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An Efficient Information Services-Centric Framework for Commuter

Wee Siong Ng, Justin Cheng, XianJun Wang, Sivakumar Viswanathan
2012 International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector  
The authors' solution provides an efficient services-centric framework for delivering pertinent information to commuters.  ...  Probe vehicles are used to estimate the real-time traffic flow and disseminate this information effectively to users' mobile devices.  ...  Information such as speed conditions for different times of day for each route, traffic volume, average speed and lane occupancy at fixed locations can be easily derived from the transportation network  ... 
doi:10.4018/jisss.2012010102 fatcat:z7bh3ssv6nettebxymx43zv7hy

Traffic automobile counter using open CV and YOLO

Dr. Neeraj Sharma
2019 The Pharma Innovation  
This research paper contributes to the field of computer vision by presenting a robust and efficient system for real-time vehicle detection and classification, with potential applications in traffic monitoring  ...  The proposed system was evaluated on several video datasets, demonstrating high accuracy in vehicle detection and classification.  ...  Real-time performance optimization: Although the proposed system performs in real-time, there is potential for optimization to improve its speed and efficiency.  ... 
doi:10.22271/tpi.2019.v8.i2n.25419 fatcat:iy6uxjz7w5etdftwdoxrrz5heq

Interactive, Multiscale Urban-Traffic Pattern Exploration Leveraging Massive GPS Trajectories

Qi Wang, Min Lu, Qingquan Li
2020 Sensors  
We propose a three-layer framework for the recognition and visualization of multiscale traffic patterns.  ...  With the development of sensing techniques, accumulated sensor data are captured for monitoring vehicles, which also present the opportunities of big transportation data, especially for real-time interactive  ...  The authors would like to sincerely thank the Transport Commission of Shenzhen Municipality for offering data. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20041084 pmid:32079353 pmcid:PMC7070530 fatcat:bbmftxw2kjdz5ec5ksvnwj4eo4

Real-time Monitoring and Detection of Drinkdriving and Vehicle Over-speeding

Bassey Isong, Oratile Khutsoane, Nosipho Dladlu
2017 International Journal of Image Graphics and Signal Processing  
We designed a theoretical framework of the system and implemented an application prototype which is web-based for use by traffic personnel to monitor the detection of traffic offenders in the capacity  ...  In an attempt to provide effective solutions to these challenges, this paper proposed a smart transportation system for real-time detection of drinkdriving and over-speeding on the roads using technology  ...  It is on this note we conclude that real-time drink-driving and over-speeding monitoring system is necessary for road safety on SA roads and also to provide efficiency in terms of traffic monitoring to  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijigsp.2017.11.01 fatcat:dyi33ax6jjfdznrzql5hsahupy


Kuien Liu, Ke Deng, Zhiming Ding, Mingshu Li, Xiaofang Zhou
2009 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
Based on our previous MOIR platform [5], we use FCD as the data source for large-scale real-time traffic monitoring.  ...  With the end results being quantified and visualized using real data for a large city, this proof-of-concept system provides a convincing way of validating our ideas.  ...  GPS and GSM) enables efficient detection and transmission of real-time traffic information, such as traveling speed, direction and the current position.  ... 
doi:10.14778/1687553.1687585 fatcat:vpcgmejj6zclph3dbcscqd5wqe

A Review of Applications and Approaches of Network Monitoring

Asfiya Sultana, Dr. Bhat GeetalaxmiJairam
2019 International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer Science & Technology  
Monitoring the network forms an important part of the Network Management, assisting in visualization of the network behaviour in real time.  ...  Traffic engineering, quality of service, and anomaly detection also depend on network monitoring for decision making (1).  ...  Another similar research developed a Network Monitoring system for high-speed network traffic. They developed a general purpose platform for network monitoring for high speed networks.  ... 
doi:10.21276/ijircst.2019.7.4.3 fatcat:an7hmbfcszcm7mkhssml5x57de

Network Flow Awareness System for E-Science Collaborative Application

Buseung Cho, Kyuil Kim, Hyungwoo Park, Jin-Wook Chung
2015 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
than traditional net flow data and intuitive visualization of the elephant flow data with research project information for efficiently monitoring e-Science elephant flow data.  ...  in capturing and analyzing with more than 10G full line rate and also there isn't intuitive visualization system of monitoring flow data for network operator and user.  ...  In this paper, we propose the flow awareness system for KREONET, national research network in Korea, can collect the flow data with 10Gbps line speed, analyzing the large flow data in real-time using ARGUS  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2015/v8i26/81060 fatcat:mwgcqxybmrbzdk4ib7s6qgpnvi

