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3,234 Hits in 7.7 sec

Cardiac MR: From Theory to Practice

Tevfik F. Ismail, Wendy Strugnell, Chiara Coletti, Maša Božić-Iven, Sebastian Weingärtner, Kerstin Hammernik, Teresa Correia, Thomas Küstner
2022 Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine  
Building blocks are illustrated to create an efficient and patient-centered workflow.  ...  Sequences containing these building blocks are formed for parametric mapping and functional imaging techniques.  ...  The results suggested that an efficient motion estimation network can bypass the need for high-quality reconstructions in order to achieve accurate image segmentation.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fcvm.2022.826283 pmid:35310962 pmcid:PMC8927633 fatcat:j3vd446nxnajvgajkhazwbvgia

Optimization of Parallel Particle-to-Grid Interpolation on Leading Multicore Platforms

Kamesh Madduri, Jimmy Su, Samuel Williams, Leonid Oliker, Ethier, Katherine Yelick
2012 IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  
for studying fusion plasma microturbulence.  ...  Understanding how to efficiently utilize these systems in the context of demanding numerical algorithms is an urgent challenge to meet the ever growing computational needs of high-end computing.  ...  We would like to express our gratitude to Intel and Sun for their hardware donations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpds.2012.28 fatcat:ka67zev5grdspa3zjkcls325te

FieldFuzz: In Situ Blackbox Fuzzing of Proprietary Industrial Automation Runtimes via the Network [article]

Andrei Bytes, Prashant Hari Narayan Rajput, Constantine Doumanidis, Nils Ole Tippenhauer, Michail Maniatakos, Jianying Zhou
2023 arXiv   pre-print
FieldFuzz leverages efficient network-based fuzzing based on three main contributions: i) reverse-engineering enabled remote control of control applications and runtime components, ii) automated command  ...  For example, remote code injection in a control application would directly allow to take over the PLC, threatening physical process damage and the safety of human operators.  ...  While fuzzing with the FRD, Ghost receives notification of Stalker dynamic recompilation events with their memory offsets indicating that a basic block is being executed.  ... 
arXiv:2204.13499v4 fatcat:hjasvpdbjbbrhlj4z25uwrqjs4

Accelerating cardiac cine MRI using a deep learning-based ESPIRiT reconstruction [article]

Christopher M. Sandino, Peng Lai, Shreyas S. Vasanawala, Joseph Y. Cheng
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Additionally, a novel convolutional neural network based on separable 3D convolutions is integrated into DL-ESPIRiT to more efficiently learn spatiotemporal priors for dynamic image reconstruction.  ...  The network is trained on fully-sampled 2D cardiac cine datasets collected from eleven healthy volunteers with IRB approval.  ...  All reconstructions are performed on a separate computer system from the one used for training with one NVIDIA GTX 1080 Ti 12GB video card.  ... 
arXiv:1911.05845v3 fatcat:n665uj2abbbstmgsshrf4rag7m

Improved YOLOv4 recognition algorithm for pitaya based on coordinate attention and combinational convolution

Fu Zhang, Weihua Cao, Shunqing Wang, Xiahua Cui, Ning Yang, Xinyue Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Sanling Fu
2022 Frontiers in Plant Science  
GhostNet feature extraction network was used instead of CSPDarkNet53 as the backbone network of YOLOv4.  ...  The Ghost Module was referenced in Yolo Head to improve computing speed and reduce delay.  ...  In this research, the red heart "soft branch big red" pitaya fruit was used, which is suitable for planting in areas with a minimum temperature above 0 degrees in January all year round.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.1030021 pmid:36330245 pmcid:PMC9623319 fatcat:3hxcba2s4jc57gjsmvj7rqbeaa

Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE): Implementing systems engineering methodology for the development of a new facility [article]

Kei Szeto, Alexis Hill, Nicolas Flagey, Calum Hervieu, Mick Edgar, Peter Gillingham, Alan McConnachie, Shan Mignot, Richard Murowinski
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We present an overview of the requirements flow-down for MSE, from Science Requirements Document to Observatory Requirements Document.  ...  Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer will be a 10-m class highly multiplexed survey telescope, including a segmented primary mirror and robotic fiber positioners at the prime focus.  ...  network.  ... 
arXiv:1807.08027v1 fatcat:6v24r7azhbcw5hsp3i6dv6y47m

A Survey of Blockchain Applications in the FinTech Sector

Tara Renduchintala, Haneen Alfauri, Zebo Yang, Roberto Di Pietro, Raj Jain
2022 Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market and Complexity  
For each segment, we provide a critique and a discussion on how each blockchain implementation contributes to solving the majority of problems faced by FinTech companies and researchers.  ...  The pandemic has accelerated how people interact with financial services and has resulted in long-term changes to societies and economies.  ...  This makes it very difficult for an attacker to alter a past block as they would have to redo the hash pointer of the block and all the subsequent blocks to catch up with and surpass the work of the honest  ... 
doi:10.3390/joitmc8040185 fatcat:mz4amkr5fjftfoqmsk73yklwe4

