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A Project-Based Mechatronics Program to Reinforce Mechatronic Thinking – A Restructuring Experience from the University of Canterbury

XiaoQi Chen, Paul Gaynor, Richard King, Geoff J Chase, Phil Bones, Peter Gough, Richard Duke
2008 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
The project-based course "Introduction to Mechatronics Design" features a series of application-oriented laboratory projects using a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC).  ...  The restructured program of balanced essential skills training coupled with focus streams of specialization may signal a paradigm shift in engineering education.  ...  This introductory mechatronics design course with balanced ingredients aims to equip the students with baseline knowledge about mechatronics systems, and basic mechatronics design skills.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20080706-5-kr-1001.02639 fatcat:oyifawoypjb7xexq7x2cba7s2u

Teaching Mechatronics to Non-traditional Mechanical Engineering Students – An Adaptive Approach

Cheryl Qing Li
2021 International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)  
Students enrolled in mechatronics usually demonstrate a wide range in knowledge and skill preparation, especially in the areas of electronics, instrumentation, and programming.  ...  The most encouraging feedback lies in the fact that students' interests in the broad field of mechatronics are greatly inspired by the course.  ...  She has taught a broad range of courses in general engineering, kinematics and dynamics, systems and control, robotics and mechatronics at universities in Australia, Singapore, and US.  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijep.v11i3.15833 doaj:e5eeacd5dee14c80ac4a87166cb7ae9d fatcat:7kqspyuz7zbfpcrvv6oa6dcj6e

Implementing Bloom's Taxonomy Tool for Better Learning Outcomes of PLC and Robotics Course

Madhuri Gummineni
2020 International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)  
The application of these concepts is PLC and Robotics course where the students can apply and practical experience the output.  ...  Current leading technology PLC and Robotics course, (which require prerequisite knowledge of courses like Instrumentation, Microprocessors, Mechatronics) are very well connected for applying the gained  ...  (3year 2-semester)  PLC and Robotics (4 year-1-semester) Mechatronics: The Mechatronics course is set with an objective to acquire knowledge in order to automate a processor to control parameters of  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijet.v15i05.12173 fatcat:76f6whkrhjgmrnoglzwevy4aae

Real-world industry collaboration within a mechatronics class

Vidya Nandikolla, Susan Shadle, Patricia Pyke, John Gardner, Robert Grover, Suhas Pharkute
2008 2008 38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference  
Student learning activities included designing a robot from a box of FisherTechnik materials, without the aid of instruction manuals; writing program code using the PCS environment; and integrating hardware  ...  After four weeks of building, training, and testing, each team's robot was unique. In the final competition, each robot was assigned to a particular room in the ICU to perform a specific task.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully express sincere thanks to the corporate partner PCS Edventures, Inc. for providing the robotic materials and PCSRC2 software interface  ... 
doi:10.1109/fie.2008.4720526 fatcat:co5xnsgzqvdrrntt2zelnvp2zu


Brian Surgenor, Kevin Firth, Peter Wild
2011 Proceedings of the Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA)  
and enthusiasm among the students for the subject in a manner that should be present in all engineering courses.  ...  An elective course in mechatronics engineering at Queen's University is put forward as an example of how one course can encompass all of these elements, and equally important, be able to promote the excitement  ...  impact on the design of mechatronic systems.  ... 
doi:10.24908/pceea.v0i0.3892 fatcat:hyldbfwddbge3dcesqjqmluxqa

Experiences from developing a new course in mechatronics

Soren Hansen, Ole Ravn
2015 2015 16th International Conference on Research and Education in Mechatronics (REM)  
Experiences from a new course in mechatronics at Technical University of Denmark are conveyed in this paper.  ...  Furthermore the course uses project work as a method to keep the students actively participating and in part have them teach each other the subjects.  ...  It is well known that to create motivated students they need to be actively engaged in solving a task related to the curriculum [5] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/rem.2015.7380383 fatcat:ighnb36wlvaebht2j3capcqnti

The potential of a robotics summer course on Engineering Education

Nuno M. Fonseca Ferreira, Micael S. Couceiro, André G. Araújo, David Portugal
2018 European Robotics Forum  
RobotCraft is an international internship with a summer course in robotics designed especially for BSc to PhD students.  ...  This paper describes the methodology used to introduce participants to a hands-on technical craft on robotics and to acquire experience in the low-level details of embedded systems.  ...  Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) as part of project UID/EEA/50014/2013.  ... 
dblp:conf/erf/FerreiraCAP18 fatcat:cjgyhqgz4vcpfmfb6ou6zyeoxm

Intensive summer course in robotics – Robotcraft

N.M. Fonseca Ferreira, André Araujo, M.S. Couceiro, David Portugal
2018 Applied Computing and Informatics  
Attendants started this course with a brief introduction to robotics; learned to draw, design and create a personalized 3D structure for their mobile robotic platform and developed skills in embedded systems  ...  This paper describes a two-month summer intensive course designed to introduce participants with a handson technical craft on robotics and to acquire experience in the low-level details of embedded systems  ...  This way, there can be a simple reactive walk node to control Intensive summer course in robotics Figure 1 . Main hardware parts of the robotic system.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.aci.2018.04.005 fatcat:2tdc6mzgrbffbdh53max3plyda

