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ExPort: Detecting and visualizing API usages in large source code repositories

Evan Moritz, Mario Linares-Vasquez, Denys Poshyvanyk, Mark Grechanik, Collin McMillan, Malcom Gethers
2013 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)  
This paper presents a technique for automatically mining and visualizing API usage examples.  ...  Given a starting API, our approach can recommend complex API usage examples mined from a repository of over 14 million Java methods.  ...  Detecting and Visualizing API Usage ExPort provides a visual interface (GUI) to browse the space of APIs that are identified as relevant by using RTM.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ase.2013.6693127 dblp:conf/kbse/MoritzVPGMG13 fatcat:4hlqaxx57nag3h5b6st6cjuy3q

An Open Tool for Assisting in Technical Debt Management

Carlos Fernandez-Sanchez, Hector Humanes, Juan Garbajosa, Jessica Diaz
2017 2017 43rd Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA)  
TEDMA is based on the analysis of source code repositories and is useful for researching using empirical data extracted from software projects.  ...  Technical debt monitoring is one of the activities that have to be performed in technical debt management.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This work was partially sponsored by MESC DPI2013-47450-C2-2-R (Spain) and by CrowdSaving TIN2016-79726-C2-1-R (Spain).  ... 
doi:10.1109/seaa.2017.60 dblp:conf/euromicro/Fernandez-Sanchez17 fatcat:du2xjpyvj5h53gw37dnsnsubhm

The WebComfort Framework: An Extensible Platform for the Development of Web Applications

Joao de Sousa Saraiva, Alberto Rodrigues da Silva
2008 Proceedings of the EUROMICRO Conference  
The major technical details of this system are described in this paper, such as modules, toolkits, the data repository access, and the WebComfort API.  ...  This paper presents the architecture of WebComfort, a dynamic component-based CMS platform which allows users to manage and operate complex web applications in a dynamic and integrated fashion.  ...  DotNetNuke [6] is an open-source CMS system written in Visual Basic.NET, powered by ASP.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server.  ... 
doi:10.1109/seaa.2008.12 dblp:conf/seaa/SaraivaS08 fatcat:hzjjuym3qbbcplewcf2kx3wcdm

A Survey on Mining Software Repositories

Woosung JUNG, Eunjoo LEE, Chisu WU
2012 IEICE transactions on information and systems  
This paper presents fundamental concepts, overall process and recent research issues of Mining Software Repositories.  ...  The data sources such as source control systems, bug tracking systems or archived communications, data types and techniques used for general MSR problems are also presented.  ...  Nguyen et al. showed "API usage code adaptation framework" to guide API usage adaptation by learning the API usage adaptation patterns which appeared in other clients who had already migrated to the new  ... 
doi:10.1587/transinf.e95.d.1384 fatcat:kfje3mzcufchzdj7qyt5smaaum

D10.3 – Enhancement of Zenodo

Lars Holm Nielsen, Alexandros Ioannidis Pantopikos, Chiara Bigarella
2019 Zenodo  
Zenodo continues in OpenAIRE-Advance to be a central part of the project.  ...  On the other hand, Zenodo continues to be a guinea pig repository for OpenAIRE, where new workflows and content types can be tested, before being roll-out to other repositories.  ...  Export/Import Zenodo should export usage statistics to two services: • OpenAIRE Usage Statistics Service : The service allows using the Matomo HTTP API 7 which has support for sending events in bulk.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3701419 fatcat:l3syu44a5ffanmrniq7a2ebpve

Reverse Engineering Tool Based on Unified Mapping Method (RETUM): Class Diagram Visualizations

Rashmi Yadav, Ravindra Patel, Abhay Kothari
2014 Journal of Computer and Communications  
Static data flow analysis-based verifications detect problems in variable usage, task interactions and concurrency.  ...  When assessing the superiority and maintainability of large C, C++ and Java source code bases, tools are needed for extracting several facts [2] from the source code, such as: Language Support, Pre-Processing  ...  A large part of such tools extract their information mainly from the source code via static analysis.  ... 
doi:10.4236/jcc.2014.212005 fatcat:iyqhisdglbhdphrknmnay2p4ci

The Solid* toolset for software visual analytics of program structure and metrics comprehension: From research prototype to product

Dennie Reniers, Lucian Voinea, Ozan Ersoy, Alexandru Telea
2014 Science of Computer Programming  
We illustrate the toolset's usage for constructing software visualizations with examples in education, research, and industrial contexts.  ...  However, building efficient and effective SVA tools is highly challenging, as it involves extensive software development in program analysis, graphics, information visualization, and interaction.  ...  To explore code clones with SolidSDD, one needs to 5 load the root of a source code base (C, C++, Java, or C#) and click the clone detection button.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.scico.2012.05.002 fatcat:e2y5q2kkt5b2towq6s7pohy5hm

Efficient Searching for Essential API Member Sets based on Inclusion Relation Extraction

