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4,347 Hits in 3.8 sec

Investigation of Lighting Conditions for Teleoperation of Robot Arms by Image Processing and Force-free Control

Achala Pallegedara, Yoshitaka Matsuda, Takenao Sugi, Takeo Matsumoto, Kenta Tsukamoto, Naruto Egashira, Satoru Goto
2012 Proceedings of the ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and its Applications  
The other is an image processing component in which template matching (TM) techniques are adopted to realize the accurate motion by means of visual servo control.  ...  Since the template matching technology plays a vital role in our teleoperation system, it is important to investigate the behavior according to varying lighting levels.  ...  Acknowledgement This work was partly supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 22560795.  ... 
doi:10.5687/sss.2012.198 fatcat:463l75xa2fh3rgqffqoa2j5kii

Virtual Reality-based Teleoperation with Robustness Against Modeling Errors

Jiang Zainan, Liu Hong, Wang Jie, Huang Jianbin
2009 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics  
In order to verify the proposed method, an experiment deploying the solar panel troubled by malfunction is carried out through teleoperation.  ...  with visual recognition technology.  ...  In the experiment, the three different control algo- PD position control In the teleoperation experiment, the simple PD position control is responsible for the robot, and Fig.13 shows the contact  ... 
doi:10.1016/s1000-9361(08)60106-5 fatcat:aop6zfhtsfa5jclbfy354axggm

Development of a user experience enhanced teleoperation approach

Junshen Chen, Marc Glover, Chunxu Li, Chenguang Yang
2016 2016 International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM)  
In this paper, we have investigated various techniques that can be used to enhance user experience for robot teleoperation.  ...  For visual feedback, operators can control the pose of a camera on the head of the robot via the wearable visual headset, such that the operator is able to perceive from the robot's perspective.  ...  In comparison to this design, our design is based on a physical platform. By combining haptic feedback, and visual feedback, an operator would naturally experience telexistence [2] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icarm.2016.7606914 dblp:conf/icarm/ChenGLY16 fatcat:uwz2ervywrcqxh6cwa3n4zbv3e

Building Human Visual Attention Map for Construction Equipment Teleoperation

Jiamin Fan, Xiaomeng Li, Xing Su
2022 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
This study investigates the effect of VA on teleoperation performance in excavating tasks.  ...  It also informs the strategies on the practical implication of designing a user-friendly teleoperation system.  ...  During teleoperation, an operator has no direct perception of the environment but has to rely on visual information on one or multiple teleoperating screens.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.895126 pmid:35757532 pmcid:PMC9226901 fatcat:jcvoqawdnjd55idu5xli2l26qe

Teleoperated Service Robot with an Immersive Mixed Reality Interface

Angelica Nakayama, Daniel Ruelas, Jesus Savage, Ernesto Bribiesca
2021 Informatics and Automation  
Communication between the operator and the robot is essential for remote operation and strongly affects system efficiency. Immersive interfaces are being used to enhance teleoperation experience.  ...  This work presents the development of a service robot teleoperation system with an immersive mixed reality operation interface where the operator can visualize the real remote environment or a virtual  ...  Teleyes and the proposed system share the approach of enhancing the teleoperation experience by matching the stereo cameras and head movement with user visualization and control of the device.  ... 
doi:10.15622/ia.20.6.1 fatcat:zhurforsmnfvpizda7prnfurfe

Fast and Accurate Hand Visual Detection by Using a Spatial-Channel Attention SSD for Hand-Based Space Robot Teleoperation

Qing Gao, Xin Zhang, Wenrao Pang, Angelo Cervone
2022 International Journal of Aerospace Engineering  
Space robot teleoperation is an important technology in the space human-robot interaction and collaboration. Hand-based visual teleoperation can make the operation more natural and convenient.  ...  In addition, the space robot teleoperation experiment proves that our hand detection method can be well utilized in the space robot teleoperation system.  ...  Hand detection is an important and difficult issue in the hand-based visual teleoperation. Because (1) space robot teleoperation needs real-time and robust operation.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/3396811 fatcat:ogsw22i6yvc45ml4b3wvfr7ggy

AirExo: Low-Cost Exoskeletons for Learning Whole-Arm Manipulation in the Wild [article]

Hongjie Fang, Hao-Shu Fang, Yiming Wang, Jieji Ren, Jingjing Chen, Ruo Zhang, Weiming Wang, Cewu Lu
2024 arXiv   pre-print
a policy that is comparable to or even better than one learned from teleoperated demonstrations lasting over 20 minutes.  ...  Experiments demonstrate that our approach enables the model to learn a more general and robust policy across the various stages of the task, enhancing the success rates in task completion even with the  ...  Fang set up the robot platform, implemented the tele-operation, trained the policy, and wrote the paper. H.-S.  ... 
arXiv:2309.14975v2 fatcat:s3aznyi7m5cyhkv5yyum5ptbbi

