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Impact of Culture Dimensions Model on Cross-Cultural Website Development

Gatis Vitols, Yukako Vitols-Hirata
2018 Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems  
Since introduction of this model, authors have widely applied marker identification for cross-cultural system design.  ...  Culture dimensions affect website's graphical information, design of navigation, design of text, creation of interaction elements, and design of input elements.  ...  In studies on designing the cross-cultural web pages, one more dimension has been introduced and applied which is cognitive styles in various cultures, especially related to information layout (Nishbett  ... 
doi:10.5220/0006781005400546 dblp:conf/iceis/VitolsV18 fatcat:vdabp2hlpfb47ga2tls37bm5he

Cross-cultural interface design strategy

Jainaba Jagne, A. Serengul Guven Smith-Atakan
2006 Universal Access in the Information Society  
Keywords Cultural models, Cross-cultural interface design, investigative strategic model.  ...  In this paper we address the emerging need for the integration of cultural and social factors of metaphors, in the context of indigenous users, into interface design by creating cultural models.  ...  It will also provide information about the methods to be used in the area of cross-cultural usability evaluation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10209-006-0048-6 fatcat:3qzovezckbelfhsqnnscsvifyu

Page 1842 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 92, Issue 5 [page]

2005 Psychological Abstracts  
The chapter focuses on pragmatic guidelines for information display. These are critical, especially in the context of web page design and evaluation.  ...  92: 15441-15448 analysis for cross-cultural design; and three chapters on case studies of cross-cultural design.  ... 

A Framework for Designing Usable Localised Business Websites

Ali Al-Badi, Pam J. Mayhew
2010 Communications of the IBIMA  
Website localisation is the process of adapting the linguistic and cultural content of an internationalised web design for a specific target audience in a specific locale.  ...  Furthermore the researchers were able to identify a drawback in web designers' current practices in the investigated countries, in terms of their limited utilisation of existing guidelines for the exploitation  ...  Cultural Differences The global nature of the Internet raises interesting questions about cross-cultural appropriateness.  ... 
doi:10.5171/2010.184405 fatcat:qlmvwk6qorgo5g2bpez7t6vldu

Report on the Third International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation

Janet Harkness
2005 Bulletin of Sociological Methodology  
for researchers concerned with methodological issues in cross-national and cross-cultural surveys; to foster co-operation on projects aimed at improving comparative research; and to disseminate knowledge  ...  The Third International Workshop on Comparative Survey Design and Implementation (CSDI) was held in Madrid from the 10 th to 12 th March, 2005. 2 The main goals of the CSDI are to provide a forum and platform  ...  The guidelines will aim to be straightforward, user-friendly and practically-oriented, of use to both researchers carrying out cross-cultural research and to reviewers when evaluating cross-cultural research  ... 
doi:10.1177/075910630508600106 fatcat:3z6zpeglfrcrxbgtdcjveqvjmi

Study on Requirements of Usability of Web Service-Based Enterprise Information Systems

Shuangyuan Shi, Shuqin Cai, Zhonghui Li
2013 iBusiness  
This paper combines the usage patterns, business needs of enterprise information systems and technical characteristics of Web services, proposes the usability requirements of enterprise information systems  ...  the ideal model of enterprise information system.  ...  Introduction Web information systems can overcome the barriers of time and space, realize the integration of resources across sectors and achieve cross-regional, cross-enterprise information delivery,  ... 
doi:10.4236/ib.2013.53014 fatcat:m7wyqkaw2rasjmja7yvkgl6udi

Bridging diversity: a deliberative approach to organizing and application of usability guidelines

Fahri Yetim
2006 European Conference on Information Systems  
Application of the approach is illustrated through a set of research-based Web design and usability guidelines.  ...  Usability guidelines recommend or prescribe courses of action and thus play a significant role in designing universally usable systems.  ...  Acknowledgment I would like to thank three anonymous reviewers and the associate editor for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this paper.  ... 
dblp:conf/ecis/Yetim06 fatcat:6icedpboirc63hcdpan5fxab2u

A process model for developing usable cross-cultural websites

Andy Smith, Lynne Dunckley, Tim French, Shailey Minocha, Yu Chang
2004 Interacting with computers  
local users; the problems associated with user evaluation; and cross-cultural team development.  ...  In particular we focus on four key concerns: how an audit of local website attractors can inform the design process; the concept of a cultural fingerprint to contrast websites with the cultural needs of  ...  Tools for design and strategies for evaluation: guidelines and expert evaluation Although a wide range of design guidelines for usability are available for both generic systems (Shneiderman, 1998) and  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.intcom.2003.11.005 fatcat:26gk55vljffubj6k3cfv75diwe

