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27,563 Hits in 3.1 sec

Mathematical and computational approaches to epidemic modeling: a comprehensive review

Wei Duan, Zongchen Fan, Peng Zhang, Gang Guo, Xiaogang Qiu
2015 Frontiers of Computer Science  
We introduce major epidemic models in three directions, including mathematical models, complex network models, and agent-based models.  ...  Meanwhile, we also propose some future research directions in epidemic modeling.  ...  In recent years, many researchers have paid attention to epidemic spread in weighted networks and adaptive networks.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11704-014-3369-2 pmid:32288946 pmcid:PMC7133607 fatcat:ceqn6bq22ve6hhgpiau4hwcweu

Can rewiring strategy control the epidemic spreading?

Chao Dong, Qiuju Yin, Wenyang Liu, Zhijun Yan, Tianyu Shi
2015 Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications  
The impact of rewiring strategy on the epidemic spreading in the weighted adaptive network is explored.  ...  Relation existed in the social contact network can affect individuals' behaviors greatly.  ...  proposed the adaptive network to depict the impact of the dynamic change of network structure on epidemic spreading [10] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.physa.2015.06.037 pmid:32288093 pmcid:PMC7126863 fatcat:gxscnq2djvdj5g7uk63xpz3idi

Weights Adaptation Optimization of Heterogeneous Epidemic Spreading Networks: A Constrained Cooperative Coevolution Strategy [article]

Yun Feng, Bing-Chuan Wang
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, the dynamic constrained optimization problem of weights adaptation for heterogeneous epidemic spreading networks is investigated.  ...  One major difficulty is that the dimension of the problem is increasing exponentially with the network size and most existing evolutionary algorithms cannot achieve satisfiable performance on large-scale  ...  CONCLUSION In this paper, a dynamic constrained optimization problem of weights adaptation for heterogeneous epidemic spreading networks is formulated.  ... 
arXiv:1901.00602v2 fatcat:cpby25z7c5brfdjkfrdru4rkea

The Role of Caretakers in Disease Dynamics

Charleston Noble, James P. Bagrow, Dirk Brockmann
2013 Journal of statistical physics  
However, awareness of an epidemic in a population typically yields behavioral changes that correspond to changes in the network structure on which the disease evolves.  ...  We study the role of these caretaker links in an adaptive network models where individuals react to a disease by increasing or decreasing the amount of contact they make with infected individuals.  ...  This is expected, as only regular (negative) interactions exist that decrease in response to the epidemic. The total network weight adapts to a smaller value, decreasing the endemic state.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10955-013-0787-8 fatcat:7mjmqlhrkbc5jntimphwzgivxa

Mitigation of epidemics in contact networks through optimal contact adaptation

Mina Youssef, Caterina Scoglio
2013 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering  
Using Pontryagin theorem, the obtained solution is a unique candidate representing the dynamical weighted contact network.  ...  In the new approach, contact weighted are reduced among nodes and a global minimum contact level is preserved in the network.  ...  The two intertwined dynamic processes, the one related to the epidemic spreading and the other related to the contact network adaptation, act together and impact the epidemic size.  ... 
doi:10.3934/mbe.2013.10.1227 pmid:23906209 pmcid:PMC3857636 fatcat:fimeayxwcrfbbm4vhxc46dg7wi

Suppressing traffic-driven epidemic spreading by adaptive routing strategy

Han-Xin Yang, Zhen Wang
2016 Chaos, Solitons & Fractals  
Moreover, we find that an increase in the average network connectivity and the emergence of traffic congestion can suppress the epidemic outbreak.  ...  Despite extensive work on the interplay between traffic dynamics and epidemic spreading, the control of epidemic spreading by routing strategies has not received adequate attention.  ...  The third is the efficient routing protocol [36] , in which each node in a network is assigned a weight that is proportional to the power of its degree and The efficient path between any two nodes corresponds  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.chaos.2016.10.012 fatcat:wmpsnafcdjhflaxn2p2c5om5zq

The Importance of Being Hybrid for Spatial Epidemic Models:A Multi-Scale Approach

Arnaud Banos, Nathalie Corson, Benoit Gaudou, Vincent Laperrière, Sébastien Coyrehourcq
2015 Systems  
However, when it comes to setting up epidemic control strategies, results rapidly diverge between the two approaches, and it appears that the full macroscopic model is not completely adapted to these questions  ...  This work addresses the spread of a disease within an urban system, defined as a network of interconnected cities.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was founded by CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) via a PEPS (Projets Exploratoires Premier Soutien) HuMain (Humanités-Mathématiques-sciences de l'Information) in  ... 
doi:10.3390/systems3040309 fatcat:pjhephm52zbhthg6ku2nwtjgfi

Epidemic Forecasting Framework Combining Agent-Based Models and Smart Beam Particle Filtering

