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Real-time software specification and validation with Transnet

Krzysztof M. Sacha
1994 Real-time systems  
The paper presents the executable specification method for real-time (embedded) systems Transnet. The method is based on an extension to Petri nets.  ...  A specification is developed by a problem decomposition into a set of parallel processes.  ...  This raises the requirement for the analyzability of a real-time system description. Several methods for specifying real-time systems have been developed in the last decade.  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf01088594 fatcat:dipluakrnbetrkllwmdbjhp3tm

From UML to Petri Nets for non functional Property Verification

F. Mallet, M-A. Peraldi-Frati, C. Andre
2006 2006 International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems  
and Hierarchical Time Petri Nets, 3) the transformation from the specification model to the analysis model.  ...  ., real-time constraints) greatly depends on the mappings from the system functionalities to software and hardware components.  ...  TURTLE is specific to real-time embedded systems design and provides a formal framework based on the RT-LOTOS language.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ies.2006.357475 dblp:conf/sies/MalletPA06 fatcat:xiysflhdsrbbhm3mlbknvl5aam

Quality of Service Support on High Level Petri-Net Based Model for Dynamic Configuration of Web Service Composition [article]

Sabri Mtibaa, Moncef Tagina
2012 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, an approach based on High Level Petri-Net model as dynamic configuration schema of web services composition is proposed to achieve self adaptation to run-time environment and self management  ...  The correctness of the approach is proved by a simulation results and corresponding analysis.  ...  Figure 20 . 20 HTTPN model associated to transition T6 creation with PetriNetWorkbench The execution model is defined with the following basic temporal types: time point, duration and interval constraints  ... 
arXiv:1210.5515v1 fatcat:agypveombrhx5dqeohkducw2gm

A System Of Interactive Scores Based On Petri Nets

A. Allombert, G. Assayag, M. Desainte-Catherine
2007 Proceedings of the SMC Conferences  
Initially, we thought using NTCC as an alternative to Petri nets for the real-time system but this idea has not yet been explored.  ...  They help to refine Allen relations with respect to authorized time intervals. • A control-point p is always created in relation with a texture/interval q.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.849416 fatcat:smjadeikdvd77mehpm7wgx3y64

Synchronization and storage models for multimedia objects

T.D.C. Little, A. Ghafoor
1990 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  
The proposed model is based on the logic of temporal intervals, and Timed Petri Nets.  ...  We propose a technique for the formal specification and modeling of multimedia composition with respect to intermedia timing.  ...  Acknowledgement This research was supported in part by the NYNEX Corporation through the New York State Center for Advanced Technology in Computer Applications and Software Engineering (CASE) at Syracuse  ... 
doi:10.1109/49.53017 fatcat:k54qpnu7xvhs5gpimfrgde7plq

Timing Constraints Support on Petri-Net Model for Healthcare System Design [article]

Sabri Mtibaa, Moncef Tagina
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Hence, systems evolution through extension of the existing information technology infrastructure becomes one of the most challenging aspects of healthcare.  ...  Thanks to Hierarchical Timed Predicate Petri-Net based conceptual framework, desirable properties such as deadlock free and safe as well as timing constraints satisfiability can be easily checked by designer  ...  So the concepts of healthcare process net and hierarchical web service net under time constraints specification are defined by Hierarchical Timed Predicate Petri-Nets (HTPPN). ---------------- · Sabri  ... 
arXiv:1210.5374v1 fatcat:76yyec75jjac3f3sifttyuhl64

Real-time model-driven engineering: an overview

Moussa Amrani, Pierre-Yves Schobbens
2016 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems  
Without claiming for exhaustivity, we validate our approach by analysis several contributions from the literature, thus offering an overview of the current practice in Real-Time Mde.  ...  After a maturing period of over a decade, Model-Driven Engineering (Mde) starts to extend to novel areas that include safetycritical or embedded, but also cyberphysical systems.  ...  This research was sponsored by a Ceruna scholarship from the University of Namur, Belgium.  ... 
dblp:conf/models/AmraniS16 fatcat:x24iuazt7ngwzibdketqzvnv5i

Some issues in real-time systems verification using time Petri Nets

Pedro M. González del Foyo, José Reinaldo Silva
2011 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering  
Time Petri Net (TPN) models have been widely used to the specification and verification of real-time systems.  ...  However, the claim that most of these techniques are useful for realtime system verification can be discussed, based on two assumptions: i) to be suitable for real-time systems verification, a technique  ...  Acknowledgements We thank CAPES for the partial support to the research that resulted in this article.  ... 
doi:10.1590/s1678-58782011000400010 fatcat:o4u53fojcrgm7dpwmtgqskyxpy

Timed Hierarchical Object-Oriented Petri Net [chapter]

