sandra León, Stefanie Walter
2021 International Organization  
To test our argument, we use survey evidence and a conjoint experiment conducted in Germany and Spain during the Brexit negotiations.  ...  Our paper contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics surrounding the challenges to multilateralism that have proliferated in recent years.  ...  We thank all participants for their comments, in particular Pablo Beramendi, Elias Dinas, Tim Hellwig, Sara Hobolt, Spyros Kosmidis, Rosa Navarrete, Ignacio Sánchez-Cuenca, Constantin Schäfer, Bernd Schlipphak  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0020818321000412 fatcat:r7jd4elekbfcvne5vwrwabkvsm

Brexit and Territorial Preferences: Evidence from Scotland and Northern Ireland

Lesley-Ann Daniels, Alexander Kuo
2021 Publius: The Journal of Federalism  
In Northern Ireland, religious background correlates highly with territorial views, and we find little evidence of Brexit or border-scenario effects.  ...  We find in Scotland the prospect of leaving the EU increases support for independence. This effect is pronounced among those who support the UK remaining in the EU.  ...  We refer readers to discussion of the estimation results within the control group to Table A7 in the Online Appendix.  ... 
doi:10.1093/publius/pjab004 fatcat:xfu4t623lfeqbmjtidss3g3lbm


2018 Marmara Avrupa araştırmaları dergisi  
The reality of post Brexit for many UK people will be quite different to the panacea they envisaged.  ...  During the 2016 Brexit Referendum campaign, the ruling elite had an unfounded expectation that UK citizens would vote to remain in the EU.  ...  Against this background, this paper discusses two substantive questions.  ... 
doi:10.29228/mjes.48 fatcat:22mswsligrfq5l5yhkzltlmknm

The rhetorical use of the threat of the far‐right in the UK Brexit debate

Simon Goodman
2020 British Journal of Social Psychology  
This paper addresses this using the UK Brexit debate as an illustration. The question therefore is: What is talk about the far-right used to do in discussions about Brexit?  ...  While attention has been given to understanding support for the far-right, there is a lack of focus on the way in which a threat of the far-right can be used for political ends.  ...  The far-right therefore are drawn upon and used by the article and the cabinet minister in support of their argument against any blocking of Brexit.  ... 
doi:10.1111/bjso.12432 pmid:33368400 fatcat:o2tskmjo6rfsjac2filpi6rqsi

Post-Brexit Britain and the pay culture: challenges and opportunities

Demetra Arsalidou, Alison Lui
2018 Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly  
Nevertheless, London faces stiff competition from other major international financial centres in a post-Brexit era.  ...  This paper examines the impact of Brexit on financial services regulation in relation to three areas linked to executive remuneration.  ...  directors' remuneration is thus justified for good corporate governance in light of the above three factors. It is also necessary for Britain's economy in light of Brexit.  ... 
doi:10.53386/nilq.v69i2.84 fatcat:hm3coc5lkjdshkzy7gihicymve
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