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Exploiting partial operand knowledge

B.R. Mestan, M.H. Lipasti
2003 2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2003. Proceedings.  
This paper examines existing and new approaches for exploiting early partial knowledge of an instruction's input operands for overlapping the execution of dependent instructions and resolving unknown dependences  ...  In particular, we study three applications of partial operand knowledge: disambiguating loads from earlier stores, performing partial tag matching in set-associative caches, and resolving mispredicted  ...  Partial Operand Bypassing Recent designs have exploited partial operand knowledge exclusively through the technique of partial operand bypassing.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icpp.2003.1240601 dblp:conf/icpp/MestanL03 fatcat:6zzfyoulsre4tcu32xu6mgeloi

CORSAIR: A Smart Card for Public Key Cryptosystems [chapter]

Dominique de Waleffe, Jean-Jacques Quisquater
1991 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This allows to compute XE mod M, with 512 bit operand& in less than 15 second (0.4 set for a signature).  ...  Also, input operands must be padded with one null byte to allow for a correct last result byte. Exploiting this cell for a complete algorithm is also quite cumbersome.  ...  Security applications must be designed to securely exploit the capabilities of the card.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-38424-3_35 fatcat:to6b6bbaurf7nbf5r5c5hyaguq

Highly-Parallel Montgomery Multiplication for Multi-Core General-Purpose Microprocessors [chapter]

Selçuk Baktir, Erkay Savaş
2012 Computer and Information Sciences III  
To our knowledge, this is the rst work that shows with actual implementation results that Montgomery multiplication can be practically parallelized on general-purpose multi-core processors.  ...  Partial Product Accumulation on a 4-Core Processor: for i = 1 to log 2 s for j = 0 to s 2 i − 1 t j ← t j + t j+ s On a 4-core processor, for performing the integer multiplication A × B, the operand A  ...  Fig. 5 . 5 Partial product computation and accumulation of the partial products for the integer multiplication A × B with 6 cores.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4471-4594-3_48 dblp:conf/iscis/BaktirS12 fatcat:mgr32ary4ndmfjj3ueojesooqi

Integrated temporal and spatial scheduling for extended operand clustered VLIW processors

Rahul Nagpal, Y. N. Srikant
2004 Proceedings of the first conference on computing frontiers on Computing frontiers - CF'04  
operands from other clusters without any extra cost.  ...  A scheduler is responsible for resolving the conflicting requirements of aggressively exploiting the parallelism offered by hardware and limiting the communication among clusters to available slots.  ...  Exploiting this knowledge, our integrated scheduler is able to schedule all the instructions in three cycles in this example.  ... 
doi:10.1145/977091.977155 dblp:conf/cf/NagpalS04 fatcat:vb77pehtzrfcta325m2ffelie4

High Throughput Matrix-Matrix Multiplication between Asymmetric Bit-Width Operands [article]

Dibakar Gope, Jesse Beu, Matthew Mattina
2020 arXiv   pre-print
operands, they cannot exploit the benefit of narrow bit-width of one of the operands.  ...  While existing SIMD matrix multiplication instructions for symmetric bit-width operands can support operands of mixed precision by zero- or sign-extending the narrow operand to match the size of the other  ...  be able to exploit the narrower bit-width of the second operand for improving the MAC throughput of matrix multiply operation.  ... 
arXiv:2008.00638v1 fatcat:yhs3m5ih4zdsfa7745weieccsa

An Asynchronous Floating-Point Multiplier

Basit Riaz Sheikh, Rajit Manohar
2012 2012 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems  
To our knowledge, this is the first detailed design of a high-performance asynchronous IEEE-754 compliant double-precision floating-point multiplier.  ...  A higher radix array multiplier design with operand-dependent carrypropagation adder and low handshake overhead pipeline design is presented, which yields significant energy savings while preserving the  ...  They produce a pre-determined fixed number of partial products, which greatly minimizes if not fully eliminates the opportunities for exploiting data dependent optimizations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/async.2012.19 dblp:conf/async/SheikhM12 fatcat:t5hagnecpndotc3sqzcwk37ksm


Dawson R. Engler, Wilson C. Hsieh
2000 SIGPLAN notices  
Derive automatically reverse-engineers instruction encoding knowledge from the assembler by feeding it permutations of instructions and doing equation solving on the output.  ...  Users must typically specify thousands of details of instruction layout, such as opcode and eld locations values, legal operands, and jump o set encodings.  ...  An example format to generate single-operand instructions on the x86 is: * list of registers * regs = eax, ebp, ebx, ecx, edi, edx, esi, esp; * partial list of single operand instructions * dec, inc, neg  ... 
doi:10.1145/351403.351409 fatcat:4326ebet5feo5hiytb5fop73s4


Dawson R. Engler, Wilson C. Hsieh
2000 Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN workshop on Dynamic and adaptive compilation and optimization - DYNAMO '00  
Derive automatically reverse-engineers instruction encoding knowledge from the assembler by feeding it permutations of instructions and doing equation solving on the output.  ...  Users must typically specify thousands of details of instruction layout, such as opcode and eld locations values, legal operands, and jump o set encodings.  ...  An example format to generate single-operand instructions on the x86 is: * list of registers * regs = eax, ebp, ebx, ecx, edi, edx, esi, esp; * partial list of single operand instructions * dec, inc, neg  ... 
doi:10.1145/351397.351409 dblp:conf/dynamo/EnglerH00 fatcat:z3xhk6kb3fgvdcyxny3slktsua

