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Determination of Glacier Velocities on King George Island (Antarctica) by DInSAR

A. Moll, M. Braun
2006 2006 IEEE International Symposium on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
The available ERS tandem pairs with reasonable baselines have been processed for King George Island, but only 5 out of 17 showed enough coherence.  ...  Only one of them could in the end be processed to a complete velocity field of the island with movement rates of up to 120m per year.  ...  Fig. 1 . 1 Location of King George Island. Fig. 2 . 2 DInSAR velocity field and optical Spot mosaic of King George Island (images are oriented north).  ... 
doi:10.1109/igarss.2006.319 dblp:conf/igarss/MollB06 fatcat:gfm4tb4wtfb7roxruumu37vmfq

Recent changes in the Wanda Glacier, King George Island, Antarctica

Kátia Kellem da ROSA, Rosemary VIEIRA, Guilherme FERNANDEZ, Claudio Wilson MENDES Jr., Luiz Felipe VELHO, Jefferson Cardia SIMÕES
2018 Pesquisas em Geociências  
Mudanças glaciológicas recentes na geleira Wanda, Ilha Rei George, Shetlands do Sul (latitudes 61°54'S a 62°16'S e longitudes 57°35'W a 59°02'W), fora da Península Antártica, foram quantificadas através  ...  resultados demonstram que a geleira Wanda possui uma pequena bacia de drenagem, um alto grau de retração através de processos de fusão, e reduzida espessura se comparada com outras massas de gelo da Ilha Rei George  ...  We also thank Peter Barry and Wagner Diniz, José Nelson Barretta, Beatriz Boucinhas and David Henrique, members of the Clube Alpino Paulista (CAP), for logistic support.  ... 
doi:10.22456/1807-9806.78119 fatcat:yoysa2aivna7hnulq2heyndf74

Seismic and radar investigations of Fourcade Glacier on King George Island, Antarctica

Ki Young Kim, Joohan Lee, Myung Ho Hong, Jong Kuk Hong, Young Keun Jin, Howong Shon
2010 Polar Research  
P-and S-wave velocity structures were determined by travel-time tomography and inversion of Rayleigh wave dispersion curves, respectively.  ...  To determine P-and S-wave velocities, elastic properties and subglacial topography of the polythermal Fourcade Glacier, surface seismic and radar surveys were conducted along a 470-m profile in November  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported through the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation grant R01-2007-000-20194-0 by the Ministry of Science and Technology and through grant PE07020 by the Korea  ... 
doi:10.3402/polar.v29i3.6082 fatcat:e6ualj5cpzcnlfyuibt56f44oa

Geodetic Mass Balance of the South Shetland Islands Ice Caps, Antarctica, from Differencing TanDEM-X DEMs

Kaian Shahateet, Thorsten Seehaus, Francisco Navarro, Christian Sommer, Matthias Braun
2021 Remote Sensing  
Our estimation is based on remotely sensed multispectral and interferometric SAR data covering 96% of the glacierized areas of the islands considered in our study and 73% of the total glacierized area  ...  of the SSI archipelago (Elephant, Clarence, and Smith Islands were excluded due to data limitations).  ...  The largest thinning rates in King George Island are mostly focused on King George Bay (Figure 2) .  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs13173408 fatcat:6nrhtmucpjedplinp32t7wa33u

Progress toward globally complete frontal ablation estimates of marine-terminating glaciers

William Kochtitzky, Luke Copland, Wesley Van Wychen, Regine Hock, David R. Rounce, Hester Jiskoot, Ted A. Scambos, Mathieu Morlighem, Michalea King, Leo Cha, Luke Gould, Paige-Marie Merrill (+11 others)
2022 Annals of Glaciology  
Despite major advances in satellite-derived large-scale datasets, large uncertainties remain with respect to ice thickness, depth-averaged velocities, and the bulk density of glacier ice close to calving  ...  AbstractKnowledge of frontal ablation from marine-terminating glaciers (i.e., mass lost at the calving face) is critical for constraining glacier mass balance, improving projections of mass change, and  ...  We thank Tavi Murray for establishing the International Glaciological Society Global Seminar Series talks from which this contribution developed, and we thank two anonymous reviewers and the Annals of  ... 
doi:10.1017/aog.2023.35 fatcat:puvtydjww5dgfg5cg4toem237a

Changes of Wilkins Ice Shelf over the past 15 years and inferences on its stability

M. Braun, A. Humbert, A. Moll
2008 The Cryosphere Discussions  
of Wilkins Ice Shelf over the past 15 years and inferences on its stability.  ...  Interferometric velocities For the main tributary glaciers from Alexander Island and the Lewis Snowfield a surface velocity field (Fig. 2 ) was computed by differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR).  ...  Another area with intensive surface melt features exists on Haydn Inlet and the tributary glaciers from Alexander Island show similar patterns as it is also reported from George VI Ice Shelf (Smith et  ... 
doi:10.5194/tcd-2-341-2008 fatcat:esh3hclcz5dd7etdsobxocbwae

2014 Scar Open Science Conference And Comnap Symposium: Abstracts [article]

Bryan Storey
2016 Zenodo  
Abstracts from the XXXIII SCAR Open Science Conference, 'Global Messages from Antarctica', held in 2014 in Auckland, New Zealand, including Plenary Lectures, the Antarctic Conservation Flipped Symposium  ...  The bathymetry of these ice shelves is marked by the tectonic fabric of the region, which provides elongate troughs under Pine Island Glacier and Crosson ice shelf, and ridges parallel to the grounding  ...  line of Thwaites Glacier and calving front of Dotson ice shelf.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.53123 fatcat:tycti5b3n5cdfmrrwlibgmyhvq

