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Supplementary Methods for: The Racer's Mind – How Core Perceptual-Cognitive Expertise is Reflected in Deliberate Practice Procedures in Professional MotorsportUntitled Item

Otto Lappi
2018 Figshare  
Unitization & Coding -trustworthiness and reliability When multiple coders analyze the data, inter--rater reliability and inter--rater agreement are frequently used "reliability measures" for in qualitative  ...  Finally, they learn to fine--tune the amount of sliding, homing in on the ideal slip angle."  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6365441.v1 fatcat:nhkf725mhbdcba62xasjfnbn3a

Probing magnons in metallic magnetic bilayers for spintronic applications [article]

Kemal Peter Sobotkiewich, Austin, The University Of Texas At, Elaine Li
For the insulating case, we show the feasibility of making devices with the insulating layer as well as the impact of the Spin Seebeck effect in increasing energy efficiency.  ...  The field of spintronics, which concerns itself with the manipulation of the spin degree of freedom for information storage and processing purposes, has made enormous progress in the last decades going  ...  Increasing the speed of Skyrmionic motion is crucial for racetrack memory applications. Chapter 3 Experimental Methods The light interacts with modulations in the dielectric constant.  ... 
doi:10.26153/tsw/15261 fatcat:xcytfkouarf4lk6ddxepr2b4we

Hybrid integration towards single-chip Brillouin devices [article]

Choon Kong Lai, University, The Australian National
This has led to an experimental propagation loss and fibre-to-chip coupling loss of <0.1 dB/cm and 0.2 dB/facet when coupled with a Nufern UHNA-3 fibre.  ...  coefficient obtained in the proposed hybrid arsenic trisulfide - germanosilicate waveguide is identical to the previous monolithic arsenic trisulfide counterpart, the hybrid structure offers an extra 20 dB reduction  ...  Light propagating with low group velocity can enable potential applications such as noise reduction, efficient optical switching, network flow management, optical quantum memory, high resolution spectrometers  ... 
doi:10.25911/p8pj-np59 fatcat:thlhzoy5gjcvtknn7allliatu4