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Fast Botnet Detection From Streaming Logs Using Online Lanczos Method [article]

Zheng Chen, Xinli Yu, Chi Zhang, Jin Zhang, Cui Lin, Bo Song, Jianliang Gao, Xiaohua Hu, Wei-Shih Yang, Erjia Yan
2018 arXiv   pre-print
This paper focuses on design and experiment of a new approach for botnet detection from streaming web server logs, motivated by its wide applicability, real-time protection capability, ease of use and  ...  detection from cubic to sub-cubic, which enables us to more accurately and sensitively detect botnets with sliding time windows rather than fixed time windows.  ...  CONCLUSION & FUTURE WORK The main objective of this paper is to recognize botnets from streaming web server logs. We recognize and adapt Lanczos method to the application of botnet detection.  ... 
arXiv:1812.07810v1 fatcat:pzh72btrujfuxccrxpfiumvalq

A Survey on Botnets: Incentives, Evolution, Detection and Current Trends

Simon Nam Thanh Vu, Mads Stege, Peter Issam El-Habr, Jesper Bang, Nicola Dragoni
2021 Future Internet  
The literature review focuses particularly on the topic of botnet detection and the proposed solutions to mitigate the threat of botnets in system security.  ...  Botnet detection and mitigation mechanisms are categorised and briefly described to allow for an easy overview of the many proposed solutions.  ...  Reference [184] detects HTTP botnet traffic in streaming logs by the use of Lanczos method.  ... 
doi:10.3390/fi13080198 fatcat:5umqenw47ncdxggi4kiotkeag4

Cyber-Physical Systems Security: Limitations, Issues and Future Trends

Jean-Paul A. Yaacoub, Ola Salman, Hassan N. Noura, Nesrine Kaaniche, Ali Chehab, Mohamad Malli
2020 Microprocessors and microsystems  
Finally, several suggestions and recommendations are proposed benefiting from the lessons learned throughout this comprehensive review.  ...  The fast and significant evolution of CPS affects various aspects in people's way of life and enables a wider range of services and applications including e-Health, smart homes, e-Commerce, etc.  ...  Acknowledgments This paper is supported with funds from the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at the American University of Beirut.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103201 pmid:32834204 pmcid:PMC7340599 fatcat:omeihta4vbe55cohyhbhi56mzm

A Review of Computer Vision Methods in Network Security [article]

Jiawei Zhao, Rahat Masood, Suranga Seneviratne
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Nonetheless, there is a significant amount of work that highlighted how methods from computer vision can be applied in network security for detecting attacks or building security solutions.  ...  Traditional machine learning methods have been frequently used in the context of network security.  ...  Image representation-based methods Similar to Section IV-A, the image representation-based methods detect traffic anomalies by visualising traffic data or logs as images and then analysing them using computer  ... 
arXiv:2005.03318v1 fatcat:pcng7535obec3l6fejkllbi3ii

Estimating user interaction probability for non-guaranteed display advertising [article]

Alan Williams, University Of Canterbury
Together, these systems improve on the log-likelihood of the existing method by over 10%.  ...  We then use regularized generalized linear models to estimate the probability of an ad interaction occurring following an individual user impression event.  ...  New elements from the stream are used to populate an empty buffer, assigned a level of zero.  ... 
doi:10.26021/3164 fatcat:o4nh74qg6ngizlqfnci6jfbche

Committee AP2PS General Chairs

Antonio Liotta, Nikos Antonopoulos, Giuseppe Fatta, Takahiro Hara, Quang Vu, Marco Aiello, Nick Antonopoulos, Giuseppe Fatta, Anders Fongen, Takahiro Hara, Yasushi Kambayashi, Antonio Liotta (+8 others)
AP2PS 2011 The Third International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems Foreword The Third International Conference on Advances in P2P Systems   unpublished
and real-time streams) and service (e.g., IP telephony, IP TV, collaboration).  ...  We are convinced that the participants found the event useful and communications very open. We also hope the attendees enjoyed the historic charm of Lisbon, Portugal.  ...  funded by the EU FP7 STREP project PLAY (http://www.play-project.eu) and French ANR project SocEDA (http://www.soceda.org) ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research leading to these results has received funding from  ... 