The Remotely and Directly Obtained Results of Glaciological Studies on King George Island: A Review

Michał Dziembowski, Robert Józef Bialik
2022 Remote Sensing  
Only Lange, Anna, Crystal, Eldred, and eastern part of Usher glaciers were determined by more than one author as the fastest.  ...  In the South Shetland Islands, the most visible effect of climate change is progressive deglaciation. The following review focuses on past glaciological studies conducted on King George Island (KGI).  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs14122736 fatcat:556opsl7efgl7pfur46nteaboe

Ocean-driven thinning enhances iceberg calving and retreat of Antarctic ice shelves

Yan Liu, John C. Moore, Xiao Cheng, Rupert M. Gladstone, Jeremy N. Bassis, Hongxing Liu, Jiahong Wen, Fengming Hui
2015 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America  
Rapid changes to iceberg calving naturally arise from the sporadic detachment of large tabular bergs but can also be triggered by climate forcing.  ...  Moreover, we find that iceberg calving from these decaying ice shelves is dominated by frequent calving events, which are distinct from the less frequent detachment of isolated tabular icebergs associated  ...  This is true even for the floating parts of Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, which are among the beststudied on the continent (22) .  ... 
doi:10.1073/pnas.1415137112 pmid:25733856 pmcid:PMC4371949 fatcat:fuppkwqisbfjbb6my6hpjpu2y4

Modeling ice dynamic contributions to sea level rise from the Antarctic Peninsula

C. Schannwell, N. E. Barrand, V. Radić
2015 Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface  
Major contributors to SLR are the outlet glaciers feeding southern George VI Ice Shelf, accounting for >75% of total SLR in some model runs.  ...  Simulations of the grounded ice sheet include response to ice shelf collapse, estimated by tracking thermal ice shelf viability limits in 14 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change global climate models  ...  Acknowledgments C.S. was supported by a PhD studentship from the University of Birmingham.  ... 
doi:10.1002/2015jf003667 fatcat:ra5ncecbwjcorei5pyib5gabqy

EUCOP4 Book of Abstracts [article]

Gonçalo Vieira, Pedro Pina, Carla Mora, António Correia
2014 Zenodo  
EUCOP4, the 4th European Conference on Permafrost and Regional Conference of the International Permafrost Association is hosted by the Portuguese Universities of Lisbon and Évora and is to be held in Évora  ...  We express our gratitude to these world renowned experts on permafrost.  ...  Rock damage and regolith transport by frost: an example of climate modulation of the geomorphology of the critical zone. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5532540 fatcat:ucwuntienvh7bogt77s52im7mq

Recent changes in the Wanda Glacier

Kátia Kellem Da Rosa, Rosemary Vieira, Guilherme Fernandez, Claudio Wilson, Felipe Velho, Jefferson Cardia, Simões
We also thank Peter Barry and Wagner Diniz, José Nelson Barretta, Beatriz Boucinhas and David Henrique, members of the Clube Alpino Paulista (CAP), for logistic support.  ...  This paper investigates recent glacial changes in Wanda Glacier, King George Island, Antarctica.  ...  Figure 1 . 1 Wanda glacier location in King George Island, South Shetlands archipelago. Figure 2 . 2 GPS antenna coupled to one stake (A) fixed into the Wanda glacier centerline.  ... 

Table of Contents

2021 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS  
; Wen Li, Haojia Lin, Yiping Chen, Cheng Wang, Xiamen University, China; Jonathan Li, University of Waterloo, Canada WE1.O-11: ICE SHEETS AND GLACIERS I WE1.O-11.1: MEASURING GLACIER VELOCITY BY AUTOFOCUSING  ...  OF SHIRASE GLACIER DERIVED .........................  ... 
doi:10.1109/igarss47720.2021.9553380 fatcat:zm7sioez6vgblpj25frkkxtfc4

Knowledge Extracted from Copernicus Satellite Data

Dumitru Octavian, Schwarz Gottfried, Eltoft Torbjørn, Kræmer Thomas, Wagner Penelope, Hughes Nick, Arthus David, Fleming Andrew, Koubarakis Manolis, Datcu Mihai
2019 Zenodo  
By applying an already established active learning approach based on a Support Vector Machine with relevance feedback [2], we can limit ourselves to a limited number of typical satellite images to extract  ...  In this publication, we focus on the Polar case which requires the selection of validation areas, the generation of a training dataset, the development and testing of deep learning algorithms, and the  ...  One of the most difficult task is to distinguish the glaciers, glaciers lakes and dry from dry land.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3941573 fatcat:zzifwgljifck5bpjnboetsftfu

68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft : 3. - 6. März 2008 in Freiberg

Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft
t/f: (+7 495) 930 84 14 u Comprehensive processing of on-shore and off-shore 2D reflection seismic data u 2D/3D seismic acquisition QC u VSP data processing u Refraction seismic data processing e Adaptable  ...  data i/o either from disk or tape e e Easy-to-use graphic interface e Exhaustive set of processing algorithms e Interactive survey map e Open scalable architecture and more...  ...  (Universität Münster) Geometry and internal structure of the temperate ice cap of King George Island, Antarctica, from GPR and GPS measurements Uhr GD 8 Dinc, A. N., Thorwart, M., Rabbel, W.  ... 
doi:10.2312/dgg68 fatcat:u54e3ijn45aqzc2lnjtxl4tuqq
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