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EMG Pattern Classification to Control a Hand Orthosis for Functional Grasp Assistance after Stroke [article]

Cassie Meeker, Sangwoo Park, Lauri Bishop, Joel Stein, Matei Ciocarlie
2018 arXiv   pre-print
We use an easy to don, commodity forearm EMG band with 8 sensors to create an EMG pattern classification control for an exotendon device.  ...  Our results support the feasibility of developing wearable devices with intuitive controls which provide a functional context for rehabilitation.  ...  Pattern classification of functional movements for stroke subjects has so far not been studied in conjunction with a physical orthosis that enables grasping.  ... 
arXiv:1802.00373v1 fatcat:jrj4jjktqfcmfi2bf36sfoixnq

User-Driven Functional Movement Training with a Wearable Hand Robot after Stroke [article]

Sangwoo Park, Michaela Fraser, Lynne M. Weber, Cassie Meeker, Lauri Bishop, Daniel Geller, Joel Stein, Matei Ciocarlie
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We studied the performance of a robotic orthosis designed to assist the paretic hand after stroke.  ...  It is wearable and fully user-controlled, serving two possible roles: as a therapeutic tool that facilitates device mediated hand exercises to recover neuromuscular function or as an assistive device for  ...  The other device is the Myomo which is a portable elbowwrist-hand orthosis controlled by EMG.  ... 
arXiv:1911.08003v4 fatcat:4ofooo3embaptd25hxl7qfu2ve

Fully embedded myoelectric control for a wearable robotic hand orthosis

Franziska Ryser, Tobias Butzer, Jeremia P. Held, Olivier Lambercy, Roger Gassert
2017 2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR)  
To prevent learned non-use of the affected hand in chronic stroke survivors, rehabilitative training should be continued after discharge from the hospital.  ...  These results highlight the potential of the presented system for electromyography-based intention detection for stroke survivors and, with the integration of the system into a robotic hand orthosis, the  ...  The authors would like to thank Professor Nicole Wenderoth, Charles Lambelet and Mingxing Lyu for the inspiring discussions. The authors would also like to thank Mike D.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icorr.2017.8009316 pmid:28813888 dblp:conf/icorr/RyserBHLG17 fatcat:rqisrcckafhs5nanim75jxitxq

Brain–computer interface robotics for hand rehabilitation after stroke: a systematic review

Paul Dominick E. Baniqued, Emily C. Stanyer, Muhammad Awais, Ali Alazmani, Andrew E. Jackson, Mark A. Mon-Williams, Faisal Mushtaq, Raymond J. Holt
2021 Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation  
The degree of robot control for the majority of studies was limited to triggering the device to perform grasping or pinching movements using motor imagery.  ...  Statistically significant improvements in motor assessment scores relative to controls were observed for three BCI-hand robot interventions.  ...  EEG: 11 channels to detect MI Device: 1-DOF hand finger orthosis Actuation: DC motor with screw system for linear dis- placement, flexible links Control: trigger Grasping of a tennis ball with a hand  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12984-021-00820-8 pmid:33485365 pmcid:PMC7825186 fatcat:3yk4dsdit5eu5amejnnbfi7ft4

Myoelectric untethered robotic glove enhances hand function and performance on daily living tasks after stroke

Aaron Yurkewich, Illya J Kozak, Andrei Ivanovic, Daniel Rossos, Rosalie H Wang, Debbie Hebert, Alex Mihailidis
2020 Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering  
Established criteria for clinically meaningful important differences were surpassed for both the hand function and daily living task assessments.  ...  Results The myoelectric controller detected the grip and release intents of the 9 participants after stroke with 84.7% accuracy.  ...  Acknowledgements Special thanks go to the individuals who have experienced a stroke or spinal cord injury who tested and provided insights on My-HERO.  ... 
doi:10.1177/2055668320964050 pmid:33403121 pmcid:PMC7745545 fatcat:lgn433aywjgvliyviyi7zrtbre

