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Adaptation of document images to display constraints

Kathrin Berkner, Berna Erol, Bernice E. Rogowitz, Thrasyvoulos N. Pappas
2008 Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XIII  
Compared to photographic images, document images pose an even greater challenge to represent on small size displays.  ...  Content-dependent iconification is proposed to provide distinguishability between layout features of document images.  ...  MULTIMEDIA THUMBNAILS All the techniques described so far deal with resizing of one single image. Electronic documents, however, often consist of multiple pages, i.e. multiple document images.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.764988 dblp:conf/hvei/BerknerE08 fatcat:tuy7y7visrgvrhr5hiww4rj6du

Document resizing for visually impaired students

Michael Connolly, Christof Lutteroth, Beryl Plimmer
2010 Proceedings of the 22nd Conference of the Computer-Human Interaction Special Interest Group of Australia on Computer-Human Interaction - OZCHI '10  
This paper discusses common problems with the resizing of documents, and the tools produced to help reduce or eliminate these problems.  ...  Resizing documents for visually impaired readers currently requires a mixture of time, patience and experience with word processors such as Microsoft Word.  ...  Document layout analysis is used to guide the process of converting a document from an image to a textual electronic version (Breuel, 2003; Mao & Kangungo, 2001; Déjean & Meunier, 2007) .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1952222.1952248 dblp:conf/ozchi/ConnollyLP10 fatcat:fpgyhmggxjho3nsbqi6o7ipyei

Supplementary document for Combined optical fluorescence microscopy and X-ray tomography reveals substructures in cell nuclei in 3D - 5945811.pdf

Andrew Wittmeier, Marten Bernhardt, Anna-Lena Robisch, Chiara Cassini, Markus Osterhoff, Tim Salditt, Sarah Köster
2022 figshare.com  
This subfigure has the same field-of-view shown in subfigure b). l) Distribution of the integrated electron density of each of the 28 resized and rotated tomographic slices.  ...  S1g only resized and rotated. All rotated and resized slices are subsequently cropped such that they have the same field-of-view as the confocal micrographs.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20477115.v2 fatcat:va3gpspynfbytpslebyz3zc5ve

Supplementary document for Combined optical fluorescence microscopy and X-ray tomography reveals substructures in cell nuclei in 3D - 5987039.pdf

Andrew Wittmeier, Marten Bernhardt, Anna-Lena Robisch, Chiara Cassini, Markus Osterhoff, Tim Salditt, Sarah Köster
2022 figshare.com  
This subfigure has the same field-of-view shown in subfigure b). l) Distribution of the integrated electron density of each of the 28 resized and rotated tomographic slices.  ...  S1g only resized and rotated. All rotated and resized slices are subsequently cropped such that they have the same field-of-view as the confocal micrographs.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20449512.v2 fatcat:jg7yxerryzafnfoaek2srtfhqy

Supplementary document for Combined optical fluorescence microscopy and X-ray tomography reveals substructures in cell nuclei in 3D - 5987039.pdf

Andrew Wittmeier, Marten Bernhardt, Anna-Lena Robisch, Chiara Cassini, Markus Osterhoff, Tim Salditt, Sarah Köster
2022 figshare.com  
This subfigure has the same field-of-view shown in subfigure b). l) Distribution of the integrated electron density of each of the 28 resized and rotated tomographic slices.  ...  S1g only resized and rotated. All rotated and resized slices are subsequently cropped such that they have the same field-of-view as the confocal micrographs.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20449512.v1 fatcat:igez425klnadxhnpzrcfqss6t4

Supplementary document for Combined optical fluorescence microscopy and X-ray tomography reveals substructures in cell nuclei in 3D - 5945811.pdf

Andrew Wittmeier, Marten Bernhardt, Anna-Lena Robisch, Chiara Cassini, Markus Osterhoff, Tim Salditt, Sarah Köster
2022 figshare.com  
This subfigure has the same field-of-view shown in subfigure b). l) Distribution of the integrated electron density of each of the 28 resized and rotated tomographic slices.  ...  S1g only resized and rotated. All rotated and resized slices are subsequently cropped such that they have the same field-of-view as the confocal micrographs.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20477115.v1 fatcat:htobcqzohnhmfcksnelxht7c24

Straightening Uniformly Folded Document Image

Patel HN, Modi PR
2016 Journal of Electrical & Electronic Systems  
Then images are resized.  ...  When we need to scan them to convert them into electronic form (to perform OCR on them), then the problems occur because the folded documents cannot be easily scanned as they have folds and due to such  ... 
doi:10.4172/2332-0796.1000191 fatcat:mpdzepgxdnhfrfmsaebrgmsqqu

Machine learning based detection of digital documents maliciously recaptured from displays

