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Exploring the Implications of M-Commerce for Markets and Marketing

S. Balasubraman, R. A. Peterson, S. L. Jarvenpaa
2002 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science  
This article investigates the implications of m-commerce for markets and marketing by means of a formal conceptualization of m-commerce, a space-time matrix that delineates the impact of mobile technologies  ...  , and a taxonomy of m-commerce applications.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Appreciation is expressed to the special issue guest editors, two anonymous reviewers, and Barry Bayus, Stephen Hoeffler, and Nicholas Lurie for their comments and suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1177/009207002236910 fatcat:pqbcaznrhvbizcly6sdvagqwr4

From Big Noise to Big Data: Toward the Verification of Large Data sets for Understanding Regional Retail Flows

Robin Lovelace, Mark Birkin, Philip Cross, Martin Clarke
2015 Geographical Analysis  
It does this by cross-comparing three unrelated estimates of retail flows-human movements from home locations to shopping centers-derived from the following geo-coded sources: (1) a major mobile telephone  ...  We found positive relationships between all data-based and theoretical sources of estimated retail flows.  ...  We would like to thanks anonymous reviewers for feedback and developers of R, QGIS and other open source tools used in the research project. Notes  ... 
doi:10.1111/gean.12081 fatcat:5upw3ieehzc7ne5igjhy6p4kgi

The Use of Mobile Communication in the Marketing of Foodstuffs in Côte d'Ivoire [chapter]

Kabran Aristide Djane, Richard Ling
2015 Impact of Information Society Research in the Global South  
We also find that the mobile phone is not used by some producers since there are well-established systems for the marketing of their products that preclude the need for mobile communication. move about  ...  They are able to use it to manage and adjust the delivery of products to different retailers as surpluses and shortages develop.  ...  Open Access This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License, which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-287-381-1_12 fatcat:7tzwlzm6vfdyvp4xwa2sf43xh4

Understanding Role of Mobile Apps in Smart City Services

Yatin Jog, Ramamurthy Venkatesh, Anubha Pandit, Rahul Singh Bhadauria, Padmavati .
2017 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Science and Technology  
Use of mobile apps, congestion pricing, interconnected mass transit systems are fostering growth of urban mobility adoption rapidly.  ...  This paper aims at reviewing and summarizing some of the developments in Urban mobility, smart waste management and smart retail solutions that are being implemented in various cities.  ...  [8] A survey was conducted to know how often and in what contexts the customers use mobile apps and to find out how consumers use smart phones for retail activities.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijunesst.2017.10.4.03 fatcat:onbnirri3zaoflvx4ddt5awpdi

A Tutorial on Geographic Information Systems: A ten-year update

Daniel Farkas, Brian Hilton, James Pick, Hindupur Ramakrishna, Avijit Sarkar, Namchul Shin
2016 Communications of the Association for Information Systems  
Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the assistance of graduate students Meshari Alsawat and Au Vo from Center for Information Systems and Technology, Claremont Graduate University, and the staff of  ...  Many of them published in this broader set of journals use GIS as a tool for spatial analysis and data visualization for various research topics, such as routing optimization, location-allocation modeling  ...  New York State Counties (Each Color Represents a Quintile) Figure 8 . 8 Taconic Retail Outlets with 5-and 10-mile Buffers Surrounding Them Figure 9 . 9 Retail Outlets within 10 Miles of Route 22 (  ... 
doi:10.17705/1cais.03809 fatcat:6kb2n4deifc23fptzkzbhqagsa

Community Movement and COVID-19: A global study using Google's Community Mobility Reports

M. Sulyok, M. Walker
2020 Epidemiology and Infection  
The observed relationship between CMR data and case incidence, and its ability to enhance model quality and prediction suggests data related to community mobility could prove of use in future COVID-19  ...  Models using numerical date, contemporaneous and distributed lag CMR data were contrasted using Bayesian Information Criteria.  ...  The other four categories are more indicative of general mobility as they are related to activity around workplaces, retail outlets and use of public transportation.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0950268820002757 pmid:33183366 pmcid:PMC7729173 fatcat:bfgq3t4cqrblhnfadv3nfbshbu

Use Of Rfid Technology For Identification, Traceability Monitoring And The Checking Of Product Authenticity

Adriana Alexandru, Eleonora Tudora, Ovidiu Bica
2010 Zenodo  
It also presents a solution based on the application of RFID for brand authentication, traceability and tracking, by implementing a production management system and extending its use to traders.  ...  This paper is an overview of the structure of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems and radio frequency bands used by RFID technology.  ...  Customers can check this data using a portable or fixed embedded reader, for example a PDA or mobile phone.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1080339 fatcat:mwe2bzzd45djfpmmeknnx42nz4

Retail Mobility Environments: A methodological framework for integrating retail activity and non-motorised accessibility in Zaragoza, Spain

