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FAST TCP: Motivation, Architecture, Algorithms, Performance

David X. Wei, Cheng Jin, Steven H. Low, Sanjay Hegde
2006 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
We describe FAST TCP, a new TCP congestion control algorithm for high-speed long-latency networks, from design to implementation.  ...  We describe the architecture and summarize some of the algorithms implemented in our prototype. We characterize its equilibrium and stability properties.  ...  ARCHITECTURE AND ALGORITHMS A. Architecture We separate the congestion control mechanism of TCP into four components in Fig. 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2006.886335 fatcat:44kv2mbwqbhetbgjb2clf6pzcq

FAST TCP: motivation, architecture, algorithms, performance

Cheng Jin, D.X. Wei, S.H. Low
We describe the architecture and summarize some of the algorithms implemented in our prototype. We characterize the equilibrium and stability properties of FAST TCP.  ...  We describe FAST TCP, a new TCP congestion control algorithm for high-speed long-latency networks, from design to implementation.  ...  In the next section, we lay out the architecture of FAST TCP. III. ARCHITECTURE AND ALGORITHMS A.  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcom.2004.1354670 dblp:conf/infocom/JinWL04 fatcat:lqdrk62x3bd7dp22t6ymwlgbqa

Vfast Tcp: A Delay-Based Enhanced Version Of Fast Tcp

Salem Belhaj, Moncef Tagina
2008 Zenodo  
This paper is aimed at describing a delay-based endto- end (e2e) congestion control algorithm, called Very FAST TCP (VFAST), which is an enhanced version of FAST TCP.  ...  The achieved simulation results indicate that the suggested protocol offer better performance than FAST TCP in terms of RTT estimation and throughput.  ...  Further details of the architecture, algorithms and experimental evaluation of FAST TCP can be found in [5] and [26] . III. MODEL A.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1072851 fatcat:r5yzenfwpzenlp3ortcmrmndga

TCP-Forward: Fast and Reliable TCP Variant for Wireless Networks [article]

Yang Chi, Dharma P. Agrawal
2014 arXiv   pre-print
The congestion control algorithms in TCP may incur inferior performance in a lossy network context like wireless networks.  ...  Our performance evaluation shows TCP-Forward provides better performance than previous works.  ...  What intrigues us more is the latency performance, since that is the major motivation behind this work.  ... 
arXiv:1408.2626v1 fatcat:opev2fkdzfcsrig6cnmnrr5p6i

FAST TCP: from theory to experiments

Cheng Jin, D. Wei, S.H. Low, J. Bunn, H.D. Choe, J.C. Doyle, H. Newman, S. Ravot, S. Singh, F. Paganini, G. Buhrmaster, L. Cottrell (+2 others)
2005 IEEE Network  
We present the motivation, review the background theory, summarize key features of FAST TCP, and report experimental results from our first public demonstration in November 2002.  ...  We describe a variant of TCP, called FAST, that can sustain high throughput and utilization at multi-Gbps over large distance.  ...  The details of the architecture, algorithms, extensive experimental evaluations of FAST TCP, and comparison with other TCP variants can be found in [1] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/mnet.2005.1383434 fatcat:nfld5bj7kbfdbbef5cttmmcahe

TCP-FLASH - A Fast Reacting TCP for Modern Networks

Lingfeng Guo, Jack Y. B. Lee
2021 IEEE Access  
ARCHITECTURE AND DESIGN GOALS FLASH is a sender-side congestion control algorithm compatible with current receiver-side TCP implementations.  ...  , TCP performance.  ...  Fifth, delay is another challenging issue in TCP design as it is inherently a conflicting objective against throughput performance.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3077612 fatcat:7iahjbsnprcaxnx6xcdrz53qri

Modelling and Stability of Fast TCP [chapter]

Jiantao Wang, David X. Wei, Joon-Young Choi, Steven H. Low
2007 IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications  
We discuss the modelling of FAST TCP and prove four stability results.  ...  Using the traditional continuous-time flow model, we prove, for general networks, that FAST TCP is globally asymptotically stable when there is no feedback delay and that it is locally asymptotically stable  ...  The details of the architecture, algorithms, experimental evaluations of FAST TCP can be found in [7, 8] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-48945-2_14 fatcat:re7hvxl3wfgn5ckk5eue2y3lci

Performance evaluation of TCP-Reno, TCP-Newreno and TCP-Westwood on burstification in an OBS network

K. Ratna Pavani, N. Sreenath
2012 2012 18th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM)  
In this backdrop an experimental study was made to compare the performance of TCP variants like TCP Reno, TCP-Newreno and TCP-Westwood using Network simulator NS-2.  ...  The delay caused due to burstification at the ingress node may influence the performance of TCP variants as it influence the calculation of RTT and consequently size of the congestion window.  ...  Implementation of fast retransmit algorithm of TCP-packet and starts fast recovery phase.  ... 
doi:10.1109/adcom.2012.6563579 fatcat:4bnyovwwrbhwlkh7cwdjwwq7ba


