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Error Mitigation Using Approximate Logic Circuits: A Comparison of Probabilistic and Evolutionary Approaches

Antonio J. Sanchez-Clemente, Luis Entrena, Radek Hrbacek, Lukas Sekanina
2016 IEEE Transactions on Reliability  
However, generating an optimal redundant logic circuit that is able to mask the faults with the highest probability while minimizing the area overheads is a challenging problem.  ...  The probabilistic approach approximates a circuit in a greedy manner based on a probabilistic estimation of the error.  ...  The probablilistic approach uses a greedy algorithm based on line approximations and dynamic error probability estimations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tr.2016.2604918 fatcat:wg3skzzk4vfpdoslr7hqucvb6i

An approximated soft error analysis technique for gate-level designs

Soongyu Kwon, Jong Kang Park, Jong Tae Kim
2014 IEICE Electronics Express  
Related studies have mainly focused on the soft error rate analysis of both combinational and sequential logic circuits, which includes techniques for dynamic simulation, and pathbased statistical estimation  ...  We employ node conditional probability to calculate the logical propagation probabilities without using static probability.  ...  If to a certain degree, the requirement for this type of analysis agrees with the estimation errors, one can apply an approximated but fast method to the SET analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1587/elex.11.20140224 fatcat:oka3pgldnndavfayqrj422p3sa

Probabilistic Error Modeling for Nano-Domain Logic Circuits

T. Rejimon, K. Lingasubramanian, S. Bhanja
2009 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
We estimate the overall output error probability by comparing the outputs of a dynamic error-encoded model with an ideal logic model.  ...  We demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of these approximate inference schemes by comparing estimated results with logic simulation results.  ...  Two errors occurring simultaneously will mask each other due to logic masking.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvlsi.2008.2003167 fatcat:olf4rx6z5fbfdbxqc7kyghhdxe

Approximate Triple Modular Redundancy: A Survey

Tooba Arifeen, Abdus Sami Hassan, Jeong-A Lee
2020 IEEE Access  
Cartesian genetic programming and dynamic probability estimation have also been used for obtaining approximate modules of ATMR.  ...  APPROXIMATE-COMPUTING-BASED TMR Reference [13] introduced the use of approximate logic circuits for TMR by using testability estimations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3012673 fatcat:annw3bcktfbrdetlwhyv7te6wy

Fast and Accurate SER Estimation for Large Combinational Blocks in Early Stages of the Design

Marti Anglada, Ramon Canal, Juan Luis Aragon, Antonio Gonzalez
2018 IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing  
In the core of the framework lies MASkIt, a novel approach that combines signal probabilities with technology characterization to swiftly compute the logical, electrical, and timing masking effects of  ...  Soft Error Rate (SER) estimation is an important challenge for integrated circuits because of the increased vulnerability brought by technology scaling.  ...  Using primary input signals, error probabilities and gate error probabilities, the reliability of the circuit is computed in linear-time complexity with the number of gates of the circuit.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsusc.2018.2886640 fatcat:3tdtepbvdrgypel7y3ghglijzy

Gate sizing to radiation harden combinational logic

Quming Zhou, K. Mohanram
2006 IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems  
Gates are hardened to single-event upsets (SEUs) with specified worst case characteristics in increasing order of their logical masking probability, thereby maximizing the reduction in the soft error failure  ...  The asymmetry in the logical masking probabilities at a gate is leveraged by decoupling the physical from the logical (Boolean) aspects of soft error susceptibility of the gate.  ...  There is a significant correlation between gates with low electrical masking probability and gates with low logical masking probability.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcad.2005.853696 fatcat:gbv77mfsbbaepefynw2qtb76u4

Soft Error Rates with Inertial and Logical Masking

Fan Wang, Vishwani D. Agrawal
2009 2009 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design  
We find that for some circuits with many levels of logic there exists a critical single event transient (SET) width.  ...  We analyze the neutron induced soft error rate (SER). An induced error pulse is modeled by two parameters, probability of occurrence and probability density function of the pulse width.  ...  [2] present a soft error rate estimation technique based on error probability propagation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/vlsi.design.2009.77 dblp:conf/vlsid/WangA09 fatcat:xyyiyk4jabaspapbsl6e4xyese

Soft Error Rate Estimation in Deep Sub-micron CMOS

Lianlian Zeng, Paul Beckett
2007 13th Pacific Rim International Symposium on Dependable Computing (PRDC 2007)  
This simple relationship will simplify the task of estimating circuit-level Soft Error Rate (SER) and support the development of an efficient SER modeling and optimization tool that might eventually be  ...  Soft errors resulting from the impact of charged particles are emerging as a major issue in the design of reliable circuits at deep sub-micron dimensions.  ...  Further, they may use a broad range of circuit styles, including dynamic and/or domino logic as well as a variety of latch styles.  ... 
doi:10.1109/prdc.2007.34 dblp:conf/prdc/ZengB07 fatcat:wp7yyylfefcxbfj5srn4c27v5q

