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23,644 Hits in 2.5 sec

Efficient Exact Inference in Planar Ising Models [article]

Nicol N. Schraudolph, Dmitry Kamenetsky
2008 arXiv   pre-print
graphical models.  ...  We give polynomial-time algorithms for the exact computation of lowest-energy (ground) states, worst margin violators, log partition functions, and marginal edge probabilities in certain binary undirected  ...  NICTA is building capabilities in ICT research, research training and commercialisation for the generation of national benefit.  ... 
arXiv:0810.4401v2 fatcat:ktqa5j6z4ng2xasd7ugwuj4fem

Recursive sum–product algorithm for generalized outer-planar graphs

Qiang Cheng, Feng Chen, Wenli Xu, Song Wang
2012 Information Processing Letters  
Inference on cyclic graphs is one of the most important problems in the applications of graphical models.  ...  While exact inference is NP-hard on general cyclic graphs, it has been found that exact inference can be achieved with a computational complexity as low as O(Nm 3 ) on the outer-planar graph, which is  ...  However, for some special cyclic graphs, exact inference can be done with efficient algorithms.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ipl.2012.03.001 fatcat:srjqth3jtbdujcpfq6hnnifdc4

Beyond trees: MRF inference via outer-planar decomposition

Dhruv Batra, A. C. Gallagher, Devi Parikh, Tsuhan Chen
2010 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
Maximum a posteriori (MAP) inference in Markov Random Fields (MRFs) is an NP-hard problem, and thus research has focussed on either finding efficiently solvable subclasses (e.g. trees), or approximate  ...  We leverage a new class of graphs amenable to exact inference, called outerplanar graphs, and propose an approximate inference algorithm called Outer-Planar Decomposition (OPD).  ...  We thank Pedro Felzenszwalb for pointing out the connections between outer-planar graphs and k-trees, and Carlos Guestrin and Ramin Zabih for helpful discussions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2010.5539951 dblp:conf/cvpr/BatraGPC10 fatcat:zpodxtnqabbm7c6w5ozwgfq7qe

Approximate inference on planar graphs using Loop Calculus and Belief Propagation [article]

Vicenc Gomez, Hilbert Kappen, Michael Chertkov
2014 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce novel results for approximate inference on planar graphical models using the loop calculus framework.  ...  We develop an algorithm for the approach presented in Chertkov et al. (2008) which represents an efficient truncation scheme on planar graphs and a new representation of the series in terms of Pfaffians  ...  Such a model is known in statistical physics as the Ising model without external field. Notice that exact inference for a general binary graphical model on a planar graph (i.e.  ... 
arXiv:1408.2034v1 fatcat:sdgayr33u5eiznrnhndnv4sqyu

Tractable Minor-free Generalization of Planar Zero-field Ising Models [article]

Valerii Likhosherstov, Yury Maximov, Michael Chertkov
2019 arXiv   pre-print
of an efficient (for planar) or brute-force (for O(1)-sized) inference and sampling to the components as a black box.  ...  Second, we demonstrate empirically an improvement in the approximation quality of the NP-hard problem of inference over the square-grid Ising model in a node-dependent non-zero "magnetic" field.  ...  In this manuscript, we, first of all, compile results that were scattered over the literature on (at least) O(N 3 2 )-efficient exact sampling and exact inference in the zero-field Ising model over planar  ... 
arXiv:1910.11142v1 fatcat:y6xyighwafdlxbrvlqr6pyfgwy

Approximate inference on planar graphs using Loop Calculus and Belief Propagation [article]

V. Gómez, H. J. Kappen, M. Chertkov
2009 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce novel results for approximate inference on planar graphical models using the loop calculus framework.  ...  We develop an algorithm for the approach presented in (Certkov et al., 2008) which represents an efficient truncation scheme on planar graphs and a new representation of the series in terms of Pfaffians  ...  Notice that exact inference for a general binary graphical model on a planar graph (that is Ising model with external field) is intractable (Barahona, 1982) .  ... 
arXiv:0901.0786v3 fatcat:ejzvd4lzurgebdw6tf75nmrzmi

Inference and Sampling of K_33-free Ising Models [article]

Valerii Likhosherstov, Yury Maximov, Michael Chertkov
2019 arXiv   pre-print
We call an Ising model tractable when it is possible to compute its partition function value (statistical inference) in polynomial time.  ...  In particular, it results in a polynomial-time inference and sampling algorithms for K_33 (minor) free topologies of zero-field Ising models - a generalization of planar graphs with a potentially unbounded  ...  This concludes construction of an efficient inference algorithm for computing PF of a planar ZFI model.  ... 
arXiv:1812.09587v2 fatcat:svunt7ttdvhvjnrnnlh5worqnu

Complexity of Inference in Graphical Models [article]

