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One Model to Unite Them All: Personalized Federated Learning of Multi-Contrast MRI Synthesis [article]

Onat Dalmaz, Usama Mirza, Gökberk Elmas, Muzaffer Özbey, Salman UH Dar, Emir Ceyani, Salman Avestimehr, Tolga Çukur
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Comprehensive experiments on multi-site datasets clearly demonstrate the enhanced performance of pFLSynth against prior federated methods in multi-contrast MRI synthesis.  ...  However, FL-trained synthesis models can be impaired by the inherent heterogeneity in the data distribution, with domain shifts evident when common or variable translation tasks are prescribed across sites  ...  DISCUSSION Federated MRI synthesis has to operate under distributional heterogeneity in multi-site imaging data [21] .  ... 
arXiv:2207.06509v2 fatcat:rndoomnecjhahbsc2axaj3x2ca