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Reproducibility of cephalometric landmarks on conventional film, hardcopy, and monitor-displayed images obtained by the storage phosphor technique

W Geelen
1998 European Journal of Orthodontics  
Acknowledgements The following are gratefully acknowledged for acting as observers: Delfino Allais, Carles Bosch, Marie Follin, Lis Højensgaard, Bert Koster van Groos, and Vincenzo Macrì.  ...  For overall evaluation of the reproducibility of a full cephalometric recording, the sum of the deviations from the mean was calculated for all landmarks combined (Σ landmark 1-21) for each of the three  ...  In conventional film radiography, the image quality is already determined during exposure and processing of the image.  ... 
doi:10.1093/ejo/20.3.331 pmid:9699411 fatcat:ljallxcx6nd2lod65pptgre63e

Optimizing OCR accuracy for bi-tonal, noisy scans of degraded Arabic documents

Paul Herceg, Benjamin Huyck, Christopher Johnson, Linda Van Guilder, Amlan Kundu, Zia-ur Rahman, Robert A. Schowengerdt, Stephen E. Reichenbach
2005 Visual Information Processing XIV  
However, the nature of hardcopy degradations and the scanner or image enhancement software capabilities used directly affect the quality of the captured image and the extent of language acquisition.  ...  We applied a collection of manual treatments to hardcopy Arabic documents to develop a corpus of bi-tonal images.  ...  We discovered that the evaluation metrics may not be reflecting the OCR output well.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.606447 dblp:conf/spieVIP/HercegHJGK05 fatcat:muz6kxboujgqxcvrfgttg2eqnm

Physician experience with viewing digital radiographs in an intensive care unit environment

Louis M. Humphrey, Kevin Fitzpatrick, Susan S. Paine, Carl E. Ravin
1993 Journal of digital imaging  
For evaluation of line placements, chest tubes, and pleural effusions, the physicians prefer softcopy display over hardcopy.  ...  However, for analysis of air space disease and diagnosis of pneumothorax, images displayed on the workstation were not believed to be as useful as standard hardcopy. Copyright 9 1993 by W.B.  ...  With respect to overall image quality, please state your preferred imaging forro for the following clinical indications.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf03168415 pmid:8439580 fatcat:vn4277rcxnan3ovddbrziauz2q

Performance metric for evaluating conformance of medical image displays with the proposed ACR/NEMA display function standard

Bradley M. Hemminger, Keith E. Muller, Yongmin Kim
1997 Medical Imaging 1997: Image Display  
Currently available medical image display systems are analyzed using each of these measures, to examine their shortcomings, and suggest what changes might be desirable in the design of medical image display  ...  Differences (JNDS) of the display, and the realized number of JNDS of the display.  ...  In general, it is likely that contrast resolution is a more significant factor in the overall quality of the image presentation, and should not be traded off for small improvements in the LUM RMSE, unless  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.273902 dblp:conf/miip/HemmingerM97 fatcat:g7i4vy4sbfbgjbcglogmifygs4

Large-scale PACS implementation

John A. Carrino, Paul J. Unkel, Ira D. Miller, Cindy L. Bowser, Michael W. Freckleton, Thomas G. Johnson
1998 Journal of digital imaging  
The overall team should consist of 12-15 people.  ...  The Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration have been pioneers in the transformation of medical diagnostic imaging to the electronic environment.  ...  CONVERSION Converting to digital acquisition devices with hardcopy output may antedate PACS by a substantial amount of time if necessary.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf03168246 pmid:9735422 pmcid:PMC3453381 fatcat:liu555slo5dwbkx2i7mdsthmwa

Context-based image acquisition from memory in digital systems

Jianxiong Liu, Christos Bouganis, Peter Y. K. Cheung
2016 Journal of Real-Time Image Processing  
that efficiently trades image quality for reduced cost of the image acquisition process.  ...  An instance of the architecture is prototyped on an FPGA and its performance evaluation shows that a saving of up to 85 % of memory accessing time and 33 %/45 % of image acquisition time/ energy are achieved  ...  Figure 13 shows the corresponding quality of compression outputs, using the two image acquisition methods.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11554-016-0591-1 fatcat:rtu2eh5cdjaklm5uvaz54c5hpq

Utilization of DICOM GSDF to Modify Lookup Tables for Images Acquired on Film Digitizers

David M. Jones
2005 Journal of digital imaging  
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author would like to thank Array Corporation for their assistance.  ...  The viewbox image is assumed to be the optimal presentation of the acquired image for purpose of this evaluation.  ...  Comparison is best achieved by evaluating the JND response of each image.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10278-005-9241-z pmid:16333715 pmcid:PMC3045188 fatcat:w7gpzczgv5dzjdpireahyc3ane