Toward Stream-Based IP Flow Analysis

Tomas Jirsik, Milan Cermak, Daniel Tovarnak, Pavel Celeda
2017 IEEE Communications Magazine  
Based on information from IP flows, it is possible to discover the majority of concurrent cyber threats in high-speed, large-scale networks.  ...  Analyzing IP flows is an essential part of traffic measurement for cyber security.  ...  Acknowledgement This research was supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic under No. TA04010062 Technology for processing and analysis of network data in big data concept.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2017.1600972 fatcat:v7bxvqyfsfggzmxbvsj5xeqftm


Nehad Gaši, Bakir Čičak, Almira Salkić
2023 Nauka i tehnologija  
It will also require advanced use of antenna systems, such as massive multiplexed antennas (Massive MIMO), in order to achieve a high degree of wireless efficiency.  ...  ">6G stands for the sixth generation of mobile networks, which represents the future of wireless communication.  ...  High data transfer speed, low latency and higher signal reliability will enable the connection of a large number of IoT devices, sensors and machines in real time.  ... 
doi:10.58952/nit20231102152 fatcat:hk5swq2v7feybnoqg3ywnyld3q

Scanning the Issue

Azim Eskandarian
2021 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print)  
A framework for network-level traffic forecasting is also proposed by sequentially connecting CapsNet and NLSTM.  ...  The proposed flocking control framework for 2-D motions of CAVs can achieve safer and more efficient transportations than 1-D automated driving, such as platooning and cooperative adaptive cruise control  ...  Dini The SAPIENT system is a real-time monitoring and control infrastructure for air traffic management.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tits.2021.3098395 fatcat:s7r5jkvwbfe2hntml6gylicktq

Toward real-time network-wide cyber situational awareness

Tomas Jirsik, Pavel Celeda
2018 NOMS 2018 - 2018 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium  
In this paper, we present a novel framework that faces above mentioned challenges. The framework leverages a distributed data stream processing system and methods for real-time big data processing.  ...  The challenges include the overload of raw data, low speed of reaction, and a lack of context and unified view on a network.  ...  The efficient application of Network-wide Cyber Situational Awareness (NwCSA) faces several major challenges due to high dynamics of the network environment, speed and volume of network traffic, and complexity  ... 
doi:10.1109/noms.2018.8406166 dblp:conf/noms/JirsikC18 fatcat:i5it76wnargw3mwskb5e6rj2mu

2020 Index IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Vol. 21

2020 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print)  
., +, TITS Jan. 2020 209-221 Air traffic control A Real-Time ATC Safety Monitoring Framework Using a Deep Learning Approach.  ...  ., +, TITS Nov. 2020 4483-4496 Condition monitoring A Bayesian Network Approach for Condition Monitoring of High-Speed Railway Catenaries.  ...  R Radar clutter Outliers-Robust CFAR Detector of Gaussian Clutter Based on the Truncated-Maximum-Likelihood-Estimator in SAR Imagery. Ai, J., 2039 -2049  ... 
doi:10.1109/tits.2020.3048827 fatcat:ab6he3jkfjboxg7wa6pagbggs4

An architecture for performance management of multimedia networks [chapter]

Giovanni Pacifici, Rolf Stadler
1995 Integrated Network Management IV  
One direction deals with developing algorithms for resource control tasks that are designed to operate in real-time and make efficient use of resources in a dynamic environment.  ...  The objectives of achieving efficient resource utilization, providing quality-of-service guarantees, and adapting to changes in traffic statistics make performance management for multimedia networks a  ...  In order to cope with the high-speed and dynamic nature of user traffic, the real-time traffic control system works on a time scale of J1S to ms, while the performance management system and the network  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34890-2_16 fatcat:j7jeztvug5cjbk6a7yr3yomfr4

Vehicle Detection for Accident Prevention

Ashlesh Jaiswal, Advait Hardas, Anwesha Singh, Mansi Khonde, Mitali Singhania
2023 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
A review of recent vision-based on-road vehicle detection systems is presented in this paper. YOLO generates a region proposal network and classifies these region proposals at the same time.  ...  Abstract: One of the key components of the smart traffic concept is vehicle detection and tracking.  ...  framework for real-time traffic monitoring based on publicly available video streams.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2023.49268 fatcat:62d3pvilubh3tksywasg2gddeq

Intelligent Traffic Information System Based on Integration of Internet of Things and Agent Technology

Hasan Omar
2015 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
This research presents an overview of a framework distributed traffic simulation model within NetLogo, an agentbased environment, for IoT traffic monitoring system using mobile agent technology.  ...  Some of the traffic concerns are congestions and accidents which have caused a huge waste of time, property damage and environmental pollution.  ...  GPRS provides high-speed wireless IP services for mobile users and fully supports the TCP/IP.  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2015.060206 fatcat:jrmlhnf4ljbcndkqgjnhxgxp3i
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