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Token System Design for Autonomic Wireless Relay Networks

Jie Xu, M. van der Schaar
2013 IEEE Transactions on Communications  
Finally, simulation results show the effectiveness of our token system design in providing incentives for cooperation among self-interested relays in autonomic wireless relay networks.  ...  This paper proposes a novel framework for incentivizing self-interested transceivers operating in autonomic wireless networks to provide relaying services to other transceivers in exchange for tokens.  ...  We will show that it is possible to design effective incentive schemes for distributed and largescale wireless relay networks using token systems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcomm.2013.061013.120777 fatcat:wzsqt6waanfl7oakxmbsxu4qrm

Secure, Reliable and Load Balanced Routing Protocols for Multihop Wireless Networks

Mitali V. Patil, Prof. Vaishali Jadhav
2017 IJARCCE  
Overall objective of designing the LBE-STAR routing protocol is to achieve the security, reliability and load balancing in multihop wireless networks.  ...  In multihop wireless networks, route stability is very challenging task and major research problem.  ...  Multihop wireless network are frequently used in many real life applications.  ... 
doi:10.17148/ijarcce.2017.63229 fatcat:jykabjs5vvdq7lsgzbv43xgj7a

Survey: secure opportunistic routing protocols in wireless networks

Hanane Saidi, Addaim Adnane, Driss Gretete
2019 International Journal of Information Privacy Security and Integrity  
Opportunistic routing (OR) protocols in wireless network schemes are a rich research field.  ...  However, they are both equally vulnerable to the same attacks because wireless networks might be deployed in hostile or unwatched environments.  ...  Token-distributed coordination function (DCF) is a distributed MAC protocol that uses an overhearing technique to rank network stations for transmission on the wireless medium.  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijipsi.2019.10025219 fatcat:7nb3pirzebcv5eevyy3ehn6b7y

Learning relaying strategies in cellular D2D networks with token-based incentives

Nicholas Mastronarde, Viral Patel, Jie Xu, Mihaela van der Schaar
2013 2013 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps)  
We consider a cellular network where intelligent cellular devices owned by selfish users are incentivized to cooperate with each other by using tokens, which they exchange electronically to "buy" and "  ...  Our results suggest that devices have the greatest incentive to cooperate when the network contains many highly mobile users (e.g., users in motor vehicles).  ...  In this paper, we use token exchanges to provide self-interested users with incentives to relay data for other users.  ... 
doi:10.1109/glocomw.2013.6824980 dblp:conf/globecom/MastronardePXS13 fatcat:yynrfjn24nganni5sxxuhmojly

Silence is gold: Strategic small cell interference management using tokens

Cong Shen, Jie Xu, Mihaela van der Schaar
2014 2014 IEEE Global Communications Conference  
In this work, we propose a novel token framework in a distributed small cell network and design the token system for improved interference mitigation.  ...  Electronic tokens have been proved as an effective incentive scheme in stimulating self-interested network nodes to transmit other nodes' traffic. In other words, tokens are paid to buy transmission.  ...  In [9] , tokens are used to provide incentive for the self-interested transceivers to provide relay services.  ... 
doi:10.1109/glocom.2014.7037493 dblp:conf/globecom/ShenXS14 fatcat:3iue5z4drbhlrlkc5ne775yxpq

D3.8 - Uloop Framework Design And Implementation Report

Paulo Mendes
2013 Zenodo  
This document represents deliverable D3.8 of the EU FP7 IST project ULOOP (User-centric Wireless Local Loop, grant Number 257418). It is a follow-up of deliverables D2.3, D3, and D3.a.  ...  This is possible by using secure in range wireless or wired communications.  ...   Optimal resource sharing requires a different design of the wireless MAC Layer.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.33132 fatcat:3rvyh6mqjja43h5keho34u4yzi

To Relay or Not to Relay: Learning Device-to-Device Relaying Strategies in Cellular Networks [article]

Nicholas Mastronarde, Viral Patel, Jie Xu, Lingjia Liu, Mihaela van der Schaar
2014 arXiv   pre-print
for tokens.  ...  Our simulation results suggest that devices have the greatest incentive to cooperate when the network contains (i) many devices with high energy budgets for relaying, (ii) many highly mobile users (e.g  ...  CONCLUSION We consider a cellular network in which token exchanges are used to provide self-interested users with incentive to relay data for other users.  ... 
arXiv:1308.3185v4 fatcat:u74ovyrlwja3xjjnycacqjl4qm

Game theory in cooperative communications

Dejun Yang, Xi Fang, Guoliang Xue
2012 IEEE wireless communications  
A main obstacle blocking its wide applications is the lack of incentives for wireless nodes to participate in cooperative communication.  ...  Cooperative communication has great potential to improve the wireless channel capacity by exploiting the antennas on wireless devices for spatial diversity.  ...  A main obstacle blocking its wide applications is the lack of incentives for the wireless nodes to serve as relay nodes.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mwc.2012.6189412 fatcat:qyp2w6x6pbcs7izowmzekar3le

