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Efficient Stepwise Selection in Decomposable Models [article]

Amol Deshpande, Minos Garofalakis, Michael I. Jordan
2013 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we present an efficient way of performing stepwise selection in the class of decomposable models.  ...  We also discuss how backward selection can be performed efficiently using our data structures.We also analyze the complexity of the complete stepwise selection procedure, including the complexity of choosing  ...  Backward selection procedures for decomposable models are well known in the literature [Wer76, Lau96] , but efficient forward selection procedures have not yet been devel oped.  ... 
arXiv:1301.2267v1 fatcat:ftak6lcjkbdj5ceqfh5f2h2vza

Estimation of GRACE water storage components by temporal decomposition

Robert Andrew, Huade Guan, Okke Batelaan
2017 Journal of Hydrology  
Results show a clear improvement in using decomposed GRACE data instead of raw GRACE data when compared against total water storage outputs from the AWRA model.  ...  The Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has been in operation since 2002.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to acknowledge those who have been of assistance in producing this work.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.06.016 fatcat:hozccdvjdredpdgtvnluryx62i

Chinese companies distress prediction: an application of data envelopment analysis

Zhiyong Li, Jonathan Crook, Galina Andreeva
2014 Journal of the Operational Research Society  
In contrast to previous applications of DEA in credit risk modelling where it was used to generate a single efficiency -Technical Efficiency, we assume Variable Returns to Scale, and decompose Technical  ...  We investigate the predictive accuracy of corporate efficiency measures along with standard financial ratios in predicting corporate distress in Chinese companies.  ...  10 Model 11 Model 12 Model 13Model 10: All variables selected by forward stepwise routine.Model 11, 12 and 13: Efficiency variables forced entry, financial variables from Model 10.  ... 
doi:10.1057/jors.2013.67 fatcat:p3arbnlahfgndjahzmmhnhhneq

Model Selection and Accounting for Model Uncertainty in Graphical Models Using Occam's Window

David Madigan, Adrian E. Raftery
1994 Journal of the American Statistical Association  
We consider two classes of models that arise in expert systems: the recursive causal models and the decomposable log-linear models.  ...  The approach most used currently is a stepwise strategy guided by tests based on approxi. mate asymptotic P-values leading to the selection of a single model; inference is then conditional on the selected  ...  Currently, tihe most used approach to model selection in contingency tables is a stepwise one, adapted from stepwise regression by Goodman (1971) ; see also Bishop, Fienberg and Holland (1975, Section  ... 
doi:10.1080/01621459.1994.10476894 fatcat:agqfnps43rdbraqj7saqhgo76y

Model Selection and Accounting for Model Uncertainty in Graphical Models Using Occam's Window

David Madigan, Adrian E. Raftery
1994 Journal of the American Statistical Association  
We consider two classes of models that arise in expert systems: the recursive causal models and the decomposable log-linear models.  ...  The approach most used currently is a stepwise strategy guided by tests based on approxi. mate asymptotic P-values leading to the selection of a single model; inference is then conditional on the selected  ...  Currently, tihe most used approach to model selection in contingency tables is a stepwise one, adapted from stepwise regression by Goodman (1971) ; see also Bishop, Fienberg and Holland (1975, Section  ... 
doi:10.2307/2291017 fatcat:rkuycucd4ffq3ndp6ui7hrpt3m

Page 3149 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 88f [page]

1988 Mathematical Reviews  
From the summary: “An efficient procedure for model selection from large families of models is described. It is closely related to the all-possible-models approach but is considerably faster.  ...  Motivated by the problem of interaction in ANOVA the author pro- poses a stepwise rather than a simultaneous method of fitting the model Y; = f(x;)+¢8;, i= 1,---,.N, where f is a purely periodic in- teraction  ... 

Forecasting stock markets using wavelet transforms and recurrent neural networks: An integrated system based on artificial bee colony algorithm

Tsung-Jung Hsieh, Hsiao-Fen Hsiao, Wei-Chang Yeh
2011 Applied Soft Computing  
Second, the RNN, which has a simple architecture and uses numerous fundamental and technical indicators, is applied to construct the input features chosen via Stepwise Regression-Correlation Selection  ...  First, the wavelet transform using the Haar wavelet is applied to decompose the stock price time series and thus eliminate noise.  ...  One model that may be more efficient than others in stock prediction is the artificial neural network (ANN) [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2010.09.007 fatcat:guzirywcvfezljlq4gyoucn5ka

An efficient unified model for genome-wide association studies and genomic selection

Hengde Li, Guosheng Su, Li Jiang, Zhenmin Bao
2017 Genetics Selection Evolution  
Methods: Here, we propose a stepwise linear regression mixed model (StepLMM) to unify GWAS and GS in a single statistical model.  ...  Then, in the SNP selection step, the linear mixed model (LMM) for GWAS is equivalently transformed into a simple linear regression to improve computation speed, and the most significant SNP is selected  ...  As an alternative, we proposed a stepwise linear mixed regression model that is stable, flexible and computationally efficient.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12711-017-0338-x pmid:28836943 pmcid:PMC5569572 fatcat:ynoqh74b2ndj3iuvqdswxzf66m

