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Detecting and fixing emergent behaviors in Distributed Software Systems using a message content independent method

Fatemeh Hendijani Fard
2013 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)  
The distributed functionality and/or control in these systems and the local view of the scenarios of the systems can lead to unexpected behavior during execution time, known as Emergent Behaviors (EB)  ...  Detecting and fixing EB/IS in the early phases, may save costs of software projects by a factor of 20 to 100.  ...  "Detecting and Fixing Emergent Behaviors in Distributed Software Systems Using a Message Content Independent Method."  ... 
doi:10.1109/ase.2013.6693148 dblp:conf/kbse/Fard13 fatcat:zqcptwd7dza27bscjynhgnbasm

Detecting and Fixing Emergent Behaviors in Distributed Software Systems Using a Message Content Independent Method [article]

Fatemeh Hendijani Fard, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, Behrouz Far
The distributed functionality and/or control in these systems and the local view of the scenarios of the systems can lead to unexpected behavior during execution time, known as Emergent Behaviors (EB)  ...  Detecting and fixing EB/IS in the early phases, may save costs of software projects by a factor of 20 to 100.  ...  Q3: How to define a message content independent method (a general method) to detect and resolve those problems?  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/25594 fatcat:feczrgcopjdi3bmwttk4ivk3ky

Multi-level Framework Development of Distributed Underwater Detection System Based on UML Modeling

Bo LI, Jing SUN, Xiang-Wen LENG
2017 DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering  
Aiming at the distributed structure of the new-type underwater detection system, the paper proposes a development method of underwater detection system based on UML, constructs information type and subsystem  ...  by analyzing static structure and dynamic behaviors of the system, realizes the analysis modeling of distributed underwater detection system, proposes layering software framework structure, and enhances  ...  As underwater detection system is a small system which has relatively clear and fixed tasks as well as complex tasks, in a distributed control mode, when the node module has the certain independence and  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtcse/aice-ncs2016/5693 fatcat:sgsmwdpk35cdzmpbd5yblrvsiu

A Perspective on the Future of Middleware-based Software Engineering

Valerie Issarny, Mauro Caporuscio, Nikolaos Georgantas
2007 Future of Software Engineering (FOSE '07)  
Acknowledgments This work is part of the PLASTIC 5 and AMIGO 6 IST projects, funded by the European Commission under the FP6 contract numbers 026955 and 004182 respectively.  ...  Software engineering methods are emerging in that direction, e.g., model-based verification [4, 12] .  ...  Also, SE methods and related tools devised for OO and CB software, can be used for designing and developing high-quality distributed software applications [21, 51] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/fose.2007.2 dblp:conf/icse/IssarnyCG07 fatcat:frkdbpnojze3dfku2r2hpynlry

Adaptive byzantine fault tolerance support for agent oriented systems: The BDARX

Alvi et al., Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
2019 International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences  
faults and make the system more reliable and efficient.  ...  This paper proposes Byzantine DARX (BDARX) architecture which endows DARX with the ability to handle Byzantine faults, and thus it allows the building of complex software systems to deal with arbitrary  ...  Afterwards replica broadcasts a commit message following the contents of the prepare message.  ... 
doi:10.21833/ijaas.2019.02.009 fatcat:nyjk6mn645hqne473yoz6scw4a

Attacks and defences on intelligent connected vehicles: A survey

Mahdi Dibaei, Xi Zheng, Kun Jiang, Robert Abbas, Shigang Liu, Yuexin Zhang, Yang Xiang, Shui Yu
2020 Digital Communications and Networks  
Then, we investigate and summarize the available defences against these attacks and classify them into four categories: cryptography, network security, software vulnerability detection, and malware detection  ...  A B S T R A C T Intelligent vehicles are advancing at a fast speed with the improvement of automation and connectivity, which opens up new possibilities for different cyber-attacks, including in-vehicle  ...  Toyota [166] , Hyundai [167] ) and airplane companies (e.g., Boeing [168] ) use static, and dynamic analysis of software behavior in safety-critical missions to fix the bugs.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.dcan.2020.04.007 fatcat:bdfjxoyibfez5ebob352xlurmu

A Kernel-Based Communication Fault Injector for Dependability Testing of Distributed Systems [chapter]

Roberto Jung Drebes, Gabriela Jacques-Silva, Joana Matos Fonseca da Trindade, Taisy Silva Weber
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Software-implemented fault injection is a powerful strategy to test fault-tolerant protocols in distributed environments.  ...  The tool injects faults directly into the message exchange subsystem, allowing the definition of test scenarios from a wide fault model that can affect messages being sent and/or received.  ...  behavior of real faults: message drop and duplication, late delivery and content manipulation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/11678779_13 fatcat:d3atssi3rzdl5mz6jcok3z4wsi

Principles of Agent-Oriented Programming [chapter]