Exploiting Idle Communication Power to Improve Wireless Network Performance and Energy Efficiency

L. Guo, X. Ding, H. Wang, Q. Li, S. Chen, X. Zhang
2006 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM 2006. 25TH IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications  
Different from traditional relaying approaches, our scheme compensates for the energy consumption for data forwarding.  ...  As a family of wireless local area network (WLAN) protocols between physical layer and higher-layer protocols, IEEE 802.11 has to accommodate the features and requirements of both ends.  ...  Bynum for his constructive comments and suggestions. This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under grants CNS-0098055, CNS-0405909, and CNS-0509054/0509061.  ... 
doi:10.1109/infocom.2006.274 dblp:conf/infocom/GuoDWLCZ06 fatcat:ymlumdqgzjctjc2ky2kfnkxbju

RxIP: Monitoring the health of home wireless networks

Justin Manweiler, Peter Franklin, Romit Roy Choudhury
2012 2012 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM  
We envision a future of autonomous wireless network management that uses the Internet as an enabling technology.  ...  We believe that using RxIP to address other network deficiencies opens a rich area for further research, helping to ensure that smarter homes of the future embed smarter networks.  ...  Incentives.  ... 
doi:10.1109/infcom.2012.6195797 dblp:conf/infocom/ManweilerFC12 fatcat:bk44ljckvvay7kkfgkj4wtrnra

Multihop cellular networks: Technology and economics

Xue Jun Li, Boon-Chong Seet, Peter Han Joo Chong
2008 Computer Networks  
802.11 standard for wireless local area networks (WLAN), which can provide a high data rate of 54 Mbps for internet access and multimedia applications.  ...  Consequently, MCN-type system is considered as a promising candidate of fourth generation (4G) wireless network for future mobile communications.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank our anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments which significantly improved the quality of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comnet.2008.01.019 fatcat:qmzqo3urujajneaexahezctvfi

An incentive-based fairness mechanism for multi-hop wireless backhaul networks with selfish nodes

Jeng Farn Lee, Wanjiun Liao, Meng Chang Chen
2008 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications  
We design an incentive-based mechanism which encourages TAPs to forward data for other TAPs, and thus eliminates the location-dependent unfairness problem in the backhaul network.  ...  In this paper, we study the fairness problem in multi-hop wireless backhaul networks in the presence of selfish Transit Access Points (TAPs).  ...  In this paper, we study the fairness problem by using game theory and propose a monetary incentive mechanism to achieve fair resource sharing for wireless backhaul networks in the presence of selfish TAPs  ... 
doi:10.1109/twc.2008.060631 fatcat:gbcvxg7wzndx3gm5brsx7yw6ji

Relaying in the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey

Uyoata Uyoata, Joyce Mwangama, Ramoni Adeogun
2021 IEEE Access  
Popular incentive mechanisms used in other wireless networks fall into the categories of game theory-based and nongame theory-based approaches. 4) Security and Trust The broadcast nature of wireless  ...  In effect, [87] extended the Stackelberg game for incentive design [83] in IoT networks to capture the case of information asymmetry.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3112940 fatcat:beo5j6hyd5hwhlxj4mp5vok4sq

Cooperation Enhancement for Message Transmission in VANETs

Zhou Wang, Chunxiao Chigan
2006 Wireless personal communications  
Her research interests include information assurance for network systems, dependable computing and communication systems, crosslayer network design, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, wireless network  ...  In order to prevent non-cooperative vehicles from tampering packet relaying in the network, we propose a cooperation enhancement mechanism using "Neighborhood WatchDog" to generate "Trust Token" based  ...  relayer • Who relay the packet • This field is used for trust evaluation (E_I D Rel , T imestamp Rel ) P K − rel Relayer's digital signature • Who relay the packet • This field is used for trust evaluation  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11277-006-9235-2 fatcat:w7goaeukyfgrfnw6zwfgkaxa3e

Silence is Gold: Strategic Interference Mitigation Using Tokens in Heterogeneous Small Cell Networks

Cong Shen, Jie Xu, Mihaela van der Schaar
2015 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  
Electronic tokens have been successfully used as incentive mechanisms to stimulate self-interested network nodes to relay other nodes' traffic.  ...  Heterogeneity poses unique challenges for interference mitigation, which are difficult to handle with previous solutions but can be effectively tackled with the proposed token design.  ...  In [14] , tokens are used to provide incentive for the self-interested transceivers to provide relay services. Nuglet is introduced in [15] as a virtual currency for relay transmissions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsac.2015.2417012 fatcat:isftoawjg5fonohhn4qahmyp7i
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