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6,127 Hits in 6.5 sec

Feedback Acquisition and Reconstruction of Spectrum-Sparse Signals by Predictive Level Comparisons [article]

Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi, Saeed Gazor, Nazanin Rahnavard, Farokh Marvasti
2017 arXiv   pre-print
In this letter, we propose a sparsity promoting feedback acquisition and reconstruction scheme for sensing, encoding and subsequent reconstruction of spectrally sparse signals.  ...  Utilizing the estimated spectral components, a level signal is predicted and sign measurements of the prediction error are acquired.  ...  We proposed a sparsity promoting reconstruction algorithm to predict comparison levels in a feedback loop to facilitate more efficient 1-bit measurements of the input signal.  ... 
arXiv:1711.09658v1 fatcat:h6jcsykzz5ce5lfgkfp4gtps5a

Sparse Representation for Wireless Communications: A Compressive Sensing Approach

Zhijin Qin, Jiancun Fan, Yuanwei Liu, Yue Gao, Geoffrey Ye Li
2018 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine  
With the help of the sparsity property, CS is able to enhance the spectrum efficiency and energy efficiency for the fifth generation (5G) networks and Internet of Things (IoT) networks.  ...  collection in IoT networks, and channel estimation and feedback in massive MIMO systems.  ...  [32] have proposed to reconstruct the autocorrelation of the compressed signal to provide an estimate of the signal spectrum by utilizing the sparsity property of the edge spectrum, in which the CS  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2018.2789521 fatcat:wamvxn7kebavtjroau4ksfbwea

Multitrack Compressed Sensing for Faster Hyperspectral Imaging

Sharvaj Kubal, Elizabeth Lee, Chor Yong Tay, Derrick Yong
2021 Sensors  
Multitrack non-adaptive CS (sparse recovery) is most robust against Poisson noise at the expense of longer reconstruction times.  ...  Here, we develop improved CS approaches for HSI, based on parallelized multitrack acquisition of multiple spectra per shot.  ...  After the subsampling process, the original signal x is reconstructed from the measurements y by methods such as sparse recovery.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21155034 fatcat:a6xtptdxsnhdlmkmmwcmpakjvy

AQuRate: MRAM-based Stochastic Oscillator for Adaptive Quantization Rate Sampling of Sparse Signals [article]

Soheil Salehi, Ramtin Zand, Alireza Zaeemzadeh, Nazanin Rahnavard, Ronald F. DeMara
2019 arXiv   pre-print
However, most of these recent advances involving novel sampling techniques have been proposed without considering hardware and signal constraints.  ...  Recently, the promising aspects of compressive sensing have inspired new circuit-level approaches for their efficient realization within the literature.  ...  Additionally, a major challenge in spectrum sensing is that in most cases, the sparse components of the signal are spread over a wide-band spectrum and need to be acquired without prior knowledge of their  ... 
arXiv:1903.00971v2 fatcat:hquwlow2jfcvpmy2yscofuyq4y

Theory and Implementation of an Analog-to-Information Converter using Random Demodulation

Jason N. Laska, Sami Kirolos, Marco F. Duarte, Tamer S. Ragheb, Richard G. Baraniuk, Yehia Massoud
2007 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems  
The new theory of compressive sensing enables direct analog-to-information conversion of compressible signals at sub-Nyquist acquisition rates.  ...  The architecture is particularly apropos for wideband signals that are sparse in the time-frequency plane.  ...  The spectrum of the reconstructed AM signal is shown in Figure 5 (f).  ... 
doi:10.1109/iscas.2007.378360 dblp:conf/iscas/LaskaKDRBM07 fatcat:gyelwnwajbchjbypmv5jhq7o4i

Dual-modality endoscopic probe for tissue surface shape reconstruction and hyperspectral imaging enabled by deep neural networks

Jianyu Lin, Neil T. Clancy, Ji Qi, Yang Hu, Taran Tatla, Danail Stoyanov, Lena Maier-Hein, Daniel S. Elson
2018 Medical Image Analysis  
and the sparse hyperspectral signals, at approximately 2 FPS.  ...  Furthermore, since data acquisition in both modes can be accomplished in one snapshot, operation of this system in clinical applications is minimally affected by tissue surface movement and deformation  ...  Acknowledgements This work was funded by ERC 242991 and an Imperial College Confidence in Concept award. Jianyu Lin was supported by IGHI scholarship.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.media.2018.06.004 pmid:29933116 fatcat:js3wsbruazgp3npo6tcwukgtxi

Improvement of the compression ratio of vibratory signals by double pass DWHT

Aimé Joseph Oyobe Okassa, EPM of Masuku, Franceville, Gabon
2020 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Methods/Statistical analysis: In this work, we compress and decompress the vibration signals formed by variations of the amplitudes vibration of a ball bearing.  ...  However, this bleaching of vibratory signals both in the temporal and frequency domain, followed by good quantization precision, allowed to cancel this error.  ...  Premanand and Sheeba compressed vibration signals by using extremum sampling method, this method is based on level-crossing sampling (6) .  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/v13i30.924 fatcat:7hcvavun65cy3lklptioyynbhy

Compression of ECG Signal Based on Compressive Sensing and the Extraction of Significant Features