360-Degree Video Bandwidth Reduction: Technique and Approaches Comprehensive Review

En Sing Wong, Nur Haliza Abdul Wahab, Faisal Saeed, Nouf Alharbi
2022 Applied Sciences  
With the efforts of various research studies and industries and the gradual development of the network in recent years, a deep fake virtual world, "Metaverse" with high immersion and conducive for daily  ...  Moreover, the superiorities of the development of 5G and 6G networks, Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and Caching and the Information-Centric Network (ICN) approaches to optimize the 360-degree video streaming  ...  and efficient bitrate allocation for tiles.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12157581 fatcat:hejm2hulqneppere22la7qiqba

Dynamic actin filaments control the mechanical behavior of the human red blood cell membrane

David S. Gokhin, Roberta B. Nowak, Joseph A. Khoory, Alfonso de la Piedra, Ionita C. Ghiran, Velia M. Fowler, Thomas D. Pollard
2015 Molecular Biology of the Cell  
., do not exchange subunits with G-actin in the cytosol), this assumption has never been rigorously tested.  ...  Here we show that a subpopulation of human RBC actin filaments is indeed dynamic, based on rhodamine-actin incorporation into filaments in resealed ghosts and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching  ...  Kim for assistance with Western blots, Aaron Sy for assistance with osmotic fragility, and Ben M.-W. Illigens for assistance with membrane flickering analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1091/mbc.e14-12-1583 pmid:25717184 pmcid:PMC4436781 fatcat:wnfjfsmaznfennbdxdezgtovpe

Some Observations on the Historical Appreciation, Pathological Development, and Behaviour of Round Tuberculous Foci

W. M. Macleod, A. T. Smith
1952 Thorax  
Sto;nach-juice cultures were negative for M. tutber cuilosis. Apical and posterior segmental resection was carried out in February, 1951, with uneventful convalescence (streptomycin 22 g.).  ...  The post-operative course was smooth apart from a slight fever for six weeks. A segment of the left lung was examined.  ... 
doi:10.1136/thx.7.4.334 pmid:13015524 pmcid:PMC1019201 fatcat:sx5zossw5fcnjawdd7enpbg26e

Thirty-Fifth Annual Meeting February 24–28, 1991 Moscone Center San Francisco, California

1991 Biophysical Journal  
The K112 for activation of this channel is -40phM cAMP, compatible with its putative role in cifactory signaling.  ...  The protons directly block the channels, producing a depolarizing receptor potential.  ...  Using Dil as a membrane label to follow fusions between heattreated and non heat-treated ghosts, it was found that if only one of the two ghosts had an intact spectrin network, the fusion lumen was still  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0006-3495(91)82252-4 fatcat:jjwqnwsrlrcwfptaix6iulc454

Unities and Diversities in Chinese Religion

Tan Chee-Beng, Robert P. Weller
1987 Asian folklore studies  
More ideologized Taoists tie instead to a broader network of masterpupil ties and ritual schools that transcend local boundaries.  ...  The structure of this first segment (inviting gods-inviting ghosts -preaching repentance -providing relief) foreshadows the more elaborate performance of the meditative segment that follows.  ...  See also Ethnicity Hanlin Academy. 19 Harrell, Steven , 87 Heart Sutra , 165 Heavenly Master , 13 , 195n  ... 
doi:10.2307/1178597 fatcat:yiwihzb43nbmjjyhhmwiblh7w4

Unities and Diversities in Chinese Religion

Donald R. DeGlopper, Robert P. Weller
1988 Journal of Asian Studies  
More ideologized Taoists tie instead to a broader network of masterpupil ties and ritual schools that transcend local boundaries.  ...  The structure of this first segment (inviting gods-inviting ghosts -preaching repentance -providing relief) foreshadows the more elaborate performance of the meditative segment that follows.  ...  See also Ethnicity Hanlin Academy. 19 Harrell, Steven , 87 Heart Sutra , 165 Heavenly Master , 13 , 195n  ... 
doi:10.2307/2057022 fatcat:ijgu7axktbclpflj2ezutvtikm

Surround-View Cameras based Holistic Visual Perception for Automated Driving [article]

Varun Ravi Kumar
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Because of this bottleneck, there is frequently a trade-off between performance and run-time efficiency.  ...  We concentrate on the following issues in order to address them: 1) Developing near-field perception algorithms with high performance and low computational complexity for various visual perception tasks  ...  Computational efficiency is limited due to the RNN block [164] .  ... 
arXiv:2206.05542v1 fatcat:cdpn6afpvvf7hnsvry7cqbjq3u

Abstracts (Continue in Part XXXIII)

1996 Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine  
However, if a ghost cannot be removed, and is close to the object, or overlaps the object, then it interferes with the correction. across the two images.  ...  If the ghost is differently positioned in the two images, it will contribute differently to the integrals, causing artifacts, as described below. This effect occurs even for high SNR images.  ...  WM, GM and CSF segmented by the SOM neural network are shown in figure 3 .  ... 
doi:10.1002/mrmp.22419960133 fatcat:qeadomlnojcy7fzo4lmbpjl7oq
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