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Vulnerability Assessment of Power System Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network and a New Feature Extraction Method

Ahmed M.A. Haidar, Azah Mohamed, Aini Hussain
2008 American Journal of Applied Sciences  
The performance of the RBFNN is compared with the Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Network (MLPNN) so as to evaluate the effectiveness of the RBFNN in assessing the vulnerability of a power system based on  ...  It is also concluded that the reduction in error is achieved by using PSL as an output variable of ANN, in all the cases the error of RBFNN output by PSL is less than 4.87% which is well within tolerable  ...  Table 3 shows a summary of RBFNN and MLPNN testing results for the case with 43 input features.  ... 
doi:10.3844/ajassp.2008.705.713 fatcat:3f4q7jolibb5nnnbtanqpwmlcu

Shape and Texture Aware Facial Expression Recognition using Spatial pyramid Zernike moments and Law's Textures Feature Set

Vijayalakshmi G V Mahesh, Chengji Chen, Vijayarajan Rajangam, Alex Noel Joseph Raj, Palani Thanaraj Krishnan
2021 IEEE Access  
Similarly the expressions fear, happy, sad and sur-VOLUME 4, 2016 2) case (ii): The experiment on subject dependent FER was continued with the next set of feature vectors.  ...  The F V int_norm_2 framed for the training datasets of JAFFE and KDEF are provided to both MLPNN and RBFNN classifiers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3069881 fatcat:tmsgvmkmtndq3dibwr76btg7sa

A False Alarm Reduction Method for a Gas Sensor Based Electronic Nose

Mohammad Rahman, Chalie Charoenlarpnopparut, Prapun Suksompong, Pisanu Toochinda, Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn
2017 Sensors  
An inversion algorithm for MLPNN [26] and a Gaussian kernel based SVM [27] are shown to generate closed boundary around training data which classify two classes of data, i.e., one class inside the boundary  ...  (MLPNN), are found to suffer from false classification errors of irrelevant odor data.  ...  The founding sponsors had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, and in the decision to publish the results.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s17092089 pmid:28895910 pmcid:PMC5620598 fatcat:43c5f46nzncydf7hdzpi6pbrpu

Multiple Classifier System for Remote Sensing Image Classification: A Review

Peijun Du, Junshi Xia, Wei Zhang, Kun Tan, Yi Liu, Sicong Liu
2012 Sensors  
the design of remote sensing classifier ensemble.  ...  Experimental results demonstrate that MCS can effectively improve the accuracy and stability of remote sensing image classification, and diversity measures play an active role for the combination of multiple  ...  (PAPD) and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China (BK2010182).  ... 
doi:10.3390/s120404764 pmid:22666057 pmcid:PMC3355439 fatcat:xeu6ougwsrhfpfoyvl4llqxw2m

Evaluation of radial basis function neural network minimizing L-GEM for sensor-based activity recognition

Shuai Zhang, Wing W. Y. Ng, Jianjun Zhang, Chris D. Nugent, Naomi Irvine, Ting Wang
2019 Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing  
The model is trained using the Localized Generalization Error and focuses on the generalization ability by considering both the training error and stochastic sensitivity measure.  ...  This paper provides insights into the importance of model generalization abilities and an initial analysis of the limitation of deep Neural Networks with respect to sensor-based activity recognition.  ...  , and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12652-019-01246-w fatcat:lmvjmbvp6rgufjyst6c7ntacdu

Hybrid PSO-RBFNN and Proposed Algorithms of DDDWT for the Heart Disease Classification

Ansam S. Jabbar
2021 Engineering and Technology Journal  
DDDWT for the elimination of noise, and the use of PSO and ANN methods to classify the output from the Electrocardiogram (EGGS).  ...  This approach merged the global search power of the PSO algorithm with the high efficiency of RBFNN's local optimums, overcome the inconsistency of the PSO algorithm and the RBFNN downside, quickly leading  ...  The hybrid algorithm based on PSO-RBFNN has been trained to classify the EGG signals for five cases of the heart diseases, and the results achieved high classification performance compared with the other  ... 
doi:10.30684/etj.v39i4a.1498 fatcat:mucw344c35cctd4a3lrfrrrnqu

Wavelet-based feature extraction using probabilistic finite state automata for pattern classification

Xin Jin, Shalabh Gupta, Kushal Mukherjee, Asok Ray
2011 Pattern Recognition  
Real-time data-driven pattern classification requires extraction of relevant features from the observed time series as low-dimensional and yet information-rich representations of the underlying dynamics  ...  The proposed method of pattern classification has been experimentally validated on laboratory apparatuses for two different applications: (i) early detection of evolving damage in polycrystalline alloy  ...  As stated earlier, SVM, k-NN, rbfNN, and mlpNN have been used as pattern classifiers in both cases.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2010.12.003 fatcat:m4vikdeucjdelpenuz26qkqjiy

