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Supporting Sign Language Narrations in the Museum

Nikolaos Partarakis, Xenophon Zabulis, Michalis Foukarakis, Mirοdanthi Moutsaki, Emmanouil Zidianakis, Andreas Patakos, Ilia Adami, Danae Kaplanidi, Christodoulos Ringas, Eleana Tasiopoulou
2021 Heritage  
The accessibility of Cultural Heritage content for the diverse user population visiting Cultural Heritage Institutions and accessing content online has not been thoroughly discussed.  ...  To overcome such emerging barriers, this paper proposes a cost-effective methodology for the implementation of Virtual Humans, which are capable of narrating content in a universally accessible form and  ...  For the acquisition of motion, the Rococo motion capture suit and smart gloves were used.  ... 
doi:10.3390/heritage5010001 fatcat:lijjro455fdwtplwwc6wz7jj3m

A new technology perspective of the Metaverse: its essence, framework and challenges [article]

Feifei Shi, Huansheng Ning, Xiaohong Zhang, Rongyang Li, Qiaohui Tian, Shiming Zhang, Yuanyuan Zheng, Yudong Guo, Mahmoud Daneshmand
2022 arXiv   pre-print
It has economic and social systems like those in the real world and provides intelligent services and applications.  ...  The work proposes a new technology perspective of the Metaverse and will provide further guidance for its technology development in the future.  ...  For instance, authors in [29] adopt 3D simulation technologies and establish a system named "Avatar to Person", which is designed to repair virtual faces and generate a simulated voice for the disabled  ... 
arXiv:2211.05832v1 fatcat:combf4tdbjcjripcm5vpfpfnya

PizzaBox: Studying Internet Connected Physical Object Manipulation based Food Ordering [article]

Luke Jones, Charith Perera
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents the designing and testing of PizzaBox, a 3D printed, interactive food ordering system that aims to differ from conventional food ordering systems and provide an entertaining and unique  ...  a simple process for ordering food from start to finish.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We acknowledge the funding received by EPSRC PETRAS 2 (EP/S035362/1) and RiR (EP/T517203/1).  ... 
arXiv:1906.03524v1 fatcat:toqvi5nn7rbgfowiyirqvvshhy

Chapter 1 Amator miser: Epicurean Aspects of the Portrayal of Infelicitous Amor in Horatian Lyric [chapter]

Gregson Davis
2023 Afterlives of the Garden  
and the nodus is an index of their role as readily available sexual partners. of the goddess: oculos volo meos delectare munditiis meretriciis ("I want to feast my eyes on the smart grooming of the courtesans  ...  For whom do you tie back your golden hair in a knot exquisitely smart? Alas!  ... 
doi:10.1515/9783111029733-002 fatcat:bo5ogqyesvda5iwo736r7b2a2e

Ruling through Fear. Cyrus the Great in Xenophon's Cyropaedia

Matteo Zaccarini
2023 Klio : Beiträge zur alten Geschichte  
However, it is clear that Cyrus equally resorts to malicious and divisive means, employing psychological subjugation, fostering mutual rivalry among his friends, and weakening his subjects.  ...  His actions ultimately arouse fear, envy, and insecurity, as Cyrus displays some of the typical features of a tyrant.  ...  regime, employing emotions and related practices to define normative frameworks for their citizens.  ... 
doi:10.1515/klio-2023-0005 fatcat:jnn5qzda5jeg3bpzxjryxxf2yq

What Does It Mean to Be a Young African Woman on a University Campus in Times of Sexual Violence? A New Moment, a New Conversation

Astrid Treffry-Goatley, Naydene de Lange, Relebohile Moletsane, Nkonzo Mkhize, Lungile Masinga
2018 Behavioral Sciences  
Our analysis suggests that these visual tools enabled deep reflections on the meaning and impact of sexual violence, particularly for women.  ...  More importantly, they discussed how they, as young women, might break the silence and sustain new conversations about gender and gender equality in institutions and beyond.  ...  (The face, the act, the space, the emotion)?'  ... 
doi:10.3390/bs8080067 pmid:30050003 fatcat:om4rwh2ikbcgpbjg2epkqsribe

Living the Full Catastrophe: A Mindfulness-Based Program to Support Recovery from Stroke

Lori A. Gray
2020 Healthcare  
with awareness and self-responsibility for outcomes, trusting the inherent wisdom of the body as a stroke recovery "teacher", and increased capacity to integrate complex emotions with self-compassion,  ...  Recommendations and suggestions for future studies are offered to support the development of MBRfS for stroke survivors and their caregivers, as well as contributing to healthcare providers.  ...  Acknowledgments: The author wishes to acknowledge Jon Kabat-Zinn for his vision and leadership, her teachers at the Center for Mindfulness at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, and to Eli  ... 
doi:10.3390/healthcare8040498 pmid:33228109 pmcid:PMC7711731 fatcat:pi55kar7cva5lmzke6xaswhsli

