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Hamiltonian Connectivity of Twisted Hypercube-Like Networks under the Large Fault Model [article]

Qiang Dong, Hui Gao, Yan Fu, Xiaofan Yang
2011 arXiv   pre-print
Twisted hypercube-like networks (THLNs) are an important class of interconnection networks for parallel computing systems, which include most popular variants of the hypercubes, such as crossed cubes,  ...  This paper deals with the fault-tolerant hamiltonian connectivity of THLNs under the large fault model. Let G be an n-dimensional THLN and F ⊆ V(G) E(G), where n ≥ 7 and |F| ≤ 2n - 10.  ...  Among HLNs one may identify a subclass of networks, called the twisted hypercube-like networks (THLNs), which include most small fault model.  ... 
arXiv:1111.5391v1 fatcat:plrqiorzvngvtjtlmduiyj3rq4

Fault-Tolerant Path-Embedding of Twisted Hypercube-Like Networks (THLNs)

Huifeng Zhang, Xirong Xu, Qiang Zhang, Yuansheng Yang
2019 Mathematics  
The twisted hypercube-like networks ( T H L N s ) contain several important hypercube variants. This paper is concerned with the fault-tolerant path-embedding of n-dimensional (n-D) T H L N s .  ...  It is significant to find an embedding of a guest graph into a host graph where all faulty nodes and edges have been removed. This is named as fault-tolerant embedding.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math7111066 fatcat:wvabhqamnjdqlddrr5uvyynhri

A Fault-Handling Method for the Hamiltonian Cycle in the Hypercube Topology

Adnan A. Hnaif, Abdelfatah A. Tamimi, Ayman M. Abdalla, Iqbal Jebril
2021 Computers Materials & Continua  
This paper proposes an ef cient modi ed Fault-free Hamiltonian Cycle based on the Hypercube Topology (FHCHT) to perform a connection between nodes when one or more nodes become faulty.  ...  The implementation of the proposed algorithm in a Hypercube achieved a 31% and 76% reduction in cost compared to the complete and random graphs, respectively.  ...  Acknowledgement: The authors would like to thank Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan for supporting this research.  ... 
doi:10.32604/cmc.2021.016123 fatcat:fims3t4wirc7dgdkkshoncekxa