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The Cortona Heritage Project: Digital Applications in Education to Architectural and Archaeological Heritage [chapter]

Paola Puma
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
the fusion of these paradigms, social intelligence, ambient intelligence, computational neuroscience, artificial life, virtual worlds and society, cognitive science and systems, Perception and Vision,  ...  They cover significant recent developments in the field, both of a foundational and applicable character.  ...  "Cultural heritage breathes a new life with digital technologies and the internet.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12240-9_71 fatcat:digbak7zo5btnal4lisqwshvrm

The Surprising Creativity of Digital Evolution: A Collection of Anecdotes from the Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life Research Communities

Joel Lehman, Jeff Clune, Dusan Misevic
2020 Artificial Life  
bugs in their code, produced unexpectedly adaptations, or engaged in behaviors and outcomes, uncannily convergent with ones found in nature.  ...  This article is the crowd-sourced product of researchers in the fields of artificial life and evolutionary computation who have provided first-hand accounts of such cases.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Elizabeth Ostrowski for a suggestion in the Digital Evolution lab at Michigan State University over a decade ago that led to the idea for this article, and for suggestions of Avida  ... 
doi:10.1162/artl_a_00319 pmid:32271631 fatcat:l6ouk2lrirc3lmgquolluvg3gm

Industrial and Project Presentations [article]

Felipe A. Lozano, Francisco Serón
2003 Eurographics State of the Art Reports  
This volume contains the Industrial and Project Presentations for the 24th annual Conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics, EUROGRAPHICS´03, held in Granada, Spain, between the 1st  ...  Acknowledgements The RealReflect project (IST-2001-34744) is funded by the European Union.  ...  We thank our project partners Acknowledgements The GAMA project is being supported by grants 1FD97-2158-C04-01 and TIC2002-04166-C03-01 from the European Community and the Spanish Ministry of Science  ... 
doi:10.2312/egid.20031006 fatcat:loh7chebubg2vatd5syfugub24

Synthetic Beings and Synthespian Ethics

Jane Stadler
2019 Projections: The Journal for Movies and Mind  
This analysis of digital imaging and cinematic imagining of virtual actors and synthetic humans in films such as Blade Runner 2049 (Denis Villeneuve, 2017) examines the ethical implications of digital  ...  In doing so, I explore commonalities between ethical concerns about technobiological bodies in cultural and scientific discourse and developments such as the creation of virtual humans and "deepfake" digital  ...  doubles to life, enabling technologically mediated beings to meld the biological with the digital-technological.  ... 
doi:10.3167/proj.2019.130207 fatcat:2wexvjyhkjbsxjjxjqgngyax24

The death and life of Jang Nayeon: a case for personality rights in the digital layers of reality

Amber Boothe
2022 International Journal of Law and Information Technology  
Technologies once confined to the two-dimensional realm of print media or locked within the aspect ratio of a digital display are now manifesting in three dimensions.  ...  Inspired by the story of Jang Ji-sung and the virtual resurrection of her daughter, Nayeon, this article explores how the legal issues that arise when people (living or deceased) are digitally cloned and  ...  The limited protection of personality rights is a relatively new innovation and the protection of these rights only 'emerged as an autonomous "problem" in the nineteenth century' 23 with the rise of  ... 
doi:10.1093/ijlit/eaad005 fatcat:gfyj6n7eknhbnf75dneiw6uik4

A Case Study of Project-Based Learning for Designing a Computer Adventure Game with Blended Learning

Chun-Hsiung HUANG, Chun-Tsai WU
2020 DEStech Transactions on Social Science Education and Human Science  
In this study, five students with the art and design background were guided to make a project of a computer adventure game in one year by using blended learning.  ...  The results show that the blended learning methods can stimulate students' autonomous learning ability, innovative thinking, teamwork, and problem-solving ability to a certain level.  ...  With the applications and the development of interactive media and digital games, a digital content designer with the interdisciplinary training of artistic design and programming will not only become  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtssehs/eelss2020/34592 fatcat:sbzavs2gwzc4pb5tlp7ds62mt4

INTEND Project D 4.3 Transport Research Agend

Merja Hoppe, Thomas Trachsel
2019 Zenodo  
key research and innovation pathways for the future as well as blind spots beyond mainstream research that aim to support a system transformation and re-organization of the mobility system consistent with  ...  Acknowledgements The results incorporated in this paper received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 769638, project title: Intentify  ...  advancing digitization in the automotive industry, various safety and security issues are currently arising, especially with regard to autonomous mobility services, as these vehicles could be misused  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2636478 fatcat:quqhmgpf3fhote6sxakmo75vjq

Analysis of the use of artificial intelligence in the management of Industry 4.0 projects. The perspective of Polish industry

