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55,818 Hits in 3.9 sec

The Haptic Experience

Andreas Fuchs
2020 ATZheavy duty worldwide  
enter into direct, face-to-face discussions with the experts.  ...  And it's often the face-to-face discussion at a trade fair adjacent to the product that very often provides the decisive impulse for sales contracts to be signed.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41321-020-0116-5 fatcat:leidveq3wrai3alvzxliyogaam

Understanding E-Commerce through Genre Theory: The Case of the Car-Buying Process [chapter]

Sue Conger, Ulrike Schultze
1999 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
In this paper, we apply genre theory to evaluate the business processes involved in buying a car.  ...  Communication genres are generic responses to recurring situations. Examples include a business letter, a meeting or a memo (Yates and Orlikowski 1992) .  ...  genres mediated by face-to-face interactions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35566-5_14 fatcat:avzoc2vyqfcrbkwyktvfri2vwu

Evaluating the Efficacy of a Traditional Approach to Marketing in the South African Pharmaceutical Industry during the Covid19 Pandemic

Steven Kayambazinthu Msosa, Thembisa Charity Khuboni
2023 European Journal of Management Issues  
Design/Method/Approach: The study adopted a qualitative and exploratory research design with an interpretivist epistemological paradigm.  ...  The restricted access of pharmaceutical sales and marketing representatives to healthcare facilities led to a shift towards digital marketing.  ...  We went from 95% face-to-face meetings to no personal interaction at all. Instead, we had to make bookings for face-to-face meetings."  ... 
doi:10.15421/192317 fatcat:3mkypkwicffxpglnfoctiioygy

A wearable sales assistant: capturing dynamic nonverbal communication behaviors using sensor technology

Sandra Pauser, Udo Wagner
2019 Marketing letters  
However, sales researchers face the difficulty of measuring and tracking nonverbal behaviors, since these messages are perceived and processed mainly unconsciously.  ...  and the customer, through wearable electronic devices, sociometric badges.  ...  interaction (infrared sensor) (g) Total time of face-to-face interaction Small values indicate less time of face-to-face interaction (high values indicate more time of face-to-face interaction)  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11002-019-09483-x fatcat:i2qgitbi5jd3rjjddta6a5fvim

A Structured Comparison of the Service Offer and the Service Supply Chain of Manufacturers Competing in the Capital Goods and Durable Consumer Goods Industries [chapter]

Donatella Corti, Alberto Portioli-Staudacher
2010 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
The main aim of this paper is to provide a structured comparison of the service offer and configuration in the capital goods and durable consumer goods industries.  ...  The increasing importance of the service offer for manufacturing companies has lead to the development of different service chains and service package in different industries.  ...  intermediary Assistance on all products Assistance on own sold Informal interrelationships products Bind to trade channel SPARE PARTS SUPPLIER Consumer electronics Capital goods Interaction with customer  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16358-6_78 fatcat:q3jj7pistvfazljq4zt7ebfyre


Shaysh Nazzal Alshammri
2020 Časopis za Ekonomiju i Tržišne Komunikacije  
They also feel that a face-threatening act is less likely to occur in an email negotiation than in a face-to-face negotiation.  ...  This research aims to identify the differences between email negotiation and face-to-face negotiation with respect to negotiation process, negotiation flexibility, face-saving, level of collaboration,  ...  Parties can vent their emotions in email negotiation easily, taking advantage of the lack of personal interaction between the parties (Regina, 2000) .  ... 
doi:10.7251/emc2002300a fatcat:3ugego4c2vg5jojb22nfaj5yma

An Assessment of the Use of Technology in the Direct Selling Industry

Linda Ferrell, Tracy L. Gonzalez-Padron, O.C. Ferrell
2010 Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management  
As what is viewed as personal interactions change in today's society, direct sellers need to consider the new technologies that are defined by some consumers as an equivalent to, or a substitute for, face-to-face  ...  Mobile phones, as well as personal digital assistants (PDAs), are used at an increasing rate and are changing the speed and efficiency of communication in sales.  ...  Copyright of Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management is the property of M.E.  ... 
doi:10.2753/pss0885-3134300206 fatcat:gfmskbo7mrcwtk2aowxzfk35r4

Personal or remote interaction? Banking the unbanked in South Africa

Johan Coetzee
2011 South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences  
It found that banks are currently using an integrated approach combining personal and remote interaction and emphasising the promotion of financial literacy.  ...  The Financial Sector Charter (FSC) requires South African retail banks to provide retail products and services to the rural-based unbanked.  ...  using aspects of both personal and electronic channels to interact with them.  ... 
doi:10.4102/sajems.v12i4.188 fatcat:kphh4vbqxfbgdpwzxdo6se5ega