Hua Xu
2008 Petri Net, Theory and Applications  
Timed hierarchical object-oriented Petri net The purpose of designing timed hierarchical object-oriented Petri net (TOPN) is to aid in the modeling and analysis of real time systems and bridge the gap  ...  Models of complex real-time systems In models of complex real-time systems as usually encountered in industrial practice, the scale of the system module may be too complicated to be analyzed and the readings  ...  The natural way in which Petri nets allow one to formally capture many of the basic notions and issues of concurrent systems has contributed greatly to the development of a rich theory of concurrent systems  ... 
doi:10.5772/5321 fatcat:x2k4khbnfjflthn65ufwlsdb4q

A TAOPN Approach to Modeling and Scheduling Cyber-Physical Systems

Zhilin Qian, Huiqun Yu
2013 2013 International Conference on Information Science and Applications (ICISA)  
This approach extends Petri net with time constraints based on aspect-oriented method.  ...  Common physical processes are extracted out and modeled as continuous Petri net in an aspect and then woven into the basic discrete Petri net according to the weaving mechanism.  ...  The time duration < d(t) > besides the time interval shows the execution duration time of the transition.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icisa.2013.6579475 dblp:conf/icisa/QianY13 fatcat:k3rt77ru3fasbeo7374evcm6ym

Petri nets and flexible manufacturing [chapter]

Manuel Silva, Robert Valette
1990 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The aim of this survey is to introduce Computer science/Petri nets specialists to the basic system level issues brought up by the development of Flexible Manufacturing and how Petri nets are used to aid  ...  The merging of Petri nets and knowledge based techniques seems to be very promising to deal with large complex discrete event dynamic systems such as FMSs.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors are grateful for the helpful comments of R. David, J. Erschler, P. Freedman, J.C. Gentina, P. Muro, J.L. Villarroel, K. Voss and many other persons. 6 References.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-52494-0_38 fatcat:gn3nqq3q2rc2vm5bfk4iz7ursu

Performance Evaluation of CORBA Concurrency Control Service Using Stochastic Petri Nets

Roberta A. A. Fagundes, Paulo R. M. Maciel, Nelson S. Rosa
2007 Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada  
This paper presents stochastic Petri net models for performance evaluation of the CORBA Concurrency Control Service (CCS), which mediates concurrent access to objects.  ...  The interest in performance evaluation of middleware systems is increasing. Measurement techniques are still predominant among those used to carry out performance evaluation.  ...  The CCS GSPN-based model is suitable to possible extensions, some of which are currently in progress, for instance, the introduction of operation upgrade, change_mode in the sender or receiver side as  ... 
doi:10.22456/2175-2745.5693 fatcat:hpat5zuj5zayjorge7j2nflvru


Antoine Allombert, Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Gérard Assayag
2008 Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Digital Interactive Media in Entertainment and Arts - DIMEA '08  
In this article, we present the development of research carried out to design a system of interactive scores for composition and execution, based on temporal constraints called Iscore.  ...  This system has been designed in order to allow musicians to interpret pieces of electro-acoustic music but since it uses a symbolic representations of the scores, it can bee seen as a system for more  ...  All real-time controls that could be made on the sound processes are done through the applications in charge of the sound processing.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1413634.1413699 dblp:conf/dimea/AllombertDA08 fatcat:ioopceyt7ncp3mwfhweannbsvy

Combining UML-MARTE and Preemptive Time Petri Nets: An Industrial Case Study

Irene Bicchierai, Giacomo Bucci, Laura Carnevali, Enrico Vicario
2013 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics  
Index Terms-Execution Time profiling, Military Standard 498 (MIL-STD-498), model-driven development, preemptive time Petri Nets (pTPNs), real-time code, real-time systems, SW development process, Unified  ...  On the one hand, the formal nucleus of preemptive Time Petri Nets (pTPNs) is used to support design and verification activities of the development process; on the other hand, the Unified Modeling Language  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank P. Viliani and S. Orsi of Selex Galileo, Florence, Italy, for guidance in understanding the practice of industrial development.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tii.2012.2205399 fatcat:m7yflu6lhvf2xi2zysqacrpkse

Real-MFG: A Petri Net based model focusing on the integration of schedulability and fault tolerance [chapter]

Vasilis C. Gerogiannis, Achilles D. Kameas, Panayotis E. Pintelas
1997 Reliability, Quality and Safety of Software-Intensive Systems  
Developing real-time software controlled systems for safety critical applications and verifying that they meet functional, fault tolerance and timing requirements are inherently complex processes.  ...  powerful task graphs and integrates the Petri Net (PN) formalism with schedulability analysis methods.  ...  INTRODUCTION Petri Net (PN) theory (Gerogiannis, 1995 and Gerogiannis, 1996a are two recent surveys) is one of the most popular formal methods that graphically models concurrency, nondeterminism and  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35097-4_21 fatcat:pcv5ydbh5vc3pevdfpcieb5enu
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