Mohammed M. Abo-Zahhad, Aziza I. Hussein, Abdelfatah M. Mohamed
2015 International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences  
CS provides a new approach concerned with signal compression and recovery by exploiting the fact that ECG signal can be reconstructed by acquiring a relatively small number of samples in the "sparse" domains  ...  The performance of the proposed algorithm, in terms of the reconstructed signal quality and compression ratio, is evaluated by adopting DWT spatial domain basis applied to ECG records extracted from the  ...  After the acquisition process, an estimate of the signal is obtained by a reconstruction algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.4236/ijcns.2015.85013 fatcat:wepjh7ehaffjrgflkktuxsdgpq

An Efficient Seismic Data Acquisition Based on Compressed Sensing Architecture with Generative Adversarial Networks

Xiaopu Zhang, Shuai Zhang, Jun Lin, Feng Sun, Xi Zhu, Yang Yang, Xunqian Tong, Hongyuan Yang
2019 IEEE Access  
reduces the energy cost by means of data collection from N(N + 1)/2 to N 2 /16.  ...  However, due to the bottleneck on data transmission and the limitation of energy storage, it is hard to conduct large seismic data acquisition in a real-time way.  ...  Second, the main idea and structure of the reconstruction algorithm are introduced in a high-level view.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2932476 fatcat:gfudguyzvncnlizzl7xnmg74sm

Compressive Sensing in Image/Video Compression: Sampling, Coding, Reconstruction, and Codec Optimization

Jinjia Zhou, Jian Yang
2024 Information  
We delve into the fundamental principles of CS, highlighting its ability to efficiently capture and represent sparse signals.  ...  Reconstruction algorithms play a pivotal role in CS, and this article reviews state-of-the-art methods, ensuring a high-fidelity reconstruction of visual information.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful to JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP22K12101 for the support of this research.  ... 
doi:10.3390/info15020075 fatcat:os3rimewt5agfem3hunt5mihbm

Potential of compressed sensing in quantitative MR imaging of cancer

David S. Smith, Xia Li, Richard G. Abramson, C. Chad Quarles, Thomas E. Yankeelov, E. Brian Welch
2013 Cancer Imaging  
With custom CS acquisition and reconstruction strategies, one can quickly obtain a small subset of the full data and then iteratively reconstruct images that are consistent with the acquired data and sparse  ...  We finally illustrate applications of the technique by describing examples of CS in dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and dynamic susceptibility contrast MRI.  ...  We thank Ms Donna Butler, Ms Leslie McIntosh, and Mr David Pennell for expert technical assistance. Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.  ... 
doi:10.1102/1470-7330.2013.0041 pmid:24434808 pmcid:PMC3893904 fatcat:gawyr7c575htzfhot67ywrhwxa

Neural integration and segregation revealed by a joint time-vertex connectome spectral analysis [article]

Joan Rue Queralt, Valentina Mancini, Vincent Rochas, Caren Latreche, Peter Uhlhaas, Christoph Michel, Gijs Plomp, Stephan Eliez, Patric Hagmann
2022 bioRxiv   pre-print
Brain oscillations are produced by the coordinated activity of large groups of neurons and different rhythms are thought to reflect different modes of information processing.  ...  Crucially, the estimated contribution of the integration and segregation mechanisms predicts performance in a behavioral task, demonstrating the neurophysiological relevance of this new framework.  ...  The authors also would like to thank Mikkel Schöttner and Hugo Fluhr for their useful comments.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2022.07.26.501543 fatcat:sv77of6igjfztb2376omjxdnlq

A New Optimized Recurrent Feedback Deep Convolutional Neural Net for Image Super Resolution

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
This new layer maintains permissible error threshold in the acquired signal and tries to improve the signal by feeding back latest reconstructed frame.  ...  It can be achieved by cost effective software solution like super resolution reconstruction of an image.  ...  The authors would also like to thank to their affiliated institutes for continuous technical support and guidance.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.c6255.098319 fatcat:apo4l5kev5bw3lhlmwollgrw2a

Compressed Sensing of Extracellular Neurophysiology Signals: A Review

Biao Sun, Wenfeng Zhao
2021 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
signal reconstruction algorithms.  ...  We will present a comprehensive review on the CS-based neural recording system architecture, the CS encoder hardware exploration and implementation, the sparse representation of neural signals, and the  ...  AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS Both authors contributed to manuscript planning, literature review and writing, and read and approved the submitted version.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.682063 pmid:34512238 pmcid:PMC8427310 fatcat:lgq6frhjfnhipmiziu7alrq2qu

Low-cost, sub-micron resolution, wide-field computational microscopy using opensource hardware [article]

Tomas Aidukas, Regina Eckert, Andrew R. Harvey, Laura Waller, Pavan C. Konda
2018 biorxiv/medrxiv   pre-print
. 3D models and assembly instructions of our microscope are made available for open source use.  ...  Conventional approaches to low-cost microscopy are fundamentally restricted, however, to modest field of view (FOV) and/or resolution.  ...  Jonathan Taylor for his feedback on the manuscript. This research was funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) under the grant EP/L016753/1.  ... 
doi:10.1101/460055 fatcat:yolh2ssgj5eihl3d2wrapqlys4
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