Indoor Localization based on Multiple Neural Networks
다중 인공신경망 기반의 실내 위치 추정 기법

Insoo Sohn
2015 Journal of Institute of Control Robotics and Systems  
The neural network ensemble has drawn much attention in various areas where one neural network fails to resolve and classify the given data due to its' inaccuracy, incompleteness, and ambiguity.  ...  To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed location estimation method, we conduct the numerical experiments using the TGn channel model that was developed by the 802.11n task group for evaluating high  ...  For channel profiles D and E, fluorescent light effect is added to the generated MIMO channel matrix.  ... 
doi:10.5302/j.icros.2015.14.0126 fatcat:7tu5lgjpvjfrpkg3l3y23np4qq

Research on Brain Signals via Artificial Neural Network and Swarm Intelligence Algorithms

Sema YİLDİRİM, Hasan Erdinç KOÇER, A.hakan EKMEKCİ
2019 International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers  
The Backpropagation (BP) Algorithm is one of the most popular and effective model of ANNs.  ...  However, since it uses gradient descent algorithm, which attempts to minimize the error of the network by moving gradient of the error curve, easily get trapped at local minima.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank to the doctors who shared their knowledge and experience and to the Department of Neurology of Selcuk University Hospital (Non-Invasive Clinical Research Ethics  ... 
doi:10.18100/ijamec.475090 fatcat:7an3sjyq6vf2xo34xw52nl7jsy

Epileptic Seizure Detection and Experimental Treatment: A Review

Taeho Kim, Phuc Nguyen, Nhat Pham, Nam Bui, Hoang Truong, Sangtae Ha, Tam Vu
2020 Frontiers in Neurology  
One-fourths of the patients have medication-resistant seizures and require seizure detection and treatment continuously to cope with sudden seizures.  ...  Seizures can be detected by monitoring the brain and muscle activities, heart rate, oxygen level, artificial sounds, or visual signatures through EEG, EMG, ECG, motion, or audio/video recording on the  ...  In the case of MLPNN, 18 out of 204 focal seizure samples were classified as a generalized seizure (8.8% error rate for focal seizure), and 9 out of 47 generalized seizure samples were classified as a  ... 
doi:10.3389/fneur.2020.00701 pmid:32849189 pmcid:PMC7396638 fatcat:dnnl7tyninc6zkqciwmuwo3esu


Mohammed Awad, Monir Foqaha
2016 Zenodo  
Email is one of the most popular communication media in the current century; it has become an effective and fast method to share and information exchangeall over the world.  ...  One important type of ANNs is the Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (RBFNN) that will be used in this work to classify spam message.  ...  In the proposed case SVD effect in reducing the of the output error, it can also be used to remove any RBF when its associated singular value had a small value or if the approximation error can't affect  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3257986 fatcat:7f6qkoaelfelfgxexnaeckrlta

Cost-Sensitive Radial Basis Function Neural Network Classifier for Software Defect Prediction

P. Kumudha, R. Venkatesan
2016 The Scientific World Journal  
The computed results prove the effectiveness of the proposed ADBBO-RBFNN classifier approach with respect to the considered metrics in comparison with that of the early predictors available in the literature  ...  Effective prediction of software modules, those that are prone to defects, will enable software developers to achieve efficient allocation of resources and to concentrate on quality assurance activities  ...  [16] employed support vector machine (SVM), radial basis function neural network (RBFNN), and multilayer perceptron neural network (MLPNN) for solving problems and treating unseen samples near the training  ... 
doi:10.1155/2016/2401496 pmid:27738649 pmcid:PMC5050670 fatcat:zqjwfp5qmvfcnfzrrp6qswcosi

On-line voltage stability assessment using radial basis function network model with reduced input features

D. Devaraj, J. Preetha Roselyn
2011 International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems  
Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the training time and improves the generalization capability of the network than the multilayer perceptron networks.  ...  The key feature of the proposed method is the use of dimensionality reduction techniques to improve the performance of the developed network.  ...  Table 6 shows the comparison between the RBFNN and MLPNN output and result of conventional AC load flow for one particular condition along with ranking of contingencies.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2011.06.008 fatcat:o4iz3ahsrjafrncr4a45gq4si4

A Survey on Classification of ECG Signal Study

Taha E., Ayman El-Sayed, Salma R.
2016 Communications on Applied Electronics  
In this paper, we discuss a survey of preprocessing, ECG database, feature extraction and classifiers.  ...  Classification of ECG signal is one of the most important reason of diagnosing the heart diseases.  ...  (b) Selection of suitable classifier is one of the issues because the accuracy of classifier depends on more than one parameter such as arrhythmia type, selected feature extraction method and arrhythmia  ... 
doi:10.5120/cae2016652467 fatcat:ahrvvxnwuvbxfl4dyjmkvyo3s4


2010 International Journal of Neural Systems  
The three classifiers we used were: Gaussian mixture model, artificial neural network, and support vector machine.  ...  Local maxima and minima were detected from these spectra. In this paper, the locations of these extrema are used as input to different classifiers.  ...  In the present case, a learning constant, η = 0.9 (that controls the step size) was chosen by trial and error.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0129065710002334 pmid:20411598 fatcat:kdqtsewhibgqzmgjq634d2sahu
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