Meta-Learning for Fast Adaptation in Intent Inferral on a Robotic Hand Orthosis for Stroke [article]

Pedro Leandro La Rotta, Jingxi Xu, Ava Chen, Lauren Winterbottom, Wenxi Chen, Dawn Nilsen, Joel Stein, Matei Ciocarlie
2024 arXiv   pre-print
hand orthosis with EMG signals.  ...  We propose MetaEMG, a meta-learning approach for fast adaptation in intent inferral on a robotic hand orthosis for stroke.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health (R01NS115652, F31HD111301) and a National GEM Consortium Fellowship.  ... 
arXiv:2403.13147v1 fatcat:ato4hosxfvdrjm7nbkfly7bc5m

Subject-Specific Myoelectric Pattern Classification of Functional Hand Movements for Stroke Survivors

Sang Wook Lee, Kristin M. Wilson, Blair A. Lock, Derek G. Kamper
2011 IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering  
In this study, we developed a robust subject-specific electromyography (EMG) pattern classification technique to discriminate intended manual tasks from muscle activation patterns of stroke survivors.  ...  In order to identify intended functional tasks, a pattern classifier using linear discriminant analysis was applied to the EMG feature vectors.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported, in part, by Coleman Foundation; National Institute of Health [grant number 1R01NS052369-01A1 (NINDS)]; and a Mary E.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnsre.2010.2079334 pmid:20876030 pmcid:PMC4010155 fatcat:d3fwvh4xi5echpnjfa4zn74mpy

sj-pdf-1-jrt-10.1177_2055668320964050 - Supplemental material for Myoelectric untethered robotic glove enhances hand function and performance on daily living tasks after stroke

Aaron Yurkewich, Illya J Kozak, Andrei Ivanovic, Daniel Rossos, Rosalie H Wang, Debbie Hebert, Alex Mihailidis
2020 Figshare  
Supplemental material, sj-pdf-1-jrt-10.1177_2055668320964050 for Myoelectric untethered robotic glove enhances hand function and performance on daily living tasks after stroke by Aaron Yurkewich, Illya  ...  J Kozak, Andrei Ivanovic, Daniel Rossos, Rosalie H Wang, Debbie Hebert and Alex Mihailidis in Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering  ...  Demographics and hand and arm function of participants after stroke. The participants are ordered according to their level of hand function, then arm function, then time since stroke.  ... 
doi:10.25384/sage.13386473.v1 fatcat:xca3for6rjbrxeirycmjnvqv7q

Development of Self Support Device and Control for Operating the Wheelchair for Upper Limb Disabled Persons

Taku Itami, Toshihito Yabunaka, Ken'ichi Yano, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Takaaki Aoki, Yutaka Nishimoto
2016 Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics  
A lock/unlock mechanism on the elbow joint is effectively used to transmit the user's residual function around the shoulder to the hand.  ...  Nowadays, it has been actively expanded to develop assist robots attached directly.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by Projects for Developing Assistive Products in Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare of Japan.  ... 
doi:10.5220/0005990404660471 dblp:conf/icinco/ItamiYYKAN16 fatcat:onjbyjm6iza43laa5e6x53a374

Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Prosthetic and Orthotic Rehabilitation [chapter]

Smita Nayak, Rajesh Kumar Das
2020 Service Robotics [Working Title]  
The concept of neural network has been used by the leading manufacturers of rehabilitation aids for simulating various anatomical and biomechanical functions of the lost parts of the human body.  ...  Technological integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning in the Prosthetic and Orthotic industry and in the field of assistive technology has become boon for the Persons with Disabilities  ...  Chih-Wei-Chen et al. (2009) developed BCI based hand Orthosis used cursor control interface with a simple LDA classifier, that classify the EEG signals to control the hand orthosis in to three state right  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.93903 fatcat:jp2h7xcms5h3tjx7ichkckplty

Functional electrical stimulation therapy for restoration of motor function after spinal cord injury and stroke: a review