Andre Filipe de Moraes Batista, Maria das Gracas Bruno Marietto, Wagner Tanaka, Guiou Kobayashi, Brunno dos Passos Alves, Sidney de, Terry Lima
2011 Multi-Agent Systems - Modeling, Control, Programming, Simulations and Applications  
It combines the theoretical and practical concepts of AI and Distributed Systems (DS). The solution is also based on social behaviors where the cooperative behavior is utilized to solve a problem.  ...  The Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) is one of the research areas of DAI, and uses autonomous agents with their own actions and behaviors.  ...  Other advantages are the fact that the system can anticipate the arrival of a stream of cars and take a preventive action, and detect other abnormal behavior of the traffic.  ... 
doi:10.5772/14248 fatcat:ahyxkvksrnf65jrk7pyk5yghsy

AutoMate: Enabling Autonomic Applications on the Grid

M. Parashar, H. Liu, Z. Li, V. Matossian, C. Schmidt, G. Zhang, S. Hariri
2006 Cluster Computing  
by biological systems and deal with similar challenges of complexity, heterogeneity, and uncertainty.  ...  The increasing complexity, heterogeneity, and dynamism of emerging pervasive Grid environments and applications has necessitated the development of autonomic self-managing solutions, that are inspired  ...  Similarly, applications typically combine multiple independent and distributed software elements such as components, services, real-time data, experiments and data sources.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10586-006-7561-5 fatcat:pakuaryd3nhgxnrxuvh24wgkke

Open Problems in Robotic Anomaly Detection [article]

Ritwik Gupta, Zachary T. Kurtz, Sebastian Scherer, Jonathon M. Smereka
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Namely, we discuss non-malicious faults, invalid data, intentional anomalous behavior, hierarchical anomaly detection, distribution of computation, and anomaly correction on the fly.  ...  As such, we provide a brief insight-focused discussion and frameworks of thought on some compelling open problems with anomaly detection in robotic systems.  ...  John Dolan and David Bourne at The Robotics Institute at CMU gave us insight into various aspects of robotics. DISTRIBUTION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited.  ... 
arXiv:1809.03565v1 fatcat:xadvrc7yfffo3lhtcetb5575jq

Malware Detection, Supportive Software Agents and Its Classification Schemes

Adebayo Olawale Surajudeen
2012 International journal of network security and its applications  
Malware is a general term that is used to describe the category of malicious software that is part of security threats to the computer and internet system.  ...  Over time, the task of curbing the emergence of malware and its dastard activities has been identified in terms of analysis, detection and containment of malware.  ...  e-mail generator This is a malware tool that can be used to generate large number of email purposefully for undesired message distribution to other system.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijnsa.2012.4603 fatcat:ep3a3uydffdnrmhybtoqhuplfq

BASEMENT: an architecture and methodology for distributed automotive real-time systems

H. Hansson, L. Lawson, O. Bridal, C. Eriksson, S. Larsson, H. Lon, M. Stromberg
1997 IEEE transactions on computers  
BASEMENT TM is a distributed real-time architecture developed for vehicle internal use in the automotive industry.  ...  service for nonsafety critical applications, 4) a communication infrastructure providing efficient communication between distributed devices, 5) a program development methodology allowing resource independent  ...  For instance, to facilitate fault detection and recovery, we use more traditional static-cyclic scheduling, rather than more flexible (and less traceable) dynamic scheduling methods such as Fixed-Priority  ... 
doi:10.1109/12.620482 fatcat:w457u3zcjbgbhoomwxmvysm4ua

A framework for detecting unfolding emergencies using humans as sensors

Marco Avvenuti, Mario G. C. A. Cimino, Stefano Cresci, Andrea Marchetti, Maurizio Tesconi
2016 SpringerPlus  
Validation and experimental results based on messages posted during earthquakes occurred in Italy are reported. which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you  ...  An ontology for the HaaS paradigm in the context of emergency detection is defined. Then, a modular architecture, independent of a specific emergency type, is designed.  ...  The baseline has been generated in an offline phase and represents a statistical model of the terms used during a fixed time window of several months.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40064-016-1674-y pmid:26811805 pmcid:PMC4717126 fatcat:jz3qvlhpsfbvnh53gad77am2zm

CAN for critical embedded automotive networks

L.-B. Fredriksson
2002 IEEE Micro  
LAN or telecom systems do not know any communication and any message contents in advance of system design, and the system does not use these contents.  ...  Different ECUs can respond only to known messages and can transmit only those messages that they are programmed to transmit, and the system uses the message contents.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mm.2002.1028473 fatcat:rlfawda55vbffdoki7qf4zbfma

Flood decision support system on agent grid: method and implementation

J. Luo, L. Xu, J.-P. Jamont, L. Zeng, Z. Shi
2007 Enterprise Information Systems  
which can transit the information for long distance.This system is now applied as a module in the City Emergency Interact Project.  ...  the wireless sensor network for data acquisition and software agent technology for legacy system integration.  ...  We are going to be content with fixing the organization parameters, i.e. agents'tasks, agents'roles.  ... 
doi:10.1080/17517570601092184 fatcat:rxwgyisb2ncvhjyb7e7zoq2xkm
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