Where does Arduino's power come from?: An extended literature review

Mehmet Akif Ocak
2018 Journal of Learning and Teaching in Digital Age  
Due to the contribution of Arduino technology to design and development process of educational robotics system, this study revealed that recent studies mostly focused on the efforts of integration and  ...  In-depth examination showed that that there were various approaches and practices in the case of using Arduino technology in literature.  ...  Some college level courses use Arduino based robotics system to teach subjects such as Computer Science/Engineering, pre-university level programming, mechatronics and physics courses.  ... 
doaj:ecede14bd96746dda4ecbea3136459fb fatcat:xue5kvpeonc25lbnk5j7o7m4we

An Inclusive Musical Mechatronics Course [chapter]

Dale A. Carnegie, Craig A. Watterson, Jim Murphy, Mohammad Zareei
2017 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
This paper presents the design of a novel course in mechatronics, based on a project-based learning pedagogical philosophy that uses music as the theme to introduce to a diverse range of learners, the  ...  The course is designed at a post-graduate level and is targeted at international students who are likely to have a diverse range of background knowledge and potentially even a greater diversity in practical  ...  What kind of feature extraction systems are appropriate in a mechatronics context? How can we create a feature extraction toolchain? • What types of actuators may be used in mechatronics?  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-50337-0_17 fatcat:y6gnwlemjjdejbxherz4gmhzd4

An Inclusive Musical Mechatronics Course

Dale Anthony Carnegie, Mo Zareei, Jim Murphy, Craig Watterson
2017 International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP)  
This paper presents the design of a novel course in mechatronics, based on a project-based learning pedagogical philosophy that uses music as the theme to introduce to a diverse range of learners, the  ...  The course is designed at a post-graduate level and is targeted at international students who are likely to have a diverse range of background knowledge and potentially even a greater diversity in practical  ...  What kind of feature extraction systems are appropriate in a mechatronics context? How can we create a feature extraction toolchain? • What types of actuators may be used in mechatronics?  ... 
doi:10.3991/ijep.v7i1.6641 fatcat:igs2gyy3kzhbxd5hu3voocg5au

Participation in Robotics Competition as Motivation for Learning1

Dmitry Bazylev, Alexey Margun, Konstantin Zimenko, Artem Kremlev, Elena Rukujzha
2014 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This article describes the influence of the robotics competitions on the student's interest in more profound knowledge of control theory and computer science.  ...  Motivation for learning is a central problem in a modern university, since motivation is a source of activity; it performs an urging function and brings sense into education process.  ...  The usefulness of robotic kits Nowadays there are many robotic kits on the basis of which educational courses can be created ( Fig.1) : Mechatronics Control Kit, Festo Didactic, Lego Mindstorms, Bioloid  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.09.330 fatcat:h4dpyjf52ncdtecjqsl54dthsq

Lego Based Computer Communication for Business and Learning [chapter]

Rapelang Marumo
2012 E-Learning-Organizational Infrastructure and Tools for Specific Areas  
The acquired skill can then be used to programme very small components such as 8-pin PIC16F84 micro controller used by mechatronic students in course MMB 416.  ...  To introduce students to automation in a far more challenging and exciting manner, LEGO Mindstorms will be used in the following courses: measurement and instrumentation and mechatronic, robotics, process  ... 
doi:10.5772/29712 fatcat:dg6k3ozlufgxfaiqjzkduf2g3e

A Glimpse on Recent Educational Activities in the Nonlinear Control Field

Claudia Califano, Hiroshi Ito, Christophe Prieur
2019 IFAC-PapersOnLine  
This contribution aims at making an overview of the most recent activities/contributions in education in the control field by members of the Technical Committee Nonlinear Systems, in order to share the  ...  best practices and ideas in the community, as well as to investigate into the level of awareness, interest and involvement of the TC members in several aspects concerning education.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank the members of the IFAC Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems and the members of the IEEE Technical Committee on Nonlinear Systems and Control who participated  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.08.194 fatcat:24zd3wenqfbali4hthze44iwwq

A Multidisciplinary Mechatronics Program: From Project-Based Learning to a Community-Based Approach on an Open Platform

Mai-Ha Phan, Ha Quang Thinh Ngo
2020 Electronics  
In accordance with this strategy, in our proposed method, students from Mechatronics Engineering first had to work together with other learners in the electronics, software, control automation, and mechanics  ...  By collaborating with their peers in developing this hardware, students become better equipped with specialized knowledge.  ...  As a result of students engaging in learning before class and applying relevant theory in class, they acquire a deeper understanding of the content and how to use it.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics9060954 fatcat:wqvemdtggrfjlhvauxaf4hnsai
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