Selecting a computergraphics system and justifying its purchase

D I Becker
1984 Journal of Biocommunication  
Variables in the quality of the output, the speed of the system, and the range of capabilities are described. Factors in projecting productivity, costs, and cost-effectiveness are discussed.  ...  Output Resolution Output resolution is the primary measurement of final image quality.  ...  Photographing hardcopy output is labor inten- sive and quality of hardcopy output is variable. Dot-matrix printers generate up to 2000 pixel resolution in one color.  ... 
pmid:6736008 fatcat:xf6jbgk5afcsxmowvxntnx3x34

Evaluation of the Medical Diagnostic Imaging Support system based on 2 years of clinical experience

D. V. Smith, S. Smith, G. N. Bender, J. R. Carter, Y. Kim, M. A. Cawthon, R. G. Leckie, J. C. Weiser, J. Romlein, F. Goeringer
1995 Journal of digital imaging  
These issues include training, operational quality control, practical aspects of CR image quality, and increased timeliness in the generation and distribution of radiographic reports.  ...  The important areas regarding reliability are image acquisition, output, display, database operations, storage, and the local area network.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors thank J. Chase, L.M. Briggs, R. Pourpasand, and C. Stewart for their help in defining and solving many of the quality-control problems; H.D.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf03168130 pmid:7612705 fatcat:lbpag6hlbzbjjdfgi3c7ooethi

Robust document image understanding technologies

Henry S. Baird, Daniel Lopresti, Brian D. Davison, William M. Pottenger
2004 Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Hardcopy document processing - HDP '04  
We are investigating novel algorithms and software tools at the frontiers of document image analysis, information retrieval, text mining, and visualization that will assist in the full integration of such  ...  No existing document image understanding technology, whether experimental or commercially available, can guarantee high accuracy across the full range of documents of interest to industrial and government  ...  Acknowledgements Portions of the work described in this paper were performed at Bell Labs, Palo Alto Research Center, Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory, Rutgers University, and the National  ... 
doi:10.1145/1031442.1031444 fatcat:bffrm6gsifctxdlkmvlvcpcyqa

Clinical Decision Making using Machine Learning

Danushri N C
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Heart disease is one of the deadliest causes of death worldwide and has a major impact on the lives of rural people.  ...  Such numbers are alarming, especially when 68% of India's population lives in rural areas that have poor access to quality healthcare.  ...  Correlation-based feature selection technique which saves lot of computational cost and time complexity, thus improving the overall*performance of the classifying algorithms.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.45625 fatcat:htracmphsrcoxbkyaydmdlbvsy

DSP utilization in digital color printing

E. Saber, S. Dianat, L.K. Mestha, P.Y. Li
2005 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine  
The goal is for the output hardcopy print to approximate, from a viewing perspective, the desired image.  ...  Consider, for instance, the situation of a digital RGB color image embedded in the overall document submitted from the workstation for printing.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2005.1458303 fatcat:foiugnbpova4bgxtmlufb6fjna

Page 31 of The Journal of Information and Image Management Vol. 15, Issue 11 [page]

1982 The Journal of Information and Image Management  
percent and still im- prove the quality of print room output.  ...  the other 75 percent of the reproduction output.  ... 

Efficient document rendering with enhanced run length encoding

Guotong Feng, Charles A. Bouman, Reiner Eschbach, Gabriel G. Marcu
2006 Color Imaging XI: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications  
compression by encouraging repetition of bytes in the resulting binary image.  ...  Conventionally, halftoning algorithms, such as error diffusion, can be used to create a binary representation of a document image in the TIFF format.  ...  This typically reduces the PackBits compressed image size over conventional Floyd Steinberg error diffusion, while maintaining decent overall visual quality.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.651079 dblp:conf/clrimg/FengB06 fatcat:nefsvvbvdfbfjpcwsuji6mb4na

Image rendering for digital fax

Guotong Feng, Michael G. Fuchs, Charles A. Bouman, Reiner Eschbach, Gabriel G. Marcu
2003 Color Imaging VIII: Processing, Hardcopy, and Applications  
Both methods provide accurate representation of image content while allowing for substantial compressibility, and provides a tradeoff between representation quality and bitrate.  ...  Conventional halftoning methods such as error diffusion and ordered dithering are poorly suited to the compression of halftone images using the baseline fax compression schemes CCITT G3 and G4.  ...  Floyd Steinberg error diffusion produces very good overall image quality, but the compressed file size is by far the largest of the methods.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.481451 dblp:conf/clrimg/FengFB03 fatcat:o5it33u7n5bvfodouhlniftt3q
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