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Irregularity mitigation and portability abstractions for accelerated sparse matrix factorization

Daniel Thürck
Notably, most of the accelerators in use today are optimized for massive parallelism on regular structures and dense data structures.  ...  We propose two building blocks that help mitigate these problems for accelerators. First, a generalization of s [...]  ...  Conclusion and Future Work We observed that programs following the collective register cache idiom are good candidates for performance-portable, cross-architecture computational kernels.  ... 
doi:10.26083/tuprints-00017951 fatcat:jhttfyetqnbmvigpltkkt624km

Echoes of war: a thousand years of military history in popular culture

2003 ChoiceReviews  
The importance of the victory for American myth is deftly demonstrated in John William Ward, Andrew Jackson, Symbol for an Age (1955). Robert V.  ...  Millet and Peter Maslowski, For the War (1938). Alden T.  ...  Thus, the English tongue, already enriched by Celtic, Latin, Greek, and Anglo-Saxon influences, was further enhanced by French idioms and words, such as county for a shire, and ville for a burgh.  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.40-4751 fatcat:vf5ysfpr3jghzn6zkwths6fciu