Bartosz Wachnik
2022 Production Engineering Archives  
Artificial Intelligence (AI) supports project management in industry projects increasingly more often. The article documents research results regarding the use of AI in Industry 4.0 projects.  ...  The aim of the article is to define the range of AI use in Industry 4.0 projects throughout their entire life cycle and to indentify the main stages of AI development in project management.  ...  the phenomena where anomalies occur, concluding from the phenomena affected by anomalies, and intelligent and autonomous project management.  ... 
doi:10.30657/pea.2022.28.07 fatcat:6uaukdfei5csrhrlgcnqpib654

Enhancing Train Travel with Augmented Reality for Smartphones: The "Tales on Rails" Project

Heidrun Föhn, Sonja Böckler, Fabio Baumgartner, René Bauer, Ulrich Götz
2019 Zenodo  
The project "Tales on Rails" describes the research and development of an augmented reality game that can be played on trains with smartphones.  ...  The project addresses tourism changes in the digital age; the ubiquitous use of smartphones alters a tourist's travel experience, from accessing timetables to conveying cultural and historic information  ...  The text interfaces are triggered by looking up stored memos, or when a player interacts with a game character. • 3D interactive game levels are displayed using an AR perspective.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.4495113 fatcat:5wup6ctlk5c5xgmalz26lbxpk4

Creating Your Animated Stories with Plotagon: Implementation of Project-Based Learning in Narrative Writing

Senny Suzanna Alwasilah
2019 International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research  
By involving 40 students of the English Literature Department, Plotagon (a 3D animation-making software) was used in the 'Imaginative Writing' course to mediate a project that required students to visualize  ...  This study employed a qualitative research method with a case study design.  ...  This study found that digital video project could provide opportunities for autonomous language learning.  ... 
doi:10.26803/ijlter.18.12.19 fatcat:3mmvvky44be5rgakjzi64x66su

Speculative Animation: Digital Projections of Urban Past and Future

Joel McKim
2017 Animation  
This article explores the growing presence of digital animation within the work of contemporary visual artists, architects and designers concerned with urban geography.  ...  The work of Eyal Weizman and the Forensic Architecture project has increasingly involved the use of digital animation techniques to both reconstruct and visualize key dates or events within moments of  ...  The project was designed by NFB Digital Studio Executive Producer Loc Dao using Maya software and a custom open-source Canadian 3D render engine called Kraken (Glassman, 2016) . 4.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1746847717729581 fatcat:6li7b67drzecnnhnih674irfwi

Using information and communication technologies in hospital classrooms: SAVEH project

2011 Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal  
The SAVEH project will be described in detail.  ...  Frequently, connections with classmates, neighbors, and sometimes even some with his relatives are lost.  ...  Acknowledgements This project has been funded by the INTERREG program MAC 2007-2013.  ... 
doi:10.34105/j.kmel.2011.03.008 fatcat:pudlzl36frbfvohiu5juyfxw6u

The Caracol Time Travel Project

Charles E. Hughes, J. Michael Moshell, Dean Reed, Diane Z. Chase, Arlen F. Chase
2001 Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation  
The Caracol Time Travel Project was an experiment in the use of virtual drama for learning about archaeology.  ...  Virtual drama is based on the use of a shareable virtual world as a stage setting, with avatars controlled by actors and audience members.  ...  Often these projects involve interactions between human guests and autonomous characters. 1, 2 In the Oz project, 3 experiments were also conducted in which live actors were used.  ... 
doi:10.1002/vis.262 fatcat:v3sz23ietbavlb45fzf347gduq

E-learning and the Discontents of Digital Connectivism in Educational Projects: Rethinking Behaviourist Expectations in 'Coming of Age' Stories

2020 Zenodo  
In addition, this critical consultancy model must encourage e-learners to explore their sensory store, interact with content and with other learners and share cognition and social networks.  ...  It arrives at the findings that, contrary to orthodox formalist opinion, e-learning is an open-ended discourse in the critical realm of the digital humanities.  ...  It is a new kind of reading which rejects the digital text of e-education as autonomous and stresses the idea that it is divorced from historical context, human meaning, and the social function and effect  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3679312 fatcat:ap5mapf2ibcrni45pxczbhizmm

RTD2015 27 Architectural drawing as premise for PhD project

RTD Conference, Anna Katrine Hougaard
2019 Figshare  
my PhD project, where I approach architectural drawing, especially orthogonal drawing, as a collection of double conditions, such as analogue and digital notation, the hand and the computer, projections  ...  But despite this similarity there are important differences between them; differences that have to do with what we aim at.  ...  What they share is, for instance, to draw digitally with analogue tools or to draw analogously with digital tools; to draw icons with code or to use structures as a motif.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.1328009.v1 fatcat:vjucfvqtzne6fgoiggf6lq6xqi
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