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Chapter 4 Understanding New Nuclear Threats: The Open-Source Intelligence Revolution? [chapter]

Amy Zegart
2023 The Fragile Balance of Terror  
For the final stage of his investigation, Roberts went high tech.  ...  acknowledges the support of the American Acad emy of Arts and Sciences for this proj ect and the valuable feedback on earlier drafts provided by  ...  Deepfake application tools online are now widely available and so simple to use, high school students with no coding background can create convincing forgeries.  ... 
doi:10.1515/9781501767036-005 fatcat:n3zdz6lcyvb3ng6csfsczi3i3m

Digital Disinformation Landscape and Online Disinformation-Countering Tools [article]

Umar Ruhi, University, My
Finally, this review provides a discussion of recommendations from the literature, targeted for civil society, government, and the technology sector.  ...  These suggestions focus on fixing the underlying structural and institutional issues that have allowed for the widespread dissemination of disinformation and are integral to the future success of eradicating  ...  In anticipation of an expansion of deepfake videos being created for the purpose of disinforming society, Meta is in the process of creating a deepfake detection model using neural networks to identify  ... 
doi:10.20381/ruor-28304 fatcat:n3ricblut5akdbvwfpfutsfqs4

AMS Preliminary Program

Melia Wong
Join us for the 87th Annual Meeting of the American Musicological Society (AMS)!  ...  We look forward to welcoming you to the 2021 AMS Annual Meeting.  ...  Instrumental and vocal sounds, for Schae ner, derive not from metaphysical ideals, but from fundamental material forms-the bow, the pipe, the phonetic breath.  ... 
doi:10.17613/7kpz-g054 fatcat:wiry2sdv7rdefkaxprwebste2a