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A Malicious Webpage Detection Algorithm Based on Image Semantics

Xiangjun Li, Sifan Li, Shengnan Liu, Lingfeng Liu, Daojing He
2020 Traitement du signal  
In the era of the Internet, malicious attacks have put user information at risk. Many malicious webpages use images as the carrier of malicious codes.  ...  If extracted accurately, the features of these images will help to improve the detection of malicious webpages.  ...  The image/video features on webpages can be effectively extracted through deep learning, laying a good basis for malicious webpage detection. Dé rian et al.  ... 
doi:10.18280/ts.370115 fatcat:s4qwlv4x2rctba4ue4fs7epjeu

A Malicious Webpage Detection Method Based on Graph Convolutional Network

Yilin Wang, Siqing Xue, Jun Song
2022 Mathematics  
In this paper, we propose a GCN-based malicious webpage detection method (GMWD), which constructs a text graph to describe and then a GCN model to learn the syntactic and semantic correlations within and  ...  In addition, we use the URL links appearing in the source code as auxiliary detection information to further improve the detection accuracy.  ...  Many studies have shown that deep learning performs well in malicious webpage detection. The studies of [12, 20, 21] detected malicious webpages using neural networks such as CNNs.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math10193496 fatcat:rfmjunxxcjfufjdytevkv3yqwm


2022 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science  
The proposed technique converts multitude of collected security events to individual event profiles and use a deep learning based detection method for enhanced cyber-threat detection.  ...  One of the major challenges in cybersecurity is the provision of an automated and effective cyber-threats detection technique.  ...  INTRODUCTION Check suspicious links by using a mixture of blacklists and deep machine learning by IPQS.  ... 
doi:10.56726/irjmets31438 fatcat:cm4bmn2vwrcijb3vqm4wjcgqum

Malicious and Benign Webpages Dataset

AK Singh
2020 Data in Brief  
This dataset consists of data from approximately 1.5 million webpages, which makes it suitable for deep learning algorithms.  ...  The dataset described in this manuscript is meant for such machine learning based analysis of malicious and benign webpages.  ...  Acknowledgments I thankfully acknowledge the help, support and guidance of Dr Navneet Goyal, Advanced Data Analytics & Parallel Technologies Lab (ADAPT Lab), Department of Computer Science & Information  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.dib.2020.106304 pmid:33204771 pmcid:PMC7648114 fatcat:qxc6dg7ucze7nc2a5qm3sbm4km

Comparisons of machine learning techniques for detecting malicious webpages

H.B. Kazemian, S. Ahmed
2015 Expert systems with applications  
In this paper therefore alternative and novel approaches are used by applying machine learning algorithms to detect malicious webpages.  ...  This paper compares machine learning techniques for detecting malicious webpages.  ...  Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Technology Strategy Board -KTP, UK for their generous support for part of the research [Grant No. ktp006367].  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2014.08.046 fatcat:6vviokijvbf7hocz7iteebdv3u

CNN based Malicious Website Detection by Invalidating Multiple Web Spams

Dongjie Liu, Jong-Hyouk Lee
2020 IEEE Access  
The proposed detection method uses a Convolutional Neural Network, which is a class of deep neural networks, as a classification algorithm.  ...  We then present a new detection method that adopts the perspective of users and takes screenshots of malicious webpages to invalidate Web spams.  ...  DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES Nowadays more researchers start to adopt deep learning methods to detect malicious websites.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.2995157 fatcat:zzaapkrs6bcwfae6iojzexw7eq

Malicious SPAM Injection Attack Detection on Social Webpage Posts [chapter]

Arul E, Punidha A
2020 Advances in Parallel Computing  
The suggested version Supervised SD-LVQ used to detect malicious firmware on various social media sites.  ...  In the meantime, 28 percent of US internet users between 18 and 55 years of age said their aim is to buy via social media during holidays.  ...  Delineation of Supervised Deep Learning Vector Quantization to Detect IoTMalwareIR Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) is used to detect malicious attacks on different social media networks.  ... 
doi:10.3233/apc200187 fatcat:id6c64zy5zf63m6ruahkdgtjf4

Hybrid Optimization Driven Technique for Malicious Javascript Detection Based on Deep Learning Classifier

In this paper, a deep learning framework for detecting malicious JavaScript code is proposed combing the optimization power of Bird Swarm Algorithm.  ...  There exist many machine learningbased malicious script detection approaches, but majority of them follow a shallow discriminating models where manual definition of features are constructed with artificial  ...  CONCLUSION This paper proposes a new method on deep learning methodology based on Bird Swarm Algorithm which will produce a significant improvement on detecting malicious JavaScript on webpages.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.b1121.1292s219 fatcat:m6qmarcaljgjxhjjju3dlbtpr4