Database Design for Quality [chapter]

Donatella Castelli, Elvira Locuratolo
1996 Achieving Quality in Software  
The approach employed to define a formal design methodology for the development of easy to use, flexible, efficient and correct database systems is described.  ...  Furthermore, it selects a special type of correct transformation, i.e. the stepwise refinement. AM is a mathematical model based on first order logic and a subset of set theory.  ...  Demonstration 5: The stepwise refinement has been decomposed in two phases corresponding respectively to data refinement and behavioral refinement since the transformation is a complex task which can be  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-34869-8_20 fatcat:oev2uaihvbfhrb6kz2wduykgtu

Implementing a new fully stepwise decomposition-based sampling technique for the hybrid water level forecasting model in real-world application [article]

Ziqian Zhang, Nana Bao, Xingting Yan, Aokai Zhu, Chenyang Li, Mingyu Liu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, a novel Fully Stepwise Decomposition-Based (FSDB) sampling technique is well designed for the decomposition-based forecasting model, strictly avoiding introducing future information.  ...  Results of VMD-based hybrid model using FSDB sampling technique show that Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) coefficient is increased by 6.4%, 28.8% and 7.0% in three stations respectively, compared with  ...  The authors would like to thank hydrographic office of Fuyang city and Chaohu Research Institute in China especially Juan Tian for her helpful discussions and supply of rich hydrological data.  ... 
arXiv:2309.10658v1 fatcat:7tfjoh2kfbcfjhpliyonqpeq4y

Spectral Learning Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

Shay B. Cohen, Michael Collins, Dean P. Foster, Karl Stratos, Lyle H. Ungar
2013 North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics  
His current set of hammers revolve around fast matrix methods (which decompose 2nd moments) and tensor methods for decomposing 3rd moments.  ...  His current research interests are machine learning, stepwise regression and computational linguistics. He has been searching for new methods of finding useful features in big data sets.  ... 
dblp:conf/naacl/CohenCFSU13 fatcat:k2vug2ewdncrxlzqfyhbnr7w3e

Water Level Forecasting in Tidal Rivers during Typhoon Periods through Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition

Yen-Chang Chen, Hui-Chung Yeh, Su-Pai Kao, Chiang Wei, Pei-Yi Su
2023 Hydrology  
In this study, a novel model that performs ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) and stepwise regression was developed to forecast the water level of a tidal river.  ...  The forecasting model is obtained through stepwise regression on these components.  ...  Stepwise Regression Analysis Stepwise regression, which is a multiple linear regression technique, is an efficient method of selecting the most useful explanatory variables.  ... 
doi:10.3390/hydrology10020047 fatcat:tkxtv3chirholl4tw44hpocjg4

AutoPRM: Automating Procedural Supervision for Multi-Step Reasoning via Controllable Question Decomposition [article]

Zhaorun Chen, Zhuokai Zhao, Zhihong Zhu, Ruiqi Zhang, Xiang Li, Bhiksha Raj, Huaxiu Yao
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in multi-step reasoning tasks, yet their reliance on extensive manual labeling to provide procedural feedback remains a significant  ...  To address this challenge, in this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised framework AutoPRM that efficiently enhances the fine-tuning of LLMs for intricate reasoning challenges.  ...  Our key insight is that automating stepwise question decomposition provides a natural perspective to reduce problem dimensions, through which model inference and optimization can be more precise and efficient  ... 
arXiv:2402.11452v1 fatcat:img4n6wfi5bkzhaxluppjccrfi

L0-Regularized Parametric Non-negative Factorization for Analyzing Composite Signals

Takumi Kobayashi, Kenji Watanabe, Nobuyuki Otsu
2011 2011 10th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications and Workshops  
Since so regularized least squares is NPhard, we propose a stepwise forward/backward optimization to efficiently solve it in an approximated manner.  ...  Based on prior physical knowledge about the target, the factors can be modeled as parametric functions, and their parameter values benefit further analyses.  ...  Then, both stepwise forward selection and backward pruning are applied to w nnls for finding the optimum weight that minimizes J in (3).  ... 
doi:10.1109/icmla.2011.84 dblp:conf/icmla/KobayashiWO11 fatcat:mkhvi2bp7bchvjyqsflipituwm

Vulnerability assessment of southern coastal areas of Iran to sea level rise: evaluation of climate change impact

Hamid Goharnejad, Abolfazl Shamsai, Seyed Abbas Hosseini
2013 Oceanologia  
Among the different variables simulated by this model, those of maximum correlation with sea level changes in the study region and least redundancy among themselves are selected for predicting sea level  ...  rise by using stepwise regression.  ...  In stepwise regression, backward elimination was performed after every forward selection step to remove redundant variables from the model.  ... 
doi:10.5697/oc.55-3.611 fatcat:vs75y3zbr5adzldsn2tcgko3ra
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