Aldo Arranz-López, Julio A Soria-Lara, Carlos López-Escolano, Ángel Pueyo Campos
2017 Journal of Transport Geography  
To address this gap, this paper proposes the concept of Retail Mobility Environment (RME) and develops a methodological process for identifying and mapping RMEs, using the city of Zaragoza, Spain, as a  ...  While adequate integration of land use and transport is seen as crucial for achieving sustainable outcomes, the reciprocal interconnection between retail activity and non-motorised accessibility is yet  ...  framework of the project "PLOTEG: Herramientas cartográficas para una gobernanza inteligente en las ciudades digitales: Análisis territorial de las condiciones de vida", funded by Ministry of Economy and  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jtrangeo.2016.11.010 fatcat:la2cz7y4ufhnxnwmejzmhpifmq

Calibrating the dynamic Huff model for business analysis using location big data [article]

Yunlei Liang, Song Gao, Yuxin Cai, Natasha Zhang Foutz, Lei Wu
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this research, we present a time-aware dynamic Huff model (T-Huff) for location-based market share analysis and calibrate this model using large-scale store visit patterns based on mobile phone location  ...  Calibrating the Huff model and its extensions requires empirical location visit data. Many studies rely on labor-intensive surveys.  ...  Acknowledgement We would like to thank the SafeGraph Inc. for providing the anonymous location visit data support.  ... 
arXiv:2003.10857v1 fatcat:ctzgfsrhpred3cdvuyjdcun54y

50th Anniversary Invited Article—City Logistics: Challenges and Opportunities

Martin Savelsbergh, Tom Van Woensel
2016 Transportation Science  
As a result, city logistics, which focuses on the efficient and effective transportation of goods in urban areas while taking into account the negative effects on congestion, safety, and environment, is  ...  We review and discuss a variety of current and anticipated challenges and opportunities of city logistics.  ...  Acknowledgment We want to thank Alexandra Anderluh, Harilaos Psaraftis, Luuk Veelenturf and Chip White for taking the time to read early drafts of the paper and for providing valuable and constructive  ... 
doi:10.1287/trsc.2016.0675 fatcat:u7cmronevrehtie5e5dr7tya4m

Towards a Framework for the Evaluation of Efficient Provisioning in Opportunistic Ad Hoc Networks

A. Smith, R. Hill
2011 2011 International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing  
This has been explored with the use of a case study and two benchmark protocols, Epidemic and PRoPHET.  ...  Forwarding messages via any encountered nodes, such as the mobile devices that many users already carry.  ...  In this way an originator in one location having identified that a significant amount of custom comes from another location could target that location, for example a chain of retail outlets could propagate  ... 
doi:10.1109/3pgcic.2011.15 dblp:conf/3pgcic/SmithH11 fatcat:ybevhf3d5fcyjijlraut7amani

Modeling a cost benefit transportation model to optimize the redistribution process: Evidence study from Sri Lanka

Nuwan Dhammika Jayarathna, G. H. J. Lanel, Z. A. M. S. Juman
2021 Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics  
A proposed heuristic algorithm has been used to find the optimal path between clusters. The computational investigation highlights the cost savings that can be accrued by this new heuristic.  ...  Our objective is to minimize warehouse operation, administration, and transportation costs by imposing constraints on capacity and volume.  ...  Journal of Sustainable Development of Transport and Logistics, 6(2), 43-59. doi:10.14254/jsdtl.2021.6-2.3.  ... 
doi:10.14254/jsdtl.2021.6-2.3 fatcat:aod77l3tefhvxaeitos4sofztq

Distribution systems in omni-channel retailing

Alexander Hübner, Andreas Holzapfel, Heinrich Kuhn
2016 Business Research  
This exploratory study is based on semi-structured interviews with major OC retailers in German-speaking countries and was complemented by market data research and discussions with further experts in the  ...  Answering these questions retail research and practice require an overall view of the distribution concepts for direct-to-customer and store deliveries in OC retailing, including the associated return  ...  Acknowledgments We are deeply grateful to the 43 managers and executives from 33 companies who shared recent insights on retail distribution.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s40685-016-0034-7 fatcat:tp6zyruto5hw7fxksib6ikaroq


Cornelius Jacobus Fourie, Oliver Chimusoro, Olabanji Olumuyiwa Asekun
2018 South African Journal of Industrial Engineering  
Geographical information systems were applied to the virtual store to determine an efficient route for transporting components between stores.  ...  Furthermore, the authors identified the major aspects and impacts of a virtual store system in a rail passenger transport operation.  ...  assignments;  Provides work scheduling and management reporting tools;  Accommodates the use of mobile technology to reduce paperwork (SMS/cell phone communication);  Accommodates the use of a geographical  ... 
doi:10.7166/29-2-1905 fatcat:vthijleeonghbk6obc2ikizgfq

Fruit and Vegetable Purchases in Farmer's Market Stands: Analysing Survey and Sales Data

Pauline Rebouillat, Sarah Bonin, Yan Kestens, Sarah Chaput, Louis Drouin, Geneviève Mercille
2019 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
This analysis uses a novel measure of FV purchasing practices based on sales data obtained from a mobile application.  ...  Multivariate models were used to analyse three purchasing practice indicators: number of FV portions, FV variety and expenditures.  ...  Appendix A Table A2 ) and reported the market to be located on their usual travel route (82.1 vs. 62.5%, data not shown).  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijerph17010088 pmid:31877682 pmcid:PMC6981572 fatcat:nn4o5vrilzhxpcz2ro5amdmoie
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