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Input Technologies and Techniques [chapter]

Ken Hinckley
2009 Human Factors and Ergonomics  
Soft keyboards depict keys in a graphical user interface to allow typing with a touchscreen or stylus. Design issues for soft keyboards differ from mechanical keyboards.  ...  Keyboards and Text Entry Typewriters have been in use for over 100 years; the QWERTY key layout dates to 1868 (Yamada, 1980) .  ... 
doi:10.1201/b10368-12 fatcat:wbua2qex4zh4rdmdqiqey6wk6e

Input Technologies and Techniques [chapter]

Ken Hinckley
2007 The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook  
Soft keyboards depict keys in a graphical user interface to allow typing with a touchscreen or stylus. Design issues for soft keyboards differ from mechanical keyboards.  ...  Keyboards and Text Entry Typewriters have been in use for over 100 years; the QWERTY key layout dates to 1868 (Yamada, 1980) .  ... 
doi:10.1201/9781410615862.ch9 fatcat:7a4gv6luqzf6dljtq3eawgta4a

Input Technologies and Techniques [chapter]

Ken Hinckley, Daniel Wigdor
2012 Human Factors and Ergonomics  
, explorers, and scoundrels.  ...  As some would have it, the encroaching dunes have all but buried the mouse, keyboard and other indirect input devices as archeological curiosities, to be unearthed by a future generation of researchers  ...  KEYBOARDS AND TEXT ENTRY Typewriters have been in use for over 140 years; the QWERTY key layout dates to 1868 (Yamada 1980) .  ... 
doi:10.1201/b11963-9 fatcat:czou4e5munb7jj37os7v6om6im

Disappearing mobile devices

Tao Ni, Patrick Baudisch
2009 Proceedings of the 22nd annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology - UIST '09  
We complete our exploration with two studies in which we investigate the affordance of these devices more concretely, namely marking and text entry using a gesture alphabet.  ...  people are aware of and interact with intentionally, we envision that this concept can become small enough to allow invisible integration into arbitrary surfaces or human skin, and thus truly ubiquitous use  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank John Lutian for providing us with his remarkable laser track point prototype, Jake Wobbrock for sharing the original EdgeWrite code with us, and Ken Hinckley and Gerry Chu for  ... 
doi:10.1145/1622176.1622197 dblp:conf/uist/NiB09 fatcat:gg2noafaxnc3nkdwch6mmah5xq

Towards Augmented Reality-driven Human-City Interaction: Current Research on Mobile Headsets and Future Challenges [article]

Lik Hang Lee, Tristan Braud, Simo Hosio, Pan Hui
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We highlight under-explored issues in interface design and input techniques that warrant further research, and conjecture that AR with complementary Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs) is a key enabler  ...  However, the small-size finger space can barely accommodate the full QWERTY keyboard with two hands [53] .  ...  : Red; Soft Keyboard: Black; Hand-held Devices: Dark blue; Interfaces on Forearms: Grey; Gaze: Yellow; Finger Space: Green; Ring-form Devices: Orange.  ... 
arXiv:2007.09207v2 fatcat:ymyrfxbvwfg2jfnweqxvmwl3t4

Motion-based Interaction for Head-Mounted Displays

Wenge Xu
The second challenge is addressed by using a circular layout with a go-and-hit selection style for head-based interaction using text entry as the scenario.  ...  Unlike traditional input devices like the mouse and keyboard, which often offer comparatively limited interaction possibilities (e.g., single-touch interaction), MbI does not have these constraints and  ...  a QWERTY keyboard layout.  ... 
doi:10.17638/03122342 fatcat:jx7bevf2j5h3vm44cock2dh6pa

Interactive on-skin devices for expressive touch-based interactions [article]

Martin Weigel, Universität Des Saarlandes, Universität Des Saarlandes
The indings show that participants use various body locations for onskin interaction.  ...  Moreover, they show that skin allows for expressive interaction using multi-touch input and skin-speciic modalities.  ...  We demonstrate our interaction techniques in six application examples, featuring single-handed and occlusion free input for smartwatches and subtle input for headmounted displays.  ... 
doi:10.22028/d291-26771 fatcat:vrcht7wrmngu7au7l5a7nzfham

From wearable towards epidermal computing : soft wearable devices for rich interaction on the skin [article]