Farzaneh S. Tabataba, Bryan Lewis, Milad Hosseinipour, Foroogh S. Tabataba, Srinivasan Venkatramanan, Jiangzhuo Chen, Dave Higdon, Madhav Marathe
2017 2017 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)  
on the course of the epidemics -typically time series models cannot capture this and as a result often do not perform well in such situations; (ii) they provide detailed forecast information -this allows  ...  This paper proposes an approach that combines high resolution agent-based models using realistic social contact networks for simulating epidemic evolution with a particle filter based method for assimilation  ...  Therefore, adaptive tuner decreases the step size Fig. 2 . Smart state dynamics framework. The feature selector chooses different features from the epidemic curves.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdm.2017.145 dblp:conf/icdm/TabatabaLHTVCHM17 fatcat:kur7gbc6zfeldcrpk4o6wp5nye

Stochastic Simulation Algorithm for effective spreading dynamics on Time-evolving Adaptive NetworX (SSATAN-X) [article]

Nadezdha Malysheva, Max von Kleist
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
In adaptive networks, the spreading process depends not only on the dynamics of a contact network, but vice versa, infection dynamics may alter risk behaviour and thus feed back onto contact dynamics,  ...  In this manuscript, we propose SSATAN-X, a new algorithm for the accurate stochastic simulation of pathogen spreading on adaptive networks.  ...  The funders had no role in designing the research or the decision to publish.  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.11.22.469498 fatcat:bllclguhn5favjvt4ywzhwwfea

Theory and Applications of Complex Networks

Tingwen Huang, Zhichun Yang, Chuandong Li
2014 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
The paper entitled "A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for community detection in dynamic complex networks" develops a novel multiobjective algorithm for detecting communities in dynamic networks  ...  In the past few decades, we have witnessed great success of the study in the coordination dynamics or cooperative collective behaviors of autonomous agents in complex networks.  ...  The paper entitled "A new multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for community detection in dynamic complex networks" develops a novel multiobjective algorithm for detecting communities in dynamic networks  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/315059 fatcat:f6hrspz7djfxnljxk56wa2nysa

Adaptive coevolutionary networks: a review

T. Gross, B. Blasius
2008 Journal of the Royal Society Interface  
Adaptive networks appear in many biological applications. They combine topological evolution of the network with dynamics in the network nodes.  ...  Recently, the dynamics of adaptive networks has been investigated in a number of parallel studies from different fields, ranging from genomics to game theory.  ...  A first rough attempt at an inventory of dynamics of adaptive networks. Activity disconnects. Rule: frozen nodes gain links, active nodes lose links.  ... 
doi:10.1098/rsif.2007.1229 pmid:17971320 pmcid:PMC2405905 fatcat:g4g3bccvjncongx5nwtsd2vuka

Optimal Network-Based Intervention in the Presence of Undetectable Viruses

Mina Youssef, Caterina Scoglio
2014 IEEE Communications Letters  
Numerical results show the dynamical weight reduction and reveal the role of the network structure and the epidemic model in reducing the infection size in the presence of indiscernible infected nodes.  ...  This letter presents an optimal control framework to reduce the spread of viruses in networks. The network is modeled as an undirected graph of nodes and weighted links.  ...  The two intertwined dynamic processes, the one related to the epidemic spreading and the other related to the network connectivity adaptation, act together and impact the infection size.  ... 
doi:10.1109/lcomm.2014.2325026 pmid:25422579 pmcid:PMC4240307 fatcat:t7sw5whgp5efvkzylrrzlyqqya

Random and Targeted Interventions for Epidemic Control in Metapopulation Models

Gouhei Tanaka, Chiyori Urabe, Kazuyuki Aihara
2014 Scientific Reports  
A metapopulation model is a useful mathematical framework to understand the dynamics of epidemic spreading in spatially separated patches, corresponding to countries, cities, or local communities, which  ...  In general, different countries and communities respond to epidemics in accordance with their own control plans and protocols.  ...  Figure 7 | 7 Epidemic interventions in metapopulation models with the Japanese airline network.  ... 
doi:10.1038/srep05522 pmid:25026972 pmcid:PMC4099978 fatcat:zy3x6iprn5euleclflvfty5ooi

Self-adapting infectious dynamics on random networks [article]

Konstantin Clauß, Christian Kuehn
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Self-adaptive dynamics occurs in many physical systems such as socio-economics, neuroscience, or biophysics.  ...  This leads to piecewise deterministic Markovian dynamics coupled to a non-Markovian adaptive mechanism. We apply this framework to basic epidemic models (SIS, SIR) on random networks.  ...  In Sec.II we propose a model of strategy adaption. Section III recapitulates SIS and SIR models on networks. In Sec. IV we apply the adaptive framework to SIS and SIR epidemics on networks.  ... 
arXiv:2203.16949v1 fatcat:2ku67n3xwvcs7ayuke6lfus6sq

Eight challenges for network epidemic models

Lorenzo Pellis, Frank Ball, Shweta Bansal, Ken Eames, Thomas House, Valerie Isham, Pieter Trapman
2015 Epidemics  
Here we identify a set of challenges that provide scope for active research in the field of network epidemic models.  ...  Even the simplest network epidemic models present unanswered questions.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors want to acknowledge the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, for hosting the Infectious Disease Dynamics programme that resulted in this collaboration  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.epidem.2014.07.003 pmid:25843385 fatcat:a6cfjc4zmngwvcda6qxius3gme
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