Behavior-level observability don't-cares and application to low-power behavioral synthesis

Jason Cong, Bin Liu, Zhiru Zhang
2009 Proceedings of the 14th ACM/IEEE international symposium on Low power electronics and design - ISLPED '09  
Our algorithm exploits knowledge about select and Boolean instructions, and allows certain forms of other knowledge, once uncovered, to be considered for stronger observability conditions.  ...  To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to use a comprehensive behavioral-level observability analysis to guide optimizations in behavioral synthesis.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is partially supported by SRC under Task 1879 and NSF under grant CNS-0725354.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1594233.1594266 dblp:conf/islped/CongLZ09 fatcat:zclnnere7vg23pjuj3qm2q4jby

Improving XOR-Dominated Circuits by Exploiting Dependencies between Operands

Ajay K. Verma, Paolo Ienne
2007 2007 Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference  
To our best knowledge, optimisations of the type we show for multiplier-like structures have never been reported-neither manually derived, in computer arithmetic literature, nor automatically derived,  ...  We show that it optimises significantly the best parallel multipliers by exploiting complex dependencies between the addenda which escape known manual optimisations.  ...  A much less evident example of dependencies among partial product bits is shown in Fig. 1(b) , where, exploiting the dependency among the bits, the expression for the 4 th sum bit can be simplified as  ... 
doi:10.1109/aspdac.2007.358052 dblp:conf/aspdac/VermaI07 fatcat:ee7ei5a2hzettn7duvgxhqwup4

Symbolic genetic algorithm for discovering open-form partial differential equations (SGA-PDE)

Yuntian Chen, Yingtao Luo, Qiang Liu, Hao Xu, Dongxiao Zhang
2022 Physical Review Research  
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are concise and understandable representations of domain knowledge, which are essential for deepening our understanding of physical processes and predicting future  ...  We propose the symbolic genetic algorithm to discover open-form PDEs (SGA-PDE) directly from data without prior knowledge about the equation structure.  ...  Much of the domain knowledge comes from the experience of experts and the theoretical research of scholars and is expressed as various theoretical models or empirical models mostly represented by partial  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevresearch.4.023174 fatcat:ijzamr53ebb3liemcws5tdbvlq

A New Control Structure for Transformation-Based Generators [chapter]

Ted J. Biggerstaff
2000 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The AOG system introduces a new control structure that allows differing kinds of knowledge (e.g., optimization knowledge) to be anticipated, placed where it will be needed, and triggered when the time  ...  A serious problem of most transformation-based generators is that they are trying to achieve three mutually antagonistic goals simultaneously: 1) deeply factored operators and operands to gain the combinatorial  ...  . • It uses tag-directed transformations to exploit knowledge and operations that are ill suited to pattern-directed transformations. • It stages transformation phases so that each is organized to achieve  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-44995-9_1 fatcat:46ytburlafh5thzauihsweoexu

Higher Radix Squaring Operations Employing Left-to-Right Dual Recoding

David W. Matula
2009 2009 19th IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic  
For radix-8 design the 128-bit square of a 64-bit operand can be obtained from a consolidated partial square array of just 11 rows.  ...  We introduce a novel left-to-right leading digit first dual recoding of an operand for the purpose of designing the squaring operation on that operand.  ...  It follows that knowledge of the p-bit normalized operand x is sufficient to determine if the normalized rounded p-bit floating point square is exact except for the particular case where p is odd and =  ... 
doi:10.1109/arith.2009.34 dblp:conf/arith/Matula09 fatcat:g3zucnwvfjbwdgpaylvlx5tvma

Online Type-Directed Partial Evaluation

Olivier Danvy
1997 BRICS Report Series  
In this experimental work, we extend type-directed partial evaluation (a.k.a.  ...  The user can also specify how to residualize an operation, by pattern-matching over the operands. Operators may be pure or have a computational effect.  ...  For an other example, in Sussman's Scheme-programming environment today, all primitive operators are instrumented to attempt algebraic simplifications over their operands. 3 To the best of our knowledge  ... 
doi:10.7146/brics.v4i53.19274 fatcat:f7awleju6fhpljel7cjcu7gfqy

Any equation is a forest: Symbolic genetic algorithm for discovering open-form partial differential equations (SGA-PDE) [article]

Yuntian Chen, Yingtao Luo, Qiang Liu, Hao Xu, Dongxiao Zhang
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Partial differential equations (PDEs) are concise and understandable representations of domain knowledge, which are essential for deepening our understanding of physical processes and predicting future  ...  We propose the symbolic genetic algorithm (SGA-PDE) to discover open-form PDEs directly from data without prior knowledge about the equation structure.  ...  Acknowledgements This work is partially funded by the Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Natural Gas Hydrates (Grant No.  ... 
arXiv:2106.11927v1 fatcat:3b77fga6anfdhb5jnupln3ymau
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