Deep Learning for Phishing Detection

Wenbin Yao, Yuanhao Ding, Xiaoyong Li
2018 2018 IEEE Intl Conf on Parallel & Distributed Processing with Applications, Ubiquitous Computing & Communications, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Social Computing & Networking, Sustainable Computing & Communications (ISPA/IUCC/BDCloud/SocialCom/SustainCom)  
This paper proposes a light-weight deep learning algorithm to detect the malicious URLs and enable a real-time and energy-saving phishing detection sensor.  ...  With the recent rapid development of deep learning techniques, many deep-learning-based recognition methods have also been explored to improve classification performance.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:  ... 
doi:10.1109/bdcloud.2018.00099 dblp:conf/ispa/YaoD018a fatcat:hawrzoyi2jcgte2lzlfvkjj5fy

A Deep-Learning-Driven Light-Weight Phishing Detection Sensor

Bo Wei, Rebeen Ali Hamad, Longzhi Yang, Xuan He, Hao Wang, Bin Gao, Wai Lok Woo
2019 Sensors  
This paper proposes a light-weight deep learning algorithm to detect the malicious URLs and enable a real-time and energy-saving phishing detection sensor.  ...  With the recent rapid development of deep learning techniques, many deep-learning-based recognition methods have also been explored to improve classification performance.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in this manuscript:  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19194258 fatcat:25ac374mvzbrrnokgzddzztysa

PhishTransformer: A Novel Approach to Detect Phishing Attacks Using URL Collection and Transformer

Sultan Asiri, Yang Xiao, Tieshan Li
2023 Electronics  
To address this problem, we propose PhishTransformer, a deep-learning model that can detect phishing attacks by analyzing URLs and page content.  ...  We propose only using URLs embedded within a webpage, such as hyperlinks and JFrames, to train PhishTransformer.  ...  The details of the datasets are explained in Sections 3.1 and 4.2. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics13010030 fatcat:lxgvrm5huzafze263sebq34rcu

MLPXSS: An Integrated XSS-Based Attack Detection Scheme in Web Applications Using Multilayer Perceptron Technique

Fawaz Mahiuob Mohammed Mokbal, Wang Dan, Azhar Imran, Lin Jiuchuan, Faheem Akhtar, Wang Xiaoxi
2019 IEEE Access  
experimentation, and achieved promising and state-of-the-art results with accuracy, detection probabilities, false positive rate, and AUC-ROC scores of 99.32%, 98.35 %, 0.3%, and 99.02%, respectively.  ...  One of the common high-risk cyber-attack of web application vulnerabilities is cross-site scripting (XSS).  ...  Furthermore, deep learning schemes are also used to overcome the limitations of the classical machine learning approaches as they can produce high-level representations of features and can even predict  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2927417 fatcat:mvh3kwu3b5httdt2eqzlpv6piu

A Deep Learning Technique for Web Phishing Detection Combined URL Features and Visual Similarity

Saad Al-Ahmadi, Yasser Alharbi
2020 International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications  
Our model uses webpage URLs and images to detect a phishing attack using convolution neural networks (CNNs) to extract the most important features of website images and URLs and then classifies them into  ...  The accuracy rate of the results of the experiment was 99.67%, proving the effectiveness of the proposed model in detecting a web phishing attack.  ...  The CNN is one of the most popular types of deep learning mechanisms in particular for high dimensional data, such as videos and images.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijcnc.2020.12503 fatcat:uh6oa47vqbbuhobirzgmplswje

Intelligent Detection Technique for Malicious Websites Based on Deep Neural Network Classifier

Mustapha A. Mohammed, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, 00233, Ghana & Koforidua Technical University, Koforidua, 00233, Ghana, Seth Alornyo, Michael Asante, Bernard O. Essah
2022 International Journal of Education and Management Engineering  
This study proposes a deep learning method using radial basis function neural network (RBFN), to classify abnormal URLs which are the main sources of malicious websites.  ...  We used publicly available datasets to evaluate our model. We then trained and assessed the results of our model against conventional machine learning classifiers.  ...  Classification models are then built using these features. The authors in [11, 12, 14] have successfully applied deep learning methods to detect malicious webpages in recent years.  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijeme.2022.06.05 fatcat:skz3dnz5ozaxjlpnm5gquwfzfe

A Survey on Web Phishing Detection Techniques

Taseer Suleman
2021 International journal for electronic crime investigation  
Web-phishing is used to deceive users, normally carried out through sending links using spoofed emails, instant messages etc. However, web-phishing detection is a challenging task.  ...  A number of techniques and mechanisms has been proposed for the detection of web-phishing. The aim of this study is to analyze different web-phishing detection techniques.  ...  The aim of this study is to conduct a deep analysis of web-phishing detection techniques.  ... 
doi:10.54692/ijeci.2021.050279 fatcat:kgplt6gdo5e35jqsszrl7wnqxy
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