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Page 9262 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2002M [page]

2002 Mathematical Reviews  
Summary: “We look at a model of a queue system which consists of two nondeterministic finite-state machines, each augmented with ‘reversal-bounded’ counters, connected by an unbounded queue.  ...  Discrét.( MIMD), Paris, 2001.  ... 

Parallel Computation Using DSP Slices in FPGA

K. Supriya Unnikrishnan, Sudheesh Madhavan
2016 Procedia Technology - Elsevier  
MIMD is used when pipelined processing needs to be done on data like DCT, quantization and Huffman Encoding etc. as in JPEG algorithm.  ...  ), SIMD and MIMD are most promising for Digital Signal Processing (DSP) applications [5] .  ...  Finite State Machine The finite state machine acts as the synchronizer between all DSP Slices.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.protcy.2016.05.064 fatcat:4q4nteemtvffxjeguxvps7vpeu

Page 8162 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 2004j [page]

2004 Mathematical Reviews  
We also study an extended model where the rules are of the form g:(p,Ca — Cv) (where g and p are states), i.e., the application of the rules is guided by a finite-state control.  ...  The second machine class, containing most of the fundamental parallel computer models such as parallel RAM machines of types SIMD and MIMD, vector machines and others, is characterized by using an exponential  ... 

Space and the Synchronic A-Ram [article]

Alex V Berka
2010 arXiv   pre-print
At a high level of abstraction, modules exhibit a small, sequential state transition system, aiding verification.  ...  Space expresses variable grained MIMD parallelism, is modular, strictly typed, and deterministic.  ...  Activation of differing submodule classes in an activation column permits one kind of MIMD parallelism.  ... 
arXiv:1008.1673v2 fatcat:sqdb4iqbpzhtfglxfa7lnyxzuu

Page 4047 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 89G [page]

1989 Mathematical Reviews  
MIMD machine with communications occurring via shared memories.  ...  alternating Turing machines with only universal states (pp. 209- 218); Gabriele Steidl, Algebraic discrete Fourier transforms and fast convolution algorithms (pp. 219-225); Jerzy Tyszkiewicz, A new approach  ... 

Introduction to the Report "Interlanguages and Synchronic Models of Computation." [article]

Alexander Victor Berka
2010 arXiv   pre-print
At a high level of abstraction, modules exhibit a state transition system, aiding verification.  ...  The devices of one a-Ram model, called the Synchronic A-Ram, are fully connected and simpler than FPGA LUT's.  ...  At a high level of abstraction, modules exhibit a state transition system, aiding verification.  ... 
arXiv:1005.4798v2 fatcat:6xv47hmfyfe4jgpd5nookzsqo4

Parallel computation with threshold functions

Ian Parberry, Georg Schnitger
1988 Journal of computer and system sciences (Print)  
We study two classes of unbounded fan-in parallel computation, the standard one, based on unbounded fan-in ANDs and ORs, and a new class based on unbounded fan-in threshold functions.  ...  We demonstrate that (for WRAMs and uniform unbounded fan-in circuits) parallel time and address complexity is simultaneously equivalent to alternations and time on an alternating Turing machine (the former  ...  dk + *, the guess-head is moved one cell in direction d k+3> and the finite-state control moves into state r.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0022-0000(88)90030-x fatcat:q5wuzrrprrg7bifgs4z56ipfsi

A Parallel Approach to Symbolic Traversal based on Set Partitioning [chapter]

G. Cabodi, P. Camurati, A. Lioy, M. Poncino, S. Quer
1997 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Within this frame one of the most important and general operations is symbolic generation of the states reachable by a Finite State Machine. This is the starting point for many verification tasks.  ...  Binary Decision Diagrams are the state-of-the-art technique for many synthesis, verification and testing problems in CAD for VLSI.  ...  Most of these algorithms involve the exploration of state spaces of Finite State Machines (FSMs) FSMs are a popular model for control-dominated ASICs and are identified by their input/output alphabets  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35190-2_11 fatcat:x36dclnderaq7iemo7p6fim27a