Cesar Marquez-Chin, Milos R. Popovic
2020 BioMedical Engineering OnLine  
Functional electrical stimulation is a technique to produce functional movements after paralysis.  ...  Since then, functional electrical stimulation has evolved into an important therapeutic intervention that clinicians can use to help individuals who have had a stroke or a spinal cord injury regain their  ...  In a proof-of concept study, Marquez-Chin [60] reported on the control of a neuroprosthesis for grasping using off-line classification of electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals to trigger different grasps  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12938-020-00773-4 pmid:32448143 pmcid:PMC7245767 fatcat:3efkmv5q7zbufmcuxlpdasgnka

Attempting to Improve Function and Quality of Life Using the FTM Protocol

Andrew J. Butler, Sarah Blanton, Veronica T. Rowe, Steven L. Wolf
2006 Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy  
a dynamic hand orthosis to retrain grasp and release of objects.  ...  The case study quantitatively evaluates the extent to which FTM training improved function and quality of life in a patient who met criteria for which the device was intended.  ...  -assisted grasp and release combined with target driven arm movement patterns designed to address the patient's movement impairments, (2) SaeboGlide TM that facilitates active and active-assisted range  ... 
doi:10.1097/01.npt.0000281952.93934.6b pmid:17029658 fatcat:4desxqxwgregbkk5fxep5cjn6i

Myoelectric Arm Orthosis in Motor Learning-Based Therapy for Chronic Deficits After Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injury

Svetlana Pundik, Jessica McCabe, Margaret Skelly, Ahlam Salameh, Jonathan Naft, Zhengyi Chen, Curtis Tatsuoka, Stefania Fatone
2022 Frontiers in Neurology  
The MyoPro™ is a customized myoelectric upper extremity orthosis that utilizes volitionally generated weak electromyographic signals from paretic muscles to assist movement of an impaired arm.  ...  Our purpose was to evaluate MyoPro as a tool for motor learning-based therapy for individuals with chronic upper limb weakness.MethodsThis was a pilot study of thirteen individuals with chronic moderate  ...  The authors would like to thank Samuel Kesner, Ph.D., for his contributions initiating the project prior to his departure from Myomo Inc.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fneur.2022.791144 pmid:35211080 pmcid:PMC8863049 fatcat:qhquijgzfrb6peim5j3xa7hlqq

Emergence of flexible technology in developing advanced systems for post-stroke rehabilitation: a comprehensive review

Muhammad Ahmed Khan, Matteo Saibene, Rig Das, Iris Charlotte Brunner, Sadasivan Puthusserypady
2021 Journal of Neural Engineering  
For rehabilitation/assistive systems, the application of functional electrical stimulation (FES) and robotics units (exoskeleton, orthosis, etc.) have been explained. Significance.  ...  Thus, a thorough literature review has been performed to report the practical implementation of FT for post-stroke application. Main results.  ...  Acknowledgments The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1741-2552/ac36aa pmid:34736239 fatcat:me5k6mewircufgk5afr2w2oxkq

Cortico-muscular coupling to control a hybrid brain-computer interface for upper limb motor rehabilitation: A pseudo-online study on stroke patients

Valeria de Seta, Jlenia Toppi, Emma Colamarino, Rita Molle, Filippo Castellani, Febo Cincotti, Donatella Mattia, Floriana Pichiorri
2022 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience  
For this reason, we considered cortico-muscular coupling (CMC) as a feature for a h-BCI devoted to post-stroke upper limb motor rehabilitation.  ...  The results obtained by means of this analysis will ground the design of a novel non-invasive h-BCI in which the control feature is derived from a combined EEG and EMG connectivity pattern estimated during  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Giorgio Tartaglia (neurophysiology technician) for the support in data recording and Daniele Patrizi (master student in engineering) for the help provided in data analysis.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnhum.2022.1016862 pmid:36483633 pmcid:PMC9722732 fatcat:pqakhebxhrgl3ka6bjbnegtuw4
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