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Shuffle Exchange Network in Multistage Interconnection Network: A Review and Challenges

Nur Arzilawati Md Yunus, Mohamed Othman
2011 International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering  
It can helps in fault tolerance and reduce the latency.  ...  Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs) are design to provide an effective communication in switching. MINs networks consist of stages that can route the switching through the path.  ...  SHUFFLE EXCHANGE NETWORK IN MULTISTAGE INTERCONNECTION NETWORK SEN is a unique path it has only a single path between a particular input and output [9] .  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijcee.2011.v3.411 fatcat:77ejvgfdtvghxfk5f3hzfycj4e

A Fault-Tolerant Multistage Combining Network

Neng-Pin Lu, Chung-Ping Chung
1996 Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing  
To provide the fault tolerance capability in unique-path MINs, several multipath MINs have been proposed.  ...  In unique-path MINs, this is a trivial problem, because only a unique path exists between any sourcedestination pair in the network.  ... 
doi:10.1006/jpdc.1996.0042 fatcat:k4pigvhhmvgpboeu2f5625sxmi

Tolerating multiple faults in multistage interconnection networks with minimal extra stages

C.C. Fan, J. Bruck
2000 IEEE transactions on computers  
This research was supported in part by US National Science Foundation (NSF) Young Investigator Award CCR-9457811, by the NSF Graduate Fellowship, by the Sloan Research Fellowship, and by DARPA and BMDO  ...  Routing in the Cyclic Multistage Interconnection Network is performed by routing tags. [2] .  ...  The ESC solution does not, however, tolerate two switch faults when they occur in different stages. This is not a unique solution to the single-fault-tolerant problem.  ... 
doi:10.1109/12.869334 fatcat:vf55dwbiubfhpefoa2risgh5di

Neural Network System Design for Predicting MIN Reliability

Numerous strategies for establishing fault-tolerance in MINs have also been studied.  ...  fforts have been made to examine and study different path and multi-path Multistage Interconnection Networks (MIN) possessing regular or irregular topology.  ...  Indra network Fault-Tolerant Networks have multiple versions of the same unique route network installed.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.g5732.059720 fatcat:oll2vf4og5cw7aztjm7mbgbwvu

Reliability Analysis of Multi Path Multistage Interconnection Networks

Sudarson Jena
2012 International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT)  
In order to define the fault tolerance, behavior of various multi path MIN networks has been introduced. The results are compared and discussed.  ...  This paper presents an analytical model for the reliability evaluation of multipath multistage interconnection networks (MINs).  ...  A further increase in the fault tolerant of a network can be achieved with the incorporation of identical copies of multi path MIN networks.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcsit.2012.4105 fatcat:ner5odh24rdsrhwahfhin3sbti

A centrally controlled shuffle network for reconfigurable and fault-tolerant architecture

Nripendra N. Biswas, S. Srinivas, Trishala Dharanendra
1987 SIGARCH Computer Architecture News  
It is also shown t h a t t h e network c a n be made fault-tolerant by t h e addition of a n e x t r a stage.  ...  Any single f a u l t and s o m e multiple faults in t h e i n t e r m e d i a t e stages c a n be tolerated by this scheme.  ...  AUGMENTING THE NETWORK FOR FAULT-TOLERANCE It c a n be seen t h a t t h e unique path property of t h e IN is retained even in case of centralized control, t h a t is, there is only one path between any  ... 
doi:10.1145/25372.25382 fatcat:mzdx3gbe5rf7jfyokykjzkezfe

A Primer on Design Aspects and Recent Advances in Shuffle Exchange Multistage Interconnection Networks

Oluwatosin Ahmed Amodu, Mohamed Othman, Nur Arzilawati Md Yunus, Zurina Mohd Hanapi
2021 Symmetry  
Particularly, the use of multistage interconnection networks has unique advantages as the addition of extra stages helps to improve the network performance.  ...  Then, to capture the latest research trends in this area not covered in contemporary literature, this paper reviews very recent advancements in shuffle exchange multistage interconnection networks within  ...  In fact, its topology is equivalent to Cube network, baseline network and Omega network which are regular MINs having unique paths.  ... 
doi:10.3390/sym13030378 fatcat:4bqwiubpb5anhcu7clri7eh4aq

Message Broadcasting via a New Fault Tolerant Irregular Advance Omega Network in Faulty and Nonfaulty Network Environments

