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Directive local color transfer based on dynamic look-up table

Zhijiang Li, Zhenshan Tan, Liqin Cao, Hu Chen, Lei Jiao, Yanfei Zhong
2019 Signal processing. Image communication  
This paper presents a novel directive local color transfer method based on dynamic look-up table (D-DLT) to solve these problems in two steps.  ...  Then, dynamic look-up tables are created according to the color clusters to preserve the details, which can suppress pseudo contours and avoid detail loss.  ...  reference image based on the constructed dynamic look-up tables.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.image.2019.06.010 fatcat:n3oijufsnjdpnonm6kj6ozfxhy

A Novel Video Stitching Method for Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems

2014 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
A two-stage seam searching algorithm based on enhanced dynamic programming is proposed.  ...  A real-time local update scheme reduces the deformation effect caused by moving objects passing through the seam, and a seam-based local color transfer model is constructed and applied to achieve smooth  ...  Look-up table (LUT) implementation. Stage 2 :Fig. 3 . 23 Fig. 3. Two-stage seam searching method based on enhanced dynamic programming algorithm. Fig. 4 . 4 Fig. 4.  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2014.10.015 fatcat:y5lyf4ab4zfzhcc5hcxvglspnq

Superimposing dynamic range

Oliver Bimber, Daisuke Iwai
2008 ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 new tech demos on - SIGGRAPH '08  
Abstract We present a simple and cost-efficient way of extending contrast, perceived tonal resolution, and the color space of static hardcopy images, beyond the capabilities of hardcopy devices or low-dynamic  ...  From left to right: experimental setup and example for achieved registration precision (projected checker on printed checker with a field size of 0.62 mm -or 7 cycles per degree (cpd) at 50 cm viewing  ...  Note that these look-up tables sample only the color and intensity transfer up to scale, while for TA in equation 2 one should consider spatial image transfer effects, such as banding and dithering.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1401615.1401651 dblp:conf/siggraph/BimberI08a fatcat:ann7njaiazat3ckf5v7xceu4ym

Feature Enhancement using Locally Adaptive Volume Rendering [article]

Stephane Marchesin, Jean-Michel Dischler, Catherine Mongenet
2007 International Workshop on Volume Graphics, Proceedings of the  
Classical direct volume rendering techniques accumulate color and opacity contributions using the standard volume rendering equation approximated by alpha blending.  ...  Our approach is fully automatic and based only on an initial binary classification of empty areas.  ...  The last one adds depth cues through depth-based coloring.  ... 
doi:10.2312/vg/vg07/041-048 fatcat:faor4k4dirdgphyq23zp4vj3du

INVIS: integrated night vision surveillance and observation system

Alexander Toet, Maarten A. Hogervorst, Judith Dijk, Rob van Son, Jeff J. Güell, Kenneth L. Bernier
2010 Enhanced and Synthetic Vision 2010  
Image quality of the fused sensor signals can be enhanced in real-time through Dynamic Noise Reduction, Superresolution, and Local Adaptive Contrast Enhancement.  ...  The INVIS augments a dynamic three-band false-color nightvision image with synthetic 3D imagery in a real-time display.  ...  Based on a configurable mapping table, the system is now capable of mapping the virtual environment's textures to land type classifications.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.849017 fatcat:dnfivwowlbgt3kca7dxtvtjgbe

Color Transfer based on Spatial Structure for Telepresence

Kentaro Yamada, Hiroshi Sankoh, Sei Naito
2014 Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Multimedia - MM '14  
In this paper, we propose a novel color transfer method based on spatial structure.  ...  Furthermore, we have improved the similarity between the rooms based on spatial structure that was overlooked by the conventional color transfer methods.  ...  This research was conducted under the research project "R&D on Ultra-Realistic Communication Technology with Innovative 3D Video technology," organized by the National Institute of Information and Communications  ... 
doi:10.1145/2647868.2655061 dblp:conf/mm/YamadaSN14 fatcat:ii6venxqyffebenqlfkyjqjpeq

Real-time rendering of realistic rain

Lifeng Wang, Zhouchen Lin, Tian Fang, Xu Yang, Xuan Yu, Sing Bing Kang
2006 ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 Sketches on - SIGGRAPH '06  
We demonstrate our technique on a variety of scenarios, from synthetic 3D scenes to real videos.  ...  Our technique consists of two parts: off-line image analysis of rain videos, and real-time particle-based synthesis of rain.  ...  While the result looks stunning, the rain does look repetitious, as it is based on a manually designed rain mask [1] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1179849.1180044 dblp:conf/siggraph/WangLFYYK06 fatcat:uy3kafmpufeizdaxbyuasusnxy

A Distributed, Decoupled System for Losslessly Streaming Dynamic Light Probes to Thin Clients [article]