The development of a web-based information tool for cross-border prevention and control of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus

Fenne Verhoeven, Ron M.G. Hendrix, Inka Daniels-Haardt, Alexander W. Friedrich, Michael F. Steehouder, Julia E.W.C. Van Gemert-Pijnen
2008 International Journal of Infection Control  
economics from the German state of Nordrhein-Westfalen.  ...  eUReGIo MRSA-net Twente/Münsterland under the european Regional Development Fund (eRDF) funded by the european Union within the Community Initiative INTeRReG-IIIA (2-eUR-V-1=96) as well as by the Ministry of  ...  Two mock-up prototypes of the homepage and the search page were created, based on common common guidelines for web design and usability. 14 We evaluated the prototypes by interviewing 14 intended users  ... 
doi:10.3396/ijic.v4i1.006.08 fatcat:yyyftwobprb3dmr2jbzsaxq7iy

Preservation News

Jane Hedberg
2011 College & research libraries news  
File format guidelines The Library and Archives of Canada (LAC) has mounted on its Web site "File Format Guidelines for Preservation and Long-term Access, Version 1."  ...  The recommended formats permit ingestion of content as text, audio, digital video, still images, Web pages for archiving, geospatial data, structured data, and computer aided design.  ... 
doi:10.5860/crln.72.1.8498 fatcat:7kq7cgmyfremfbkeh3enxvrb6y

Intercultural usability of language learning websites

Jeong-Bae Son, Ji-Yong Park
2012 International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning  
This article explores intercultural aspects of language learning websites and presents usability guidelines for designing intercultural language learning websites.  ...  There is a need to answer the question of how language learning websites integrate the target language and culture for the development of intercultural sensitivity and competence.  ...  In a study on cross-cultural website design, specifically, Dong and Lee (2008) argue that web user interaction design and interface design deal with creating and optimising cultural preferences in order  ... 
doi:10.5172/ijpl.2012.7.2.135 fatcat:qpqxa5wjlbal3ntc2zohaqgfvi

A Measurement Based Framework for Assessment of Usability-Centricness of Open Source Software Projects

Görkem Çetin, Mehmet Göktürk
2008 2008 IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems  
centered design methodologies.  ...  Free and open source software (F/OSS) developers tend to build feature-centric projects rather than following a user centred design, ignoring the necessity of usability inside the resulting product, ever  ...  It has been widely acknowledged that established design approaches with its standards, rules and guidelines, falls short with respect to issues relating to the cultural context, and cross-cultural user  ... 
doi:10.1109/sitis.2008.106 dblp:conf/sitis/CetinG08 fatcat:vwvahg5eknaohmtdp4qdqvuxmi

Cross-use pattern language: cross-cultural user interface development tool

Jasem M. Alostath, Meshal Kh. Metle, Lamia Al Ali, Laila R. Abdulhadi Abdullah
2011 Procedia Computer Science  
This paper discusses the Culture-Centred Design (CCD) method and the integration of its result in developing a tool that can help designers to develop user interfaces for cross-cultural user websites.  ...  In order to determine the role of culture in the design of Cross-cultural user interface, two approaches were used and these are CCD and Pattern Language, and presented in this paper as two phases.  ...  Acknowledgements My heartfelt thanks to everyone at PAAET for supporting this research and all others whose names I did not mention, but who contributed in any form towards the successful completion of  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2011.01.046 fatcat:znpmivxxmfcmphwdovw57ya3ge

Using Converging Strategies to Reduce Divergence in Intercultural User Interface Design

Rüdiger Heimgärtner
2017 Journal of Computer and Communications  
Definitions of concepts used are provided followed by a historical overview on taking culture into account in HCI design.  ...  Subsequently, a glimpse of the current state of research in culture-centered HCI design is derived from secondary literature providing the gist of the structures, processes, methods, models and theoretic  ...  A cross-cultural evaluation of the facial expressions of avatars designed by Western designers was performed by [112] .  ... 
doi:10.4236/jcc.2017.54006 fatcat:nw7njebvkvgpfinc7kjfpxx5pi

Risk Reduction in Natural Disaster Management Through Information Systems

Guido Schryen, Felix Wex
2014 International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management  
This framework and a global review of disaster reduction initiatives of the United Nations acknowledge the need for information systems research contributions in addressing major challenges of natural  ...  In this paper, we provide a review of the literature with regard to how information systems research has addressed risk assessment and reduction in natural disaster management.  ...  Guideline 6 [Design as a Search Guideline 3 [Design Evaluation ]. The evaluation of early warning systems artifacts is a critical issue as most of the design evaluation methods do not work.  ... 
doi:10.4018/ijiscram.2014010102 fatcat:56op55haazfwzfjq5umq6e6wjq
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