Soft-Error Tolerance Analysis and Optimization of Nanometer Circuits [chapter]

Yuvraj Singh Dhillon, Abdulkadir Utku Diril, Abhijit Chatterjee
2008 Design, Automation, and Test in Europe  
The first part of this paper presents a tool for accurate soft-error tolerance analysis of nanometer circuits (ASERTA) that can be used to estimate the soft-error tolerance of nanometer circuits consisting  ...  The second part of the paper presents a tool for soft-error tolerance optimization of nanometer circuits (SERTOPT) using the tolerance estimates generated by ASERTA.  ...  Also note that isj is an approximation to the actual probability value since in circuits with reconvergent fan-out, the probability that gate s is sensitized to gate i conditions the probability of gate  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-6488-3_28 fatcat:p2tbwgbfvnalnaux7ua3rdoziy

Soft-Spot Analysis: Targeting Compound Noise Effects in Nanometer Circuits

Chong Zhao, S. Dey, Xiaoliang Bai
2005 IEEE Design & Test of Computers  
In dynamic logic, the affecting factors differ from those in static circuits.  ...  If such information isn't available, assuming that logic 1 and 0 have equal probabilities at all PIs is a good approximation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mdt.2005.95 fatcat:hhqczvrf5rhn7mwklobk6woqbe

Analysis of the Impact of Electrical and Timing Masking on Soft Error Rate Estimation in VLSI Circuits

Pelopidas Tsoumanis, Georgios Ioannis Paliaroutis, Nestor Evmorfopoulos, George Stamoulis
2022 Technologies  
An accurate SER evaluation is provided based on a SPICE-oriented electrical masking analysis, combined with a TCAD characterization process.  ...  Thus, to design radiation-hardened and reliable ICs, the Soft Error Rate (SER) estimation constitutes an essential procedure.  ...  However, in [6] a simple ramp approximation equation is used to estimate the SET pulse width at the gate output.  ... 
doi:10.3390/technologies10010023 fatcat:kmapbtnoe5ayxoi2p7yyq7eu44

SoftArch: an architecture-level tool for modeling and analyzing soft errors

X. Li, S.V. Adve, Pradip Bose, J.A. Rivers
2005 2005 International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'05)  
Our results are consistent with, but more comprehensive than, prior work, and motivate selective and dynamic architecture-level soft error protection mechanisms.  ...  Recent work has motivated architecture-level studies of soft errors since the architecture can mask many raw errors and architectural solutions can exploit workload knowledge.  ...  probability that, given correct inputs, the result produced by the corresponding circuit at the end of the computation is incorrect because of soft errors. e logic can be estimated using circuit level  ... 
doi:10.1109/dsn.2005.88 dblp:conf/dsn/LiABR05 fatcat:n7zhrmy7djdixhsytn4mu6ajii

Characterizing System-Level Masking Effects against Soft Errors

Yohan Ko
2021 Electronics  
The remainder are also masked by several software-level masking effects, such as dynamically dead instructions, compare and logical instructions that do not change the result, and incorrect control flows  ...  Further analyses showed that 71% of soft errors are overwritten by write operations before being used, and the CPU does not use 20% of soft errors at all after fault injections.  ...  Randomly chosen 1000 faults can represent the population with 99% confidence level and 5% error margin based on probability theory [31] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics10182286 fatcat:ipsnsk6aizgw7mxiqsf4ugc7bm

Impact of Logic Synthesis on Soft Error Rate of Digital Integrated Circuits

Daniel B. Limbrick
2012 2012 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI  
masking can be evaluated using the error propagation probability (EPP), the likelihood that an error in one component propagates to output of the circuit.  ...  Determining Input Probabilities Using probabilistic graph models to estimate error propagation probability requires knowledge of signal probability for each node.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isvlsi.2012.67 dblp:conf/isvlsi/Limbrick12 fatcat:6lgrqdpl3veipka3od2vcw5iva

MARS-C: modeling and reduction of soft errors in combinational circuits

N. Miskov-Zivanov, D. Marculescu
2006 Proceedings - Design Automation Conference  
The framework can be used for selective gate sizing targeting radiation hardening which is done only for gates with error impact exceeding a certain threshold.  ...  The results obtained with the proposed symbolic framework are within 7% average error and up to 5000X speedup when compared to HSPICE detailed circuit simulation.  ...  PAPER CONTRIBUTION In order to estimate the probability of errors in combinational logic, our symbolic tool uses Binary Decision Diagrams (BDDs) and Algebraic Decision Diagrams (ADDs).  ... 
doi:10.1109/dac.2006.229323 fatcat:mbehz4zi2fajtiekda4dzzf6gq
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