Michael Stengel, Zander Majercik, Benjamin Boudaoud, Morgan McGuire
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We present a networked, high performance graphics system that combines dynamic, high quality, ray traced global illumination computed on a server with direct illumination and primary visibility computed  ...  on a client.  ...  Based on previous work by Majercik et al. [29] we consider DDGI probe grid sizes of up to 16x(8-32)x16 probes (2-8k total probes).  ... 
arXiv:2103.05875v1 fatcat:socsafhtrnabph6n5q25pciqm4

Performance evaluation of color correction approaches for automatic multi-view image and video stitching

Wei Xu, Jane Mulligan
2010 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
able to extend the transferred color from the overlapped area to the full target image without creating visual artifacts.  ...  For multi-view image and video stitching applications, an ideal color correction approach should be effective at transferring the color palette of the source image to the target image, and meanwhile be  ...  This look-up table is usually computed from 2D joint histogram of image feature correspondences or pixel pairs in the overlapped area of two images.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2010.5540202 dblp:conf/cvpr/XuM10 fatcat:fnvluguxzbgb5kas2ipzej6dbi

Per-Pixel Opacity Modulation for Feature Enhancement in Volume Rendering

Stéphane Marchesin, Jean-Michel Dischler, Catherine Mongenet
2010 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  
Classical direct volume rendering techniques accumulate color and opacity contributions using the standard volume rendering equation approximated by alpha blending.  ...  Our approach is fully automatic and based on a function quantifying the relative importance of each voxel in the final rendering called relevance function.  ...  Another adjustment is the addition of depth cues through depth-based coloring and the last one consists in adding a local shading in order to improve the perception of shapes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvcg.2010.30 pmid:20467055 fatcat:xvyrw6yfo5fepfqagzdt3odzyu

Precomputed Radiance Transfer Field for Rendering Interreflections in Dynamic Scenes

Minghao Pan, Rui Wang Xinguo Liu, Qunsheng Peng, Hujun Bao
2007 Computer graphics forum (Print)  
In this paper, we introduce a new representation -radiance transfer fields (RTF) -for rendering interreflections in dynamic scenes under low frequency illumination.  ...  The RTF describes the radiance transferred by an individual object to its surrounding space as a function of the incident radiance.  ...  For any object location and incident radiance, we can look-up the RTF for any receiver point to determine the indirect light reflected by the object.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8659.2007.01071.x fatcat:vqipl6zpubbjbbaoxbh4uzqoo4

Interactive Volume Rendering with Dynamic Ambient Occlusion and Color Bleeding

Timo Ropinski, Jennis Meyer-Spradow, Stefan Diepenbrock, Jörg Mensmann, Klaus Hinrichs
2008 Computer graphics forum (Print)  
We propose a method for rendering volumetric data sets at interactive frame rates while supporting dynamic ambient occlusion as well as an approximation to color bleeding.  ...  In order to compute the light interactions between the different structures, we combine this preprocessed information during rendering based on the rendering parameters defined interactively by the user  ...  The second texture fetch is performed on a 1D texture in order to look up the environmental color E env we have computed for the cluster the voxel is associated with.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1467-8659.2008.01154.x fatcat:v7vewe33vzgeljxnlzjr4zi7ze

Interactive Dynamic Volume Illumination with Refraction and Caustics

Jens G. Magnus, Stefan Bruckner
2018 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  
It is fully dynamic and all parameters such as light position and transfer function can be modified interactively without a performance penalty.  ...  Propagation of refracted illumination is realized by employing a Semi-Lagrangian backward integration scheme, inspired by texture advection from the field of texture-based flow visualization.  ...  To enable dynamic ambient occlusion, Ropinski et al. [6] used local data histograms to speed up the computation when the transfer function is changed.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvcg.2017.2744438 pmid:28866548 fatcat:yw3ng5a3wrgktmzf4cbo2i6tjm

High-Performance Rendering of Realistic Cumulus Clouds Using Pre-computed Lighting [article]

Egor Yusov
2014 High Performance Graphics  
in the look-up tables.  ...  At run time, information from the look-up tables is used to compute the cloud shading, avoiding any ray marching or slicing.  ...  Based on the intersection point and the ray direction, the shader loads optical depth, single and multiple scattering from the look-up tables.  ... 
doi:10.2312/hpg.20141101 fatcat:w2vxk4jgazbvzciiyu2xn53wye

A practical appearance model for dynamic facial color

Jorge Jimenez, Tim Weyrich, Timothy Scully, Nuno Barbosa, Craig Donner, Xenxo Alvarez, Teresa Vieira, Paul Matts, Verónica Orvalho, Diego Gutierrez
2010 ACM Transactions on Graphics  
One of the key indicators of these changes is the color of skin.  ...  Our real-time model allows simulation of both, based on in vivo measurements of real subjects, and runs in real-time (this scene with five heads runs at 53 frames per second).  ...  This method is based on a spectral, multi-layered model of skin coloration [Cotton and Claridge 1996] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1882261.1866167 fatcat:2khd5edlhzc7jitehjrza6xgfe
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