New Faces and New Masks of Today's Consumer

Yiannis Gabriel, Tim Lang
2008 Journal of Consumer Culture  
Appearance and emotional tone become central.  ...  Within someone's life, periods of both of these experiences are likely to feature, periods of both feast and famine.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1469540508095266 fatcat:xcjg4hclzvfxlgtmgfa5z2i3fa

Center for nonverbal studies

2003 ChoiceReviews  
Definitions, meanings, and interpretations left uncredited are those of the author.  ...  Gestures and consumer products with http://members.aol.com/nonverbal2/diction1.htm (1 of 2) [27/04/02 05:54:42] The current trademark registrations are identified with the ® symbol.  ...  for Nonverbal Studies (CNS), located in Spokane, Washington, and La Jolla, California.  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.40sup-0079 fatcat:zi5s5wxf2nhene2zyhbbhfsulu

Asian Social Science, Vol. 5, No. 10, 2009. All in one PDF file

Editor ASS
2009 Asian Social Science  
Jiang Lihua from Central China Normal University gave precious suggestions for design of this study and for correction on the paper.  ...  Acknowledgements Ms Kong Ping from Bureau of Civil Affairs in W District gave cordial assistance for this study; Prof. Xia Yuzhen and Prof.  ...  to face challenge.  ... 
doi:10.5539/ass.v5n10p0 fatcat:tqpc4rwrk5ahtb7tkvn4pdscky

Intelligent Computing Research Studies in Life Science

Dr. Thilagamani S
2019 International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences  
It is accepted a patient should be always observed utilizing sensors, at that point every patient or an individual for the benefit of the patient goes to the clinic face to face to upload the vital subtleties  ...  Preventing various attacks are presented in the first scenario and the second scenario presents the analysis of communication and computational complexity of Easy SMS protocol [6].  ...  In this proposed system, we can implement the system for detecting the faces using Linear discriminate analysis and also track the eyes states with improved accuracy.  ... 
doi:10.22376/ijpbs/10.sp01/oct/2019.1-142 fatcat:6fc5ghwmjbgrphetiablavajxm

The Revival of Long Reading: A New Multimodal Narrative Format

Milena Tsvetkova
2018 Zenodo  
going up in times of obviously reverse trends, such as, for example, short and speed reading techniques.  ...  The goal of this study is to specify nature, the "heart and soul" of a process referred to as a "long reading", to indentify reasons for the interest in the so-called longread narrative formats, unexpectedly  ...  Moreover, those books were formatted as for adults: 1) large in size, 2) thick, 3) small in face; and 4) without any illustration.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1403939 fatcat:m6u55kjyqzgvteyun662loc27m

Future organizational design: the scope for the IT-based enterprise

2000 ChoiceReviews  
based on standard methods and a repertoire of tested solutions) or Machine Bureaucracies (for volume production of goods).  ...  Adhocracies are ill equipped to handle ordinary, routine tasks, and, if they want to move in such a direction, they must transform their structures-for instance, to Professional Bureaucracies (for consulting  ...  bonding and emotional ties can induce people to remarkable selflessness and courage even in the face of torture and death.  ... 
doi:10.5860/choice.37-3427 fatcat:t2c3spyrrfffta7c3vi7z54q4u

Time, scarcity, and abundance

Shubha Ghosh
2022 Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics  
Time can also be liberating, seemingly abundant using perpetuities, technologies for fast forwarding, rewinding, or shifting content, and increases in the velocity of access and movement.  ...  Information retrieval, processing, and sharing are connected to time. It is no surprise that reform proposals for the problems confronting the information economy rest up regulation of time.  ...  Publisher's note All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and  ... 
doi:10.3389/frma.2022.974706 pmid:36118014 pmcid:PMC9470926 fatcat:3fvzmnnwordbhmmhoyrxv4yd2e

A Social E-Learning Experience in the Raval Neighbourhood: Human Perceptions and Community Development

Ana Amat, Isabel Alvarez
2016 International Research in Education  
The aim of this study is based on the analysis of a socio-educational programme, from a relational and real-life perspective, enriched by John Dewey's Theory concerning experiences of aesthetic quality  ...  The methodology is qualitative and interpretative, and concentrates on the study of one particular case, with in-depth interviews with key contributors.  ...  smart-phones and other devices. ...  ... 
doi:10.5296/ire.v5i1.10455 fatcat:3hca5izqercxnpkxfc73fxb5lm
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