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5G Communication: An Overview of Vehicle-to-Everything, Drones, and Healthcare Use-cases

Hanif Ullah, Nithya Gopalakrishnan Nair, Adrian Moore, Chris Nugent, Paul Muschamp, Maria Cuevas
2019 IEEE Access  
In particular, we consider three main use-cases: vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, drones, and healthcare.  ...  INDEX TERMS 5G, V2X communication, drones, healthcare, ultra-low-latency, ultra-high-reliability.  ...  Also, the Stable Fixtures (SF) matching game technique is proposed to formulate a more comprehensive many-to-many link association scheme establishing bidirectional links based on unique characteristics  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2905347 fatcat:wgsv3xoek5c2jf4zwawx6zxaty