Aditya Shekhar Nittala, Universität Des Saarlandes
Experiments 55 2.7 Applications and Real-World Deployments 56 2.7.1 Health Monitoring and Diagnosis contents 2.8.2 Other Technologies from the Taxonomy of On-Body Interaction 64 2.9 Summary 68 2.9.1 Material Exploration  ...  TipText features a QWERTY keyboard, familiar to most of today's computer users, in a 2×3 grid layout residing invisibly on the first segment of the index finger.  ...  In addition to soft epidermal devices based on PDMS or tattoo-based substrates, prior work has also explored the use of soft textile patches [429, 431] as well as using weaving or machine embroidery  ... 
doi:10.22028/d291-35702 fatcat:2rumjzclkraf3dcq2c6hxhzcty

The frame/content theory of evolution of speech production

P F MacNeilage
1998 Behavioral and Brain Sciences  
This was true of data typed on a standard QWERTY keyboard and also of data compiled from typists using a Dvorak keyboard.  ...  The coordinate frames for typing are obviously different and include the spatial layout of the keyboard and the coordination of the fingers and of the two hands with respect to this keyboard space.  ... 
pmid:10097020 fatcat:plroaruw6nf2lglkki5kf3zgr4

Development and prototyping of haptic interactions for data exploration

Sabrina A Paneels
and a scatter plot using a force model.  ...  work achieved so far in haptic data visualization and presents a solution to the open haptic overview challenge, both for a line chart application, through the combination of guidance metaphors and free exploration  ...  A traditional qwerty keyboard was used to assign the beacons to bars, with a seek function to haptically drag the user to the beacons using an elastic spring metaphor, and audio cues were used to confirm  ... 
doi:10.22024/unikent/01.02.94572 fatcat:ankdorrfirfjfnrpzfaow5ixyy

Real-Time Depth-Based Hand Tracking for American Sign Language Recognition

Brandon Taylor
translation between many other languages have benefited greatly from decades of research into speech recognition and Statistical Machine Translation, ASLs lack of aural and written components have limited exploration  ...  Here we will explore how techniques developed for optical character recognition and soft-keyboard text entry can be adapted to improve the word-level recognition of our fingerspelling system.  ...  The touchscreen provides a clear distinction between system interactions and sign performance without requiring the use of a peripheral (e.g., mouse or keyboard).  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/7195157.v1 fatcat:rihtbgombngd3k6zwxc2mrdaim

Software Studies

Matthew Fuller, Lev Manovich, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, John Bell, Ian Bogost, Jeremy Douglass, Mark Marino, Michael Mateas, Casey Reas, Mark Sample, Noah Vawter, London
2009 Processing: Digital Fictions, Computer Games, and Software Studies   unpublished
MIT Press books may be purchased at special quantity discounts for business or sales promotional use. For information, email special_sales@mitpress.mit.edu or write to  ...  Figure 60 60 2001 keyboard had PETSCII graphics symbols printed on the front of the corresponding keys. The graphics were arranged spatially on the keyboard.  ...  The original PET 2001 key- board is a variant of the QWERTY arrangement, featuring the graphical characters of PETSCII alongside the regular keyboard letters (figure 60.8).  ... 

Enriching mobile interaction with garment-based wearable computing devices [article]

Stefan Schneegass, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Stuttgart
In this thesis, we explore how smart garments can enrich mobile interaction.  ...  On the input side, we look at explicit input using touch and mid-air gestures as well as implicit input using physiological signals.  ...  In particular, I would like to thank Max and Michael (for all the work on EMS), This research probe shows how touch-enabled textiles can be used as input means for mobile devices such as smart watches  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-8953 fatcat:jd6wg2p3i5f2hmuhkxe74pti5y

ACHI 2017 COMMITTEE ACHI Steering Committee

Leslie Miller, Alma Culén, Christos Bouras, Jan Broer, Marcin Butlewski, Jacek Chmielewski, Rolf Drechsler, Carlos Duarte, Sascha Fagel, Peter Forbrig, Toni Granollers, Maki Habib (+36 others)
We also hope that Nice provided a pleasant environment during the conference and everyone saved some time for exploring this beautiful city.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks to ETSID for the support given to the Exposition Smartcity: Design, Technology, and Services for Public Use.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT A big thank you goes to the participants of the interviews and workshops who willingly gave us their time and attention!  ... 