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An Efficient Approach for Privacy Preserving Distributed K-Means Clustering Based on Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme [chapter]

Sankita Patel, Sweta Garasia, Devesh Jinwala
2012 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
In this work, we propose an efficient, collusion-resistant cryptography based approach for distributed K-Means clustering using Shamir's secret sharing scheme.  ...  Amongst the two basic approaches for privacy preserving data mining, viz.  ...  Privacy preserving clustering based on secret sharing has been addressed in [12] [13] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29852-3_9 fatcat:pfqtrlgr6nfxbje2prgsv545xi

Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Clustering Based on Secret Sharing [chapter]

Selim V. Kaya, Thomas B. Pedersen, Erkay Savaş, Yücel Saygıýn
Emerging Technologies in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining  
In this paper, we propose a privacy preserving distributed clustering protocol for horizontally partitioned data based on a very efficient homomorphic additive secret sharing scheme.  ...  Our protocol not only outperforms the others in execution time and communication overhead on data holders, but also uses a more efficient model for many data mining applications.  ...  Vaidya and Clifton [14] propose a privacy preserving k-means clustering protocol based on secure multi-party(SMC) computation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-77018-3_29 dblp:conf/pakdd/KayaPSS07 fatcat:numthgxhqvc7tplruvobl4p6a4

Privacy-Preserving Distributed Data Mining Techniques: A Survey

V. Baby, N. Subhash
2016 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this paper, we review and provide extensive survey on different privacy preserving data mining methods and analyses the representative techniques for privacy preserving data mining.  ...  We majorly discuss the distributed privacy preservation techniques which provide secure solutions using primitive operations of cryptographic protocols such as secure multi-party computation (SMPC), secret  ...  Privacy preserving clustering based on secret sharing has been discussed in [10, 11] .  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2016910381 fatcat:bwlgsbttmnahzdts5nw5um5noy

Efficient Privacy-Preserving K-Means Clustering from Secret-Sharing-Based Secure Three-Party Computation

Weiming Wei, Chunming Tang, Yucheng Chen
2022 Entropy  
Particularly, we present an efficient privacy-preserving K-means clustering algorithm based on replicated secret sharing with honest-majority in the semi-honest model.  ...  In this paper, we focus on designing a novel secret-sharing-based K-means clustering algorithm.  ...  [22] proposed distributed privacy preserving K-means clustering with additive secret sharing (ASS), but this work reveals the final cluster assignments to parties. Patel et al.  ... 
doi:10.3390/e24081145 pmid:36010809 pmcid:PMC9407146 fatcat:krqystaperf4jeeludhgylvyhe

An Efficient Approach for Privacy Preserving Data Mining using SMC Techniques and Related Algorithms

P. Annan Naidu
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
computations for privacy preserving data mining and also states that different approaches to achieve secure multiparty computations, in this process SMC deals with secret sharing of data among different  ...  When the information shared among different nodes such that centralized or distributed , then data mining results should ensure the secret sharing of information, This paper presents secure multi-party  ...  The second approach is privacy preserving distributed data mining(secure multi-party computation). 1) Privacy preserving distributed data mining(secure computation): Privacy preserving distributed K-means  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.4292 fatcat:s2o4bqevxvhgbiuxdkfon7czqm

Secured Privacy Preserving Mechanism for Distributed Digital Documents

F.R. Shiny Malar, M.K. Jeyakumar
2015 Research Journal of Applied Sciences Engineering and Technology  
Second, privacy preservation using cache-cache mechanism which maintains cache inside a cache to preserve details about the users who shared the secret parts of digital document which has been split using  ...  First, an efficient color image visual cryptic filtering scheme to improve the image quality on restored original image from visual cryptic shares.  ...  Based on the construction of tree, the spanning tree is applied to enhance the privacy The process of an efficient and secure ,distributed data sharing to each and every co-owner by using binary spanning  ... 
doi:10.19026/rjaset.10.2456 fatcat:cwthl4ri7nfnvaiexusib7ibni

Comprehensive Research on Privacy Preserving Emphasizing on Distributed Clustering

2016 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
Significant research in privacy preserving distributed clustering is shaped on k-means clustering algorithm with secure multiparty computation (SMC).  ...  This work focuses on the previous development, existing challenges, and upcoming trends in privacy preserving kmeans clustering with horizontally and vertically distributed data.  ...  In the distributed scenario, cryptographic techniques are widely used. The paper [3] is on distributed ID3 which is an efficient privacy preserving protocol.  ... 
doi:10.21275/v5i4.nov163055 fatcat:pmmxg7htwrfiddv5ix5suumvka

