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330 Hits in 2.9 sec

Designing BOTs with BDI agents

Purvag Patel, Henry Hexmoor
2009 2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Systems  
We present a model of bots using BDI agents, which will show more human-like behavior, more believable and will provide more realistic feel to the game.  ...  In modern computer games, 'bots' -Intelligent realistic agents play a prominent role in success of a game in market.  ...  Davies et. al. researched creating a human-like AI, based on BDI paradigm, and design of framework for implementing deliberative agents in computer games [11] [12] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/cts.2009.5067479 dblp:conf/cts/PatelH09 fatcat:bxwaneqtvvb7dbf3kz22ywhlti

Unreal Goal Bots [chapter]

Koen V. Hindriks, Birna van Riemsdijk, Tristan Behrens, Rien Korstanje, Nick Kraayenbrink, Wouter Pasman, Lennard de Rijk
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
It remains a challenge with current state of the art technology to use BDI agents to control real-time, dynamic and complex environments.  ...  We focus in particular on the design of a suitable interface to manage agent-bot interaction and argue that the use of a recent toolkit for developing an agent-environment interface provides many advantages  ...  Providing a logic-based BDI agent with huge amounts of percepts would overload the agents' processing capabilities.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-18181-8_1 fatcat:hsfjmoofrnegjbov5yegy4dmze

Decision making styles in computer games

Christoffer Holmgård
2013 International Conference on Foundations of Digital Games  
It is proposed that the combination of psychological decision theory and BDI agents could provide a valuable frame for both modeling and simulating human decision making styles in computer games.  ...  Domain Dependence The work of Norling and Sonenberg [12] on Quake II bots, has shown that the BDI model is useful as a framework for transforming human expert knowledge into in-game agent behavior.  ...  One specific kind of agent that would seem appropriate is the Belief, Desire, Intention (BDI) agent [19] .  ... 
dblp:conf/fdg/Holmgard13 fatcat:4nctbwe3rfgbxfkvd5g46vtvfm

Spyke3D: A new computer games oriented BDI Agent Framework

Luca Palazzo, Gianluca Dolcini, Andrea Claudi, Gianluigi Biancucci, Paolo Sernani, Luca Ippoliti, Lorenzo Salladini, Aldo Franco Dragoni
2013 Proceedings of CGAMES'2013 USA  
Modern games usually answer to this demand with advanced computer graphics and scripting techniques, rather than opting for "strong" Artificial Intelligence features, in spite of the scientific community  ...  In this paper we introduce Spyke3D, a Multi-Agent Framework based on Belief-Desire-Intention paradigm, whose purpose is to support and simplify the developing of human-like logical structures, in order  ...  [16] modeled BDI, or conceptually similar paradigm, bots for respectively Unreal Tournament [17] , Counter-Strike [18] and StarCraft [19] : in each case BDI agents made bots more believable, providing  ... 
doi:10.1109/cgames.2013.6632604 dblp:conf/cgames/PalazzoDCBSISD13 fatcat:pqaehd3vunhaxl6ccxpbprdlya

Decoupling Cognitive Agents and Virtual Environments [chapter]

Jeehang Lee, Vincent Baines, Julian Padget
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper addresses the engineering issues in connecting agent platforms and other software entities with virtual environments, driven by the following informal requirements: (i) accessibility: we would  ...  We illustrate the framework in two complementary case studies using the Jason agent platform, Second Life and AGAVE (a 3D VE for vehicles).  ...  autonomous bots that interact with human players as well as other bot players.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-36444-0_2 fatcat:3misq66djrec5mszgqx2f5ekza

Building a Software Architecture out of User Stories and BDD Scenarios: Research Agenda

Samedi Heng, Monique Snoeck, Konstantinos Tsilionis
2022 International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering  
User stories (US) are classically used as requirements engineering artifacts in agile methods like Scrum, these are sometimes associated with Behavior Driven Design (BDD) scenarios.  ...  Research has shown that functions of different nature defined in US and BDD instances do represent an interesting input to define a software architecture within Agent-and Object-Oriented (AO and OO) languages  ...  For the agent architecture, we provided the tranformation for both Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI [3] ) agent (using JaCaMo [4] ) and none-BDI agent (using JADE [5] ).  ... 
dblp:conf/caise/HengST21 fatcat:y6bmswrx5vgenfwfspvipajnla