Yushi Kondoh, Masashi Nishimoto, Keiji Nishiyama, Hideyuki Kawabata, Tetsuo Hironaka
2019 International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing (IJNDC)  
The extracted patterns can be used to detect violations of API usages in the program.  ...  In this paper, we present a method to let the user efficiently search a large number of API member sets extracted from open source repositories.  ... 
doi:10.2991/ijndc.k.190911.002 fatcat:fhfvjbtforenfdkp7dgaejpu5i

Mining Multi-level API Usage Patterns

Mohamed Aymen Saied, Omar Benomar, Hani Abdeen, Houari Sahraoui
2015 2015 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER)  
However, typical APIs provide several thousands of methods to their client programs, and such large APIs are difficult to learn and use.  ...  For all the studied APIs, our technique was able to detect usage patterns that are, almost all, highly consistent and highly cohesive across a considerable variability of client programs.  ...  Approach Overview Our approach takes as input the source code of the API to study and multiple client programs making use of this API.  ... 
doi:10.1109/saner.2015.7081812 dblp:conf/wcre/SaiedBAS15 fatcat:x7ckj5qdpfhmhco2rbqkfvmzna

Find your library experts

Cedric Teyton, Jean-Remy Falleri, Floreal Morandat, Xavier Blanc
2013 2013 20th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE)  
In this article we propose LIBTIC, a search engine of library experts automatically populated by mining software repositories.  ...  Heavy usage of third-party libraries is almost mandatory in modern software systems. The knowledge of these libraries is generally scattered across the development team.  ...  Lämmel et al. propose a large-scale study on API usage over a large set of open source projects [23] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/wcre.2013.6671295 dblp:conf/wcre/TeytonFMB13 fatcat:zw73e3aylvczjf57htlmlmxx2m

Mining usage patterns for the Android API

Hudson S. Borges, Marco Tulio Valente
2015 PeerJ Computer Science  
API methods are not used alone, but in groups and following patterns. However, despite being a key information for API users, most usage patterns are not described in official API documents.  ...  In this article, we report a study that evaluates the feasibility of automatically enriching API documents with information on usage patterns.  ...  By clicking on these buttons, developers are presented with source code examples for the documented API methods.  ... 
doi:10.7717/peerj-cs.12 fatcat:4xviu6qai5bfliq277glhvfxnu

Openaire2020 - Usage Statistics Services - D8.5

Jochen Schirrwagen, Dimitris Pierrakos, Ross MacIntyre, Paul Needham, Georgi Simeonov, Pedro Príncipe, André Dazy
2017 Zenodo  
and CRIS, and eventually for the provision of consolidated usage statistics in the OpenAIRE portal, repository dashboard and via an API for external services.  ...  While those pilots have revealed several issues in the tracking code they have also informed and improved the implementation of the tracker code for repositories and the development of the OpenAIRE Sushi-Lite  ...  Consolidated Usage Statistics will be made available in OpenAIRE by the following methods:  In the data provider dashboard for data source managers with support of configuration updates, visualization  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1034164 fatcat:irzhos4mzbacxcigbqw6lvo6vy

A Framework for Creating Knowledge Graphs of Scientific Software Metadata

Aidan Kelley, Daniel Garijo
2021 Quantitative Science Studies  
We demonstrate our approach by creating a KG with metadata from over ten thousand scientific software entries from public code repositories.  ...  However, scientific software is usually challenging to find, set up, and compare to similar software due to its disconnected documentation (dispersed in manuals, readme files, web sites, and code comments  ...  The SOSEN KG is not large in size, and therefore many scientific software packages are currently missing.  ... 
doi:10.1162/qss_a_00167 fatcat:leueaiawovd2pioql6yxfzvlda

Towards automated, provenance-driven security audit for git-based repositories: applied to germany's corona-warn-app: vision paper

Tim Sonnekalb, Thomas S. Heinze, Lynn von Kurnatowski, Andreas Schreiber, Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona, Heather Packer
2020 Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGSOFT International Workshop on Software Security from Design to Deployment  
Software repositories contain information about source code, software development processes, and team interactions.  ...  CCS CONCEPTS • Security and privacy → Software security engineering; • Software and its engineering → Software libraries and repositories; Software defect analysis; • Information systems → Data mining;  ...  The query result is exported, either for visualization or as input for the static code analysis (Section 5).  ... 
doi:10.1145/3416507.3423190 fatcat:4xyuataubrafjnjhatrifpkppa

An Ontology-based Approach to Analyzing the Occurrence of Code Smells in Software

Luis Paulo da Silva Carvalho, Renato Novais, Laís do Nascimento Salvador, Manoel Gomes de Mendonça Neto
2017 Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems  
Finally, we conducted an initial evaluation of our approach in a real usage scenario with two large open-source software repositories.  ...  Code Smells indicate potential flaws in software design that can lead to costly consequences. To mitigate the bad effects of Code Smells, it is necessary to detect and fix defective code.  ...  API and provide high-level visualizations of Code Smells.  ... 
doi:10.5220/0006359901550165 dblp:conf/iceis/CarvalhoNSN17 fatcat:cdgbpjjtvnhrvjdknqkrrwkebe
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