Distributed privacy preserving k-means clustering with additive secret sharing

Mahir Can Doganay, Thomas B. Pedersen, Yücel Saygin, Erkay Savaş, Albert Levi
2008 Proceedings of the 2008 international workshop on Privacy and anonymity in information society - PAIS '08  
For this setting, we propose a new protocol for privacy preserving k-means clustering based on additive secret sharing. We show that the new protocol is more secure than the state of the art.  ...  In this paper we concentrate on a distributed scenario where the data is partitioned vertically over multiple sites and the involved sites would like to perform clustering without revealing their local  ...  One recent significant work by Kargupta et al. [9] shows that random projection based multiplicative data perturbation is a very efficient way to perform privacy preserving distributed data mining.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1379287.1379291 dblp:conf/edbt/DoganayPSSL08 fatcat:3giq4qrwerhvjlfimypiggqv6m

Cluster Reconfiguration Protocol in Anonymous Cluster-Based MANETs
익명성을 보장하는 클러스터 기반 이동 애드혹 네트워크에서의 클러스터 갱신 프로토콜

YoHan Park, YoungHo Park
2013 Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers  
Recently, researches about security system to protect user privacy in cluster-based MANETs have been introduced.  ...  Especially in mobile commercial market, one of the major concerns regarding security is user privacy.  ...  Cl uster Reconfi gurati on Scenari o. CH/node in [7] is very efficient because of the property of the secret sharing scheme.  ... 
doi:10.5573/ieek.2013.50.8.103 fatcat:3wiykrolbzc57pyumjqgcososy

Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Intrusion Detection Using Additive Secret Sharing and Differential Privacy

Laylon Mokry, Paul Slife, Patrick Bishop, Jose Quiroz, Cooper Guzzi, Zhiyuan Chen, Adina Crainiceanu, Don Needham
2021 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data)  
We propose skP rototypes, a distributed clustering algorithm for horizontally partitioned mixed data using additive secret sharing.  ...  In this paper, we propose efficient and privacy preserving techniques to correlate alerts generated at different organizations.  ...  In this paper, we make the following contributions: 1) We propose skP rototypes, a privacy preserving, collaborative clustering algorithm based on additive secret sharing for horizontally partitioned mixed  ... 
doi:10.1109/bigdata52589.2021.9671428 fatcat:s26zlulatne6pfmuwki6bicrsu

A Survey on Privacy Preserving Data Aggregation Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks

Joyce Jose, Josna Jose, M. Princy
2014 Journal of Computing and Information Technology  
ESPDA The ESPDA (Energy-Efficient Secure Pattern Based Data Aggregation for Wireless Sensor Networks) [14] improves the energy efficiency and privacy preservation in WSNs.  ...  The different level of privacy is achieved based on Shao et al [20] scheme and achieving privacy based on CPDA protocol.  ...  Data Privacy: It ensures that the data is only known to the owner, even if adversaries get the secret information.  ... 
doi:10.2498/cit.1002318 fatcat:cmaq2uhsibbvdbu2dst7t4ulpm

Data Privacy Protection Mechanisms in Cloud

Niharika Singh, Ashutosh Kumar Singh
2017 Data Science and Engineering  
We also presented a comprehensive comparison of the privacy-preserving approaches from the angle of the privacy-preserving requirements' satisfaction.  ...  We have categorized the privacy-preserving approaches into four categories, i.e., privacy by cryptography, privacy by probability, privacy by anonymization and privacy by ranking.  ...  [21] Designing an anonymization algorithm based on clustering and resilient to similarity attack and probabilistic inference attack The anonymized data are distributed on hadoop distributed  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41019-017-0046-0 fatcat:cb2ok5d5jbdltffawp6hvz4j6e

Efficient Privacy Preserving K-Means Clustering [chapter]

Maneesh Upmanyu, Anoop M. Namboodiri, Kannan Srinathan, C. V. Jawahar
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper introduces an efficient privacy-preserving protocol for distributed K-means clustering over an arbitrary partitioned data, shared among N parties.  ...  Clustering is one of the fundamental algorithms used in the field of data mining.  ...  [24] recently proposed an efficient method to do privacy preserving surveillance on videos (voluminous data).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-13601-6_17 fatcat:axn5vezccjdyxbz64kszzjvzoi

A Novel Privacy Preserving Data mining using improved decision tree and KP-ABE on High Dimensional Data

Aaluri Seenu, M Kameswara Rao
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
In this paper, a novel privacy preserving based classification model was designed and implemented on large datasets.  ...  Experimental results proved that the proposed model has high computational efficiency compared to the traditional privacy preserving model on high dimensional datasets.  ...  Oliveira [5] proposed a privacy preserving clustering mining technique involving centralized distribution and rotational-based transformation.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.7.10874 fatcat:ma23rdww6fdqli7pghqutubnge

Privacy Preserving Data Mining: A Comprehensive Survey

Ritika Lohiya, Ankita Mandowara, Rushabh Raolji
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
PPDM includes homomorphic encryption, Shamir's secret sharing scheme, oblivious transfer and many other cryptography techniques.  ...  Privacy preservation is classified into many categories like data modification, data distribution, data hiding and data encryption.  ...  Under such scenario and assumption, privacy-preserving distributed data mining problems can be solved mainly based on two types of secure computation model: One is based on Semi-trusted Third Party (STTP  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017913220 fatcat:spmy7qzntraebplqhpra33noiy
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