Ilya Moiseenko, Dave Oran
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 conference on 3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking - ACM-ICN '16  
Performance measurements of both simulation and real implementation demonstrate that with our proxy design TCP can traverse ICN networks without significant additional delay or loss of goodput.  ...  Today's Internet applications and protocols are not compatible with Information Centric Networking (ICN) protocols and there is no straightforward way of rapidly switching protocol architectures.  ...  It is possible to use name prefixes that are algorithmically mapped to the IP addresses.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2984356.2984357 dblp:conf/acmicn/MoiseenkoO16 fatcat:hhrclhjjzzfkloar5oayakhvue

TCP revisited

Feng Qian, Alexandre Gerber, Zhuoqing Morley Mao, Subhabrata Sen, Oliver Spatscheck, Walter Willinger
2009 Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference - IMC '09  
more capacity, the emergence of bandwidth-intensive streaming applications, and the massive penetration of new TCP variants.  ...  These and other changes beg the question whether the characteristics of measured TCP traffic in today's Internet reflect these changes or have largely remained the same.  ...  control algorithms like FAST [34] , HSTCP [15] and CUBIC [16] , and vendors promoting acceleration boxes that offer proprietary optimizations to TCP.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1644893.1644903 dblp:conf/imc/QianGMSSW09 fatcat:vxxuzmcxovgopbphkckgaoqfna

Cellular Controlled Delay TCP (C2TCP)

Soheil Abbasloo, Tong Li, Yang Xu, H. Jonathan Chao
2018 2018 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops  
That's why in this environment, TCP and its flavors, which are generally designed for wired networks, perform poorly.  ...  Through extensive trace-based evaluations using traces from five commercial LTE and 3G networks, we have compared performance of C2TCP with various TCP variants, and stateof-the-art schemes including BBR  ...  However, C2TCP always perform very well regardless of the fast link fluctuations.  ... 
doi:10.23919/ifipnetworking.2018.8696844 dblp:conf/networking/AbbaslooLXC18 fatcat:ufxokab3fbajjocv34akpqa4mm

Cellular Controlled Delay TCP (C2TCP) [article]

Soheil Abbasloo, Tong Li, Yang Xu, H. Jonathan Chao
2018 arXiv   pre-print
That's why in this environment, TCP and its flavors, which are generally designed for wired networks, perform poorly.  ...  Through extensive trace-based evaluations using traces from five commercial LTE and 3G networks, we have compared performance of C2TCP with various TCP variants, and state-of-the-art schemes including  ...  However, C2TCP always perform very well regardless of the fast link fluctuations.  ... 
arXiv:1807.02689v1 fatcat:lpxslvognzgdti3ayar5iu6goi

A Survey on TCP in VANET: Architecture, Issues

Kaushika Patel, Alpa Barad, Paresh Patel
To overcome this problem congestion control algorithm is used when congestion occur this algorithm slow down the transmission rate.  ...  This paper incorporates survey of overall examination chip away at different issue identified with TCP in VANET.  ...  After the Fast retransmit algorithm sends what appears to be the missing segment, the "Fast recovery" governs the reason for not performing slow start is that the receipt of the duplicate ACK not only  ... 
doi:10.26472/ijrae.v1i11.42 fatcat:bs4uhhfmkrcaxkm4qgjqmyvbra

On inferring TCP behavior

Jitendra Pahdye, Sally Floyd
2001 Computer communication review  
Most of the traffic in today's Internet is controlled by the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). Hence, the performance of TCP has a significant impact on the performance of the overall Internet.  ...  We have developed a tool called TCP Behavior Inference Tool (TBIT) to characterize the TCP behavior of a remote web server.  ...  Thus, TCP performance has a significant impact on the performance of the overall Internet.  ... 
doi:10.1145/964723.383083 fatcat:vaodh3aawzfi7pju44bu6s2ldq

The case for TCP/IP puzzles

Wu-chang Feng
2003 Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Future directions in network architecture - FDNA '03  
We then describe several scenarios in which TCP/IP puzzles could be used to thwart port scans and coordinated DDoS attacks.  ...  In this paper, we argue that such puzzles must be placed within the slim waistline of the TCP/IP protocol stack in order to truly provide protection.  ...  In fact, the fast spread of the worm demonstrated the strength of the Internet's design.  ... 
doi:10.1145/944769.944771 fatcat:lmyrqf3dcraddeb3mmie7mtiu4
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