Parallel logic simulation of VLSI systems

Roger D. Chamberlain
1995 Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation conference - DAC '95  
Design verification via simulation is an important component in the development of digital systems.  ...  This tutorial describes the current state-of-the-art in parallel logic simulation, including parallel simulation techniques, factors that impact simulation performance, performance results to date, and  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Mary Bailey for her insightful comments on an early draft of this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1145/217474.217520 dblp:conf/dac/Chamberlain95 fatcat:r7pbllgnnzaytedlvbd6blno4m

Parallel Logic Simulation of VLSI Systems

Roger D. Chamberlain
1995 Proceedings - Design Automation Conference  
Design verification via simulation is an important component in the development of digital systems.  ...  This tutorial describes the current state-of-the-art in parallel logic simulation, including parallel simulation techniques, factors that impact simulation performance, performance results to date, and  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author would like to thank Mary Bailey for her insightful comments on an early draft of this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1109/dac.1995.250078 fatcat:6z2noirad5gllocr7vab4yokqu

Imperative process algebra and models of computation [article]

C.A. Middelburg
2023 arXiv   pre-print
A probabilistic variant of the model based on sequential random access machines and complexity measures for it are also described.  ...  sequential, asynchronous parallel, and synchronous parallel random access machines as well as time and work complexity measures for those models.  ...  The following theorem states that each basic RAM operation transforms states of a RAM memory that coincide on its input region to states that coincide on its output region. Theorem 5.  ... 
arXiv:2206.02472v3 fatcat:7zwjs2csknatfcba27ba5evg3m

Interactive foundations of computing

Peter Wegner
1998 Theoretical Computer Science  
Turing machines cannot model interaction machines (which extend Turing machines with interactive input/output) because interaction is not expressible by a finite initial input string.  ...  Interactive identity machines are already more powerful than Turing machines, while noninteractive parallelism and distribution are algorithmic.  ...  An on-line process P with the closed-system property may be viewed as the state transition mechanism of a Turing machine whose environment E is a finite tape. It performs algorithmic TM computations.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(97)00154-0 fatcat:jfv7xn5nlveqjagut2rkidjdem

Current trends in heat transfer computations

1993 Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer  
Likewise, MIMD ma- chines make use of either shared or distributed memory while a SIMD machine utilizes only distributed memory.  ...  Synchronous behavior is automatic in SIMD machines; in an MIMD machine the syn- 208 EMERY. COCHRAN, AND PEPPER: CURRENT TRENDS IN HEAT TRANSFER COMPUTATIONS chronization must be programmed in.  ... 
doi:10.2514/3.408 fatcat:37z3awdgzvcbhh4gm2ddzgpstq

Controlling G-AIMD by index policy

Konstantin E. Avrachenkov, Vivek S. Borkar, Sarath Pattathil
2017 2017 IEEE 56th Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)  
We prove indexability for the special case of MIMD model and provide an efficient scheme to compute the index. The use of index policy allows us to avoid the curse of dimensionality.  ...  So one has to use a further approximation, e.g., evaluate λ(x) for a judiciously chosen finite collection of x's and interpolate. IV.  ...  The legitimacy of the Whittle-type index policy depends upon verification of a certain 'indexability' property. We prove it below in Theorem 3.1 for the cases of γ = 1 (MIMD) alone.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cdc.2017.8263653 dblp:conf/cdc/AvrachenkovBP17 fatcat:bzcrv7aqjbh5zjmnnvy5pujnfa

Orbital-State-Mediated Phase-Control of Manganites as Demonstrated by First-Principles Calculations

Zhong Fang, Kiyoyuki Terakura
2000 Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement  
The aim of the CP-PACS project was to develop a massively parallel computer for performing numerical research in computational physics with primary emphasis on lattice QCD.  ...  Although the values of the quark mass differ depending on the definition at finite lattice spacing, they extrapolate to a common value in the continuum limit.  ...  For this development dedicated machines for lattice QCD made important roles.  ... 
doi:10.1143/ptps.138.102 fatcat:wcf6up275bdd5cyefpwdmeilku
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