Saleh Gholam-Zadeh, Evgeniy Upenik, Guy Hatarsi, Touradj Ebrahimi, Andrew G. Tescher, Touradj Ebrahimi
2020 Applications of Digital Image Processing XLIII  
Many documents such as passports and IDs are being at first created in paper form but are immediately scanned, digitized, and further processed in electronic form.  ...  With the growing concerns over authenticity and integrity of scanned and image-based documents such as passports and IDs, it is more than urgent to be able to quickly validate scanned and photographic  ...  posses the physical document in to produce an electronic version, or access the electronic version of the original document in order to forge it.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2569256 fatcat:psyqwgmyabefrny5af3sm6woyy

Neural Network based Handwritten Character Recognition system

Savitha Attigeri
2018 International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science  
Handwritten character recognition has been one of the active and challenging research areas in the field of image processing and pattern recognition.  ...  It has numerous applications which include, reading aid for blind, bank cheques and conversion of any hand written document into structural text form.  ...  Usually, a special pen is used in conjunction with an electronic surface.  ... 
doi:10.18535/ijecs/v7i3.18 fatcat:sd7gjakogre3jmgkdlmbqsp2pa

A GUI for Automatic Extraction of Signature from Image Document

Chandra MohanGautam, Sanjeev Sharma, Jitendra Singh Verma
2012 International Journal of Computer Applications  
This Binary image is normalized (resize) the signature image. To show the signature effective areas in signature image resizing may be required.  ...  Region of Interest in an image document is taking attention in research area. In this method, the signature document image converted into the binary image.  ...  Fig.4 Image normalization (resizing) In this work, the Binary image is normalized (resize) the signature image. To show the signature effective areas in signature image resizing may be required.  ... 
doi:10.5120/8641-2399 fatcat:45ryukosm5giffven7yaszf6ie

Page 7 of Electronic Publishing Vol. 3, Issue 1 [page]

1990 Electronic Publishing  
AUTHORING LARGE HYPERMEDIA DOCUMENTS WITH IGD +1.  ...  IGD’s pictures can include text and digitized images in addition to geometric primitives. Because the hardware and software on which IGD was built provided only a  ... 

Printed Arabic Sub-Word Recognition Using Moments

Ibrahim A. El Rube, Mohamed T. El Sonni, Soha S. Saleh
2010 Zenodo  
Three types of moments are investigated and applied to the printed sub-word images after dividing each image into multiple parts using windowing.  ...  Keeping the documents on papers is posing a lot of difficulty in storage, retrieval, searching and updating, while the electronic documents makes all that easy for us [2] .  ...  In the experiments, Zernike moments performed better than other moments after resizing the input image to a fixed size.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1332664 fatcat:pto6m6xpojhljbqvcqtmgxj2tu

Nanopore formation on Au coated pyramid under electron beam irradiations (plasmonic nanopore on pyramid)

Seong Soo Choi, Myoung Jin Park, Tokutaro Yamaguchi, Chul Hee Han, Sae-Joong Oh, Sung In Kim, Jung Ho Yoo, Kyoung Jin Park, Yong-Sang Kim, Nam Kyou Park
2016 Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research  
electron beam irradiations, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), etc.  ...  After the sample was being kept under a room environment for several months, several Au (111) clusters with~6 nm diameter formed via Ostwald ripening are observed using a high resolution TEM imaging.  ...  Resizing of hole on the viscous membrane or on the heated metallic membrane is well documented [9, 10] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sbsr.2016.01.009 fatcat:ecdzwr4jn5hjlndc4bv533p6xm

Image Pre-processing on NumtaDB for Bengali Handwritten Digit Recognition [article]

Ovi Paul
2020 arXiv   pre-print
This is a diverse dataset containing more than 85000 images. But this diversity also makes this dataset very difficult to work with.  ...  The goal of this paper is to find the benchmark for pre-processed images which gives good accuracy on any machine learning models.  ...  OCR is used when creating a similar document in paper as a document in electronic form takes more time. The converted text files take less space than the original image file and can be indexed.  ... 
arXiv:2008.07853v1 fatcat:lp7fioybjbfv3ctg2zst4pyjsa

Printed Text Character Analysis Version-III: Optical Character Recognition with Noise Reduction, Background Detection and User Training Mechanism for Simple Cursive Fonts

Satyaki Roy, Ayan Chatterjee, Rituparna Pandit, Kaushik Goswami
2015 International Journal of Information Engineering and Electronic Business  
The present system performs analysis of snapshots of cursive and non-cursive font character text images and yields customizable text files using optical character recognition technology.  ...  Fig. 12 . 12 The character is resized Fig. 14 . 14 The image for recognition Fig. 18 . 18 Final printed text VI.  ...  Information Engineering and Electronic Business, 2015, 2, 27-37 Fig. 17.  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijieeb.2015.02.05 fatcat:bbitrxjttncg5j7ypsolw4gzvi
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