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Face Hallucination via Deep Neural Networks [article]

Xin Yu, University, The Australian National, University, The Australian National
We demonstrate that supplementing residual images or feature maps with additional facial attribute information can significantly reduce the ambiguity in face super-resolution.  ...  We propose a method that explicitly incorporates structural information of faces into the face super-resolution process by using a multi-task convolutional neural network (CNN).  ...  Limitations We note that in the CelebA dataset, numbers of images of children, old people and young adults are unbalanced e.g., there are more images of young adults than children and old people.  ... 
doi:10.25911/5d51433625f11 fatcat:cmgkdo4q7vex7fpjkkffstlc5q

New Paradigms and Optimality Guarantees in Statistical Learning and Estimation

Yu-Xiang Wang
In addition, data collected in many internet services, e.g., web search and targeted ads, are not iid, but rather feedbacks specific to the deployed algorithm.  ...  Data privacy, for instance, was much less of a problem before the availability of personal information online that could be used to identify users in anonymized data sets.  ...  We then construct an ROC curve, i.e., the true positive rate versus the false positive rate of the test, as we vary its rejection threshold. For the test itself, we consider our kth order KS test, in  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6720836.v1 fatcat:bdtsjzawkbdjxntc5pmm5irvna