Robot Teleoperation System Based on Mixed Reality

Congyuan Liang, Chao Liu, Xiaofeng Liu, Long Cheng, Chenguang Yang
2019 2019 IEEE 4th International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM)  
Combined with Leap Motion and HoloLens, the system is able to offer a better operate experience by allowing the operator to teleoperate a robot within a mixed reality scene.  ...  This work develops a novel robot teleoperation system based on mixed reality.  ...  In the experiments, by using the robot teleoperation system based on mixed reality, the human operator is able to finish the task with the slave robot.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icarm.2019.8834302 dblp:conf/icarm/LiangLLCY19 fatcat:clbhkbfllvbpvllol5jnf534bq

A Review of Haptic Feedback Teleoperation Systems for Micromanipulation and Microassembly

A. Bolopion, S. Regnier
2013 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering  
Two main approaches have been considered: fully automated tasks and manual operation. The first one require fully pre determined tasks, while the later necessitates highly trained operators.  ...  A new and promising solution is presented here; teleoperation with force feedback, where an operator uses a joystick to control the tool at the microscale, while experiencing interaction forces between  ...  This approach is validated through an experiment on teleoperating a sphere of around 50 m in diameter using a piezo-electric gripper in a pick-and-place task (Fig. 7) . V.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tase.2013.2245122 fatcat:qse6gqxjjbdpzipjrgyfma6hkq

Arbitrary Viewpoint Visualization for Teleoperation of Disaster Response Robots

Masataka Fuchida, Shota Chikushi, Alessandro Moro, Atsushi Yamashita
2019 Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering  
In this work, we propose an arbitrary viewpoint visualization system for disaster response robots. Robot operation from safety areas using teleoperation is highly desirable.  ...  Experiments confirmed pose synchronization, generation of views from arbitrary positions, as well as improved operability.  ...  Acknowledgment This work was in part funded by ImPACT Program of Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (grant no. 2015-PM07-02-01)(Cabinet Office, Government of Japan).  ... 
doi:10.15748/jasse.6.249 fatcat:tm52pdan55g4fifaecz3b6l73i

Maintaining the Sense of Agency in Semi-Autonomous Robot Conferencing

Tanaka, Takenouchi, Ogawa, Yoshikawa, Nishio, Ishiguro
2019 Future Internet  
In semi-autonomous robot conferencing, not only the operator controls the robot, but the robot itself also moves autonomously.  ...  However, the sense of agency, that is, the degree of feeling that the movement of the robot is the operator's own movement, would decrease if the operator is conscious of the discrepancy between the teleoperation  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank Naoki Koyama and Kodai Shatani for helping the experiment of this study. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/fi11070143 fatcat:sfraj324mvctpjhnkqldc76fna

Page 554 of Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets Vol. 9, Issue 7 [page]

1972 Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets  
Teleoperator State-of-the-Art Operational experiences with manipulators cover a span of more than twenty years.'*?  ...  To obtain optimum “impedance matching,” the dimensions and operating characteristics of the teleoperators and robots should be compatible with those of the astronaut.  ... 

Teleoperation of all-terrain robot using continuous acquisition of three-dimensional environment under time-delayed narrow bandwidth communication

Keiji Nagatani, Naoki Tokunaga, Yoshito Okada, Kazuya Yoshida, Yasushi Hada, Tomoaki Yoshida, Eiji Koyanagi
2009 2009 IEEE International Workshop on Safety, Security & Rescue Robotics (SSRR 2009)  
In this paper, we introduce our teleoperation system and report the results of experiments performed to validate the system.  ...  In this study, on the basis of the above systems, we developed a teleoperation system for mobile robots that functions effectively under conditions of time-delayed and narrow bandwidth wireless communication  ...  During conventional teleoperation of rescue robots, operators use visual data obtained by cameras mounted on the robots to discern the surrounding environment of the robots.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ssrr.2009.5424165 fatcat:dhun2djccvbz5ms5276o7htoiu

How are your robot friends doing? A design exploration of graphical techniques supporting awareness of robot team members in teleoperation [article]

Stela H. Seo, James E. Young, Pourang Irani
2020 arXiv   pre-print
One strategy for supporting the operator to comprehend this information is to improve teleoperation interface designs to carefully present data.  ...  One challenge is that teleoperating a remote robot is cognitively taxing as the operator needs to understand the robot's state and monitor all its sensor data.  ...  Among the myriad of challenges in team teleoperation scenarios, one is the teleoperation interface: input and output hardware, displays, widgets, and controls need to be designed to support operators in  ... 
arXiv:2006.04838v1 fatcat:gme4qv6gpvcsvbxjdyjy2axpf4

Visual Tactile Sensor Based Force Estimation for Position-Force Teleoperation [article]

Yaonan Zhu, Shukrullo Nazirjonov, Bingheng Jiang, Jacinto Colan, Tadayoshi Aoyama, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Boris Belousov, Kay Hansel, Jan Peters
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose a contact force estimation method using the vision-based tactile sensor DIGIT, and apply it to a position-force teleoperation architecture for force feedback.  ...  This nature of tactile sensors makes them a perfect match for haptic feedback applications.  ...  a teleoperated grasping system. 3) The force feedback performance of the proposed system is evaluated by conducting preliminary experiments on rigid object contact and a teleoperated in-hand pivoting  ... 
arXiv:2212.13007v1 fatcat:moctqxrol5duleyhs3aykjf5by
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