Venkat Chandrasekaran, Nathan Srebro, Prahladh Harsha
2012 arXiv   pre-print
It is well-known that inference in graphical models is hard in the worst case, but tractable for models with bounded treewidth.  ...  In other words, is there some class of structures with unbounded treewidth in which inference is tractable?  ...  MAIN RESULTS We present our main results for graphical models with binary-valued variables in this section. EXACT INFERENCE Theorem 5.1.  ... 
arXiv:1206.3240v1 fatcat:vvsrqsamyfghbpqqxk6a2z2eii

Model Reductions for Inference: Generality of Pairwise, Binary, and Planar Factor Graphs

Frederik Eaton, Zoubin Ghahramani
2013 Neural Computation  
We characterize the reducibility of each class, showing in particular that the class of binary pairwise factor graphs is able to simply reduce only positive models.  ...  We offer a solution to the problem of efficiently translating algorithms between different types of discrete statistical model.  ...  When the calculation is exact (to machine precision), the problem is often called exact inference.  ... 
doi:10.1162/neco_a_00441 pmid:23547951 fatcat:at7uw6ftafdbhkr3jzbjgwrypa

Learning Planar Ising Models [article]

Jason K. Johnson, Praneeth Netrapalli, Michael Chertkov
2010 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we focus our attention on the class of planar Ising models, for which inference is tractable using techniques of statistical physics [Kac and Ward; Kasteleyn].  ...  However, exact inference is intractable in general graphical models, which suggests the problem of seeking the best approximation to a collection of random variables within some tractable family of graphical  ...  The algorithm is simple to implement with the help of known methods for tractable inference in planar Ising models, efficient methods for planarity testing and embedding of planar graphs.  ... 
arXiv:1011.3494v1 fatcat:xjwcfomqsbgstdsjzusdxgk7we

Multi-task Planar Reconstruction with Feature Warping Guidance [article]

Luan Wei, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert
2023 arXiv   pre-print
However, most existing planar reconstruction models either neglect semantic predictions or do not run efficiently enough for real-time applications.  ...  Our model simultaneously predicts semantics using single images at inference time, while achieving real-time predictions at 43 FPS.  ...  The structure of the scene is easier to predict than the exact depth, a challenge presented when using a single image for inference.  ... 
arXiv:2311.14981v2 fatcat:yrvpgrwfsbdqhmoeosjfuv6e4m

Polynomial-Time Exact Inference in NP-Hard Binary MRFs via Reweighted Perfect Matching

Nic Schraudolph
2010 Journal of machine learning research  
., 2005b) to leverage the relationship between Ising spin glasses and perfect matchings into a novel technique for the exact computation of MAP states in hitherto intractable binary Markov random fields  ...  It empirically scales as O(n 3 ) even though this problem is NP-hard and nonapproximable in polynomial time. We discuss limitations of our current implementation and propose ways to overcome them.  ...  Much work in graphical models therefore proceeds via the following route: 1. identify a tractable class of graphs (distributions); 2. develop efficient, exact inference methods for it; 3. leverage these  ... 
dblp:journals/jmlr/Schraudolph10 fatcat:jkzd6mciv5f6hkf6o77avic5ma

Single-Image Piece-wise Planar 3D Reconstruction via Associative Embedding [article]

Zehao Yu and Jia Zheng and Dongze Lian and Zihan Zhou and Shenghua Gao
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Then, the plane instances are obtained by grouping the embedding vectors in planar regions via an efficient mean shift clustering algorithm.  ...  Code is available at https://github.com/svip-lab/PlanarReconstruction.  ...  The number of iterations T is set to 5 in training and set to 10 in testing. Our model is trained in an end-to-end manner.  ... 
arXiv:1902.09777v3 fatcat:fpego7f2lvfmjnhr4jrigukhm4

An Efficient Approximate Method for Scattering Response from Infinite Arrays of Nonlinearly Loaded Antenna in the Frequency Domain

S. R. Ostadzadeh, M. Salehi, B. Jafari
2022 Advanced Electromagnetics  
In this paper, different arrangements of infinite arrays of nonlinearly loaded antennas are analyzed in the frequency domain by an efficient approximate method and compared with the exact one which are  ...  In one hand, although the exact method is suitable for strongly nonlinear load, it is suffering from gradient operation and initial guess in the iteration process especially under multi-tone excitations  ...  This paper is organized as follows. In section II, modeling principles of exact and approximate methods are briefly explained.  ... 
doaj:fb551eb80e9744a1b9c3a6c1085d5b25 fatcat:jk5wgfmi2bcqzopbumcapmmgna

Inference for Stereological Extremes

P Bortot, S. G Coles, S. A Sisson
2007 Journal of the American Statistical Association  
The issue of inference is more difficult, since likelihood calculation is not feasible for the ellipsoidal model.  ...  Our objectives in this article are two-fold: to assess the robustness of such inferences with respect to the assumption of spherical inclusions, and to develop an inference procedure that is valid for  ...  of the inclusion shape and measurement process that we have included in the discussion.  ... 
doi:10.1198/016214506000000988 fatcat:cdaktztnf5duvbr6c6v27u46yu
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