Ved Prakash Bhardwaj, Nitin
2013 Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering  
In this paper, we have presented a new Fault Tolerant Interconnection Network named as Irregular Advance Omega Network (IAON); also we have presented its routing algorithm.  ...  IAON is the modified form of Advance Omega Network. The proposed MIN can endure multiple faults and provides a suitable path between every source to every destination.  ...  Issue of Fault Tolerance in Multistage Interconnection Networks. The concept of fault tolerance in MINs has been demonstrated in Figure 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/568780 fatcat:orimpvav6zdzdar5efcylfj6fe

Design and Implementation of Multistage Interconnection Networks for SoC Networks

Mahsa Moazez
2012 International Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology  
In this paper the focus is on a family of Interconnection Networks (INs) known as Multistage Interconnection Networks (MINs).  ...  Second, a network called Meta-Flattened Network (MFN), was introduced that can decrease the blocking probability by means of reduction the number of hops and increase the intermediate paths between stages  ...  The path diversity in each NoC makes it potentially to tolerate faults and failures.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcseit.2012.2501 fatcat:dxl2e3wbojcrjkp2jkvzot5ukq

A fault-tolerant architecture for ATM networks

C.-C Lo, C.-Y Chiou
1999 Computer Communications  
In this paper, we propose a self-routing fault-tolerant switching architecture for ATM networks.  ...  The proposed architecture uses subswitches and extra links to provide alternative paths; hence, can tolerate multiple faults.  ...  [11] proposed a simple scheme to enhance the fault-tolerance of multistage interconnection networks by creating multiple paths between each input-output pair through extra links between SEs in the same  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0140-3664(99)00118-8 fatcat:p2vwiemjqrawxncooxtsliy2xq

Quantitative reliability analysis of redundant multistage interconnection networks [chapter]

N. Kini, A. Kumar, D. Agrawal
1991 DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science  
The INDRA network is (R -I fault tolerant since there exist R disjoint paths between any source-destination pair. Multipath omega network.  ...  The paths in a multipath omega network need not be distinct, since a single fault may affect more than one path.  ... 
doi:10.1090/dimacs/005/10 dblp:conf/dimacs/KiniKA89 fatcat:tqwtjn7qnrbslahby7gvqgnlsu

Multistage interconnection network reliability

J.T. Blake, K.S. Trivedi
1989 IEEE transactions on computers  
In [3], the SW-banyan network with added stage@) is analyzed, where an (m -1)-fault-tolerant network is considered failed upon the Manuscript Abstract-In this paper, we analyze the computational complexity  ...  DRA network in [16], and the ACN, ABN, and MDN networks in [9].  ...  TRIVEDI Abstmct-In this paper, we examine the reliability of an unique-path multistage interconnection network (MIN) and a fault-tolerant scheme aimed at improving system reliability.  ... 
doi:10.1109/12.42134 fatcat:774xztgcerbgldikeadjioilb4


1996 International Journal of Communication Systems  
Based on the technique developed by D a vis 9 , we propose a general fault-testing technique and verify it for a variety of unique-path self-routing networks.  ...  In this paper, we present a systematic fault-tolerant design for the Batcher-Banyan class switches.  ...  . 2 Fault Testing in Unique-Path Self-Routing Networks Delta class MINs are characterized by their unique-path, self-routing properties.  ... 
doi:10.1002/(sici)1099-1131(199603)9:2<81::aid-dac295>3.0.co;2-a fatcat:sswgwkgsazg6zm3dnjnwe3yozu


1996 International Journal of Communication Systems  
Based on the technique developed by D a vis 9 , we propose a general fault-testing technique and verify it for a variety of unique-path self-routing networks.  ...  In this paper, we present a systematic fault-tolerant design for the Batcher-Banyan class switches.  ...  . 2 Fault Testing in Unique-Path Self-Routing Networks Delta class MINs are characterized by their unique-path, self-routing properties.  ... 
doi:10.1002/(sici)1099-1131(199603)9:2<81::aid-dac295>3.3.co;2-1 fatcat:slrfnnzv4bcspmsrqq6xl6ykje

Biased Multistage Inter connection Network in Multiprocessor System
다중프로세서 시스템에서 편향된 다단계 상호연결망

Chang-Hoon Choi
2011 Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society  
There has been a lot of researches to develop techniques that provide redundant paths, there by making Multistage Interconnection Networks(MINs) fault tolerant.  ...  Even though there are fewer hardware than the classical MINs, the HMIN possesses the property of full access and also provides alternative paths for the fault tolerant.  ...  For example, a routing tag for connection between source 0(0000) and destination 3(0011) in Fig. 6 , is R=111 as the short cut. [ Fig. 6 ] Alternative paths for fault tolerant in 16×16 HMIN PERFORMANCE  ... 
doi:10.5762/kais.2011.12.4.1889 fatcat:yixizk3vjjf6dcb6ghjsnjaaii
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