12 Bowling Alone and Working Together? Social Capital at Work [chapter]

Jon Rogstad, Kaja Reegård, Fredrik Engelstad
2018 Democratic State and Democratic Society  
The average sales assistant is therefore a young person who views his/her retail job as a stopgap on the way to graduate destinations.  ...  The empirical material shows young persons of different backgrounds who interact face to face to achieve common goals, allowing them to work as a team and members of a community that trust one another  ... 
doi:10.1515/9783110634082-013 fatcat:ey6v2wog4bfizkdluxzyfujlei

Evaluating self and others in electronic and face-to-face groups

Suzanne Weisband, Leanne Atwater
1999 Journal of Applied Psychology  
compared with face-to-face interactions.  ...  The purpose of this study is to better understand how performance evaluations of self and others that are based on electronic interaction compare with evaluations that are based on face-to-face interaction  ...  Given the greater salience of personal information in face-to-face interactions, we expect that Hypothesis 2: Group members interacting face to face will like each other more than will electronic group  ... 
doi:10.1037//0021-9010.84.4.632 fatcat:yajgjdvxmfdppgxnhlgxrqolrm

Evaluating self and others in electronic and face-to-face groups

Suzanne Weisband, Leanne Atwater
1999 Journal of Applied Psychology  
compared with face-to-face interactions.  ...  The purpose of this study is to better understand how performance evaluations of self and others that are based on electronic interaction compare with evaluations that are based on face-to-face interaction  ...  Given the greater salience of personal information in face-to-face interactions, we expect that Hypothesis 2: Group members interacting face to face will like each other more than will electronic group  ... 
doi:10.1037/0021-9010.84.4.632 fatcat:rxnwgctjg5bybemiasnprminfm

Potential benefits and challenges of e-detailing in Europe

Roger Heutschi, Christine Legner, Andreas Schiesser, Vladimir Barak, Hubert Österle
2003 Journal of Medical Marketing  
Video detailing comes closest to personal face-to-face interaction because of the high proportion of analogue communication elements (image, speech, etc).  ...  E-detailing can include the use of electronic channels for customer interaction as well as electronic support for sales representatives in their detailing calls, for example by providing them with electronic  ... 
doi:10.1057/palgrave.jmm.5040130 fatcat:q3v2zvd5b5hbfer7otc3m7dc2i

Design Of Interactive Smart Mirror System for Digital Information Display Based on Multitasking Approach Using Raspberry Pi

Sandra Nwokoye, Azubuike Aniedu, Chukwunenye Okafor, Austine Nzemalu
2022 Jurnal INFORM  
Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design an interactive smart mirror that functions as a personal digital assistant to provide a schedule of daily activities, including recognizing the owner's  ...  face for access to the smart mirror, displaying weather forecasts, displaying the date and time, as well as the latest news.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This section gives appreciation to individuals and organizations who assist the author. Thank you to the sponsors and financial support in this section.  ... 
doi:10.25139/inform.v7i2.4757 fatcat:ndslxu64jfgqpehb3kk6aksw2m

Page 439 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 79, Issue 1 [page]

1992 Psychological Abstracts  
—Compared face-to-face (FTF) communication with electronic mail in decision-making groups whose members differed in social status, which was ex- amined by varying the external status of group members and  ...  Ss rated the behavior of 2 hypothetical sales- persons across 3 constructs of ethicality, intention to choose a supplier, and influence on career.  ... 

Studying Microscopic Peer-to-Peer Communication Patterns

Peter A Gloor, Daniel Oster, Johannes Putzke, Kai Fischbach, Detlef Schoder, Koji Ara, Taemie Kim, Robert Laubacher, Akshay Mohan, Daniel Olguin Olguin, Alex Pentland, Benjamin N. Waber
2007 Social Science Research Network  
This paper describes first results of an ongoing research effort using real time data collected by social badges to correlate temporal changes in social interaction patterns with performance of individual  ...  productivity, a large number of important organizational communications are face-toface, so studies based on mining electronic interactions are missing a great part of the picture.  ...  Temporal Social Surface of an "all hands" department meeting Figure 6 . 6 Top left actor has fluctuating e-mail and face-to-face interaction, top right actor has fluctuating face-to-face, but steady  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1097111 fatcat:yfavhpbnyjemzllk2ur3vagkqu
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