BDI agents in social simulations: a survey

Carole Adam, Benoit Gaudou
2016 Knowledge engineering review (Print)  
Richer models were thus developed for a variety of phenomena, while agent cognition still tends to be modelled with simple reactive particle-like agents.  ...  This paper provides a methodological guide to the use of BDI agents in social simulations, and an overview of existing methodologies and tools for using them.  ...  Acknowledgements This work has been partially funded by the ACTEUR ("Spatial Cognitive Agents for Urban Dynamics and Risk Studies") research project.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0269888916000096 fatcat:7dei2k5h4veeddgzvhnjzcesne

Improving behavior of computer game bots using fictitious play

Ushma Kesha Patel, Purvag Patel, Henry Hexmoor, Norman Carver
2012 International Journal of Automation and Computing  
In modern computer games, "bots" -intelligent realistic agents play a prominent role in the popularity of a game in the market.  ...  Typically, bots are modeled using finite-state machine and then programmed via simple conditional statements which are hard-coded in bots logic.  ...  They suggested a model of bots displaying human-like behavior using BDI agents by designing two algorithms that are made to run simultaneously.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11633-012-0625-5 fatcat:347ihb7vb5fnve3iwatl4o2vli

YouBot: A Simple Framework for Building Virtual Networking Agents

Seiji Takegata, Kumiko Tanaka-Ishii
2010 SIGDIAL Conferences  
These virtual agents can also communicate with each other to share information that one agent does not have.  ...  This paper proposes a simple framework for building 'virtual networking agents'; programs that can communicate with users and collect information through the internet.  ...  The framework also has a unique networking feature to help the bots communicate with each other: It is called 'Inter-bot communication', a feature which expands the ways in which the virtual agent can  ... 
dblp:conf/sigdial/TakegataT10 fatcat:4oudqsuhc5b6ddo26qpmit3hru

Table of Contents

2021 2021 4th International Symposium on Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Robotics (ISAMSR)  
Mostafa, Aida Mustapha, Rozanawati Daraman, Mohammad Faidzul Nasrudin and Shahrinaz Ismail 76 A Cooperative Learning Method for Multi-Agent System with Different Input Resolutions Fumito Uwano 84 Exploring  ...  Mostafa, Aida Mustapha, Mustafa Hamid Hassan and Saraswathy Shamini Gunasekaran 91 The Implementation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for AI Bot in Fighting Video Game Adi Aiman Bin Ramlan, Azliza  ... 
doi:10.1109/isamsr53229.2021.9567790 fatcat:bknv26fapjb7rcgizxqimlwhrq

An Empirical Study of Patterns in Agent Programs [chapter]

Koen V. Hindriks, M. Birna van Riemsdijk, Catholijn M. Jonker
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Performing a study of these aspects contributes to the design of best practices or programming guidelines for agent programming.  ...  Following a first empirical study of agent programs written in the Goal agent programming language for the dynamic blocks world, in this paper we perform a considerably more extensive analysis of agent  ...  For the project, an interface was designed that is suitable for connecting logicbased BDI (Belief-Desire-Intention) agents to a real-time game.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25920-3_14 fatcat:jfjazrzm6ffcxetnq4w7esaqoi

Agent programming in the cognitive era

Rafael H. Bordini, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Koen Hindriks, Brian Logan, Alessandro Ricci
2020 Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems  
We identify a range of possible approaches to integrating AI into a BDI agent architecture.  ...  We briefly review the state of the art in agent programming, focussing particularly on BDI-based agent programming languages, and discuss previous work on integrating AI techniques (including machine learning  ...  /space bot.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10458-020-09453-y fatcat:cth3ua6rhrcbrfv2yudqwo2wtm

Two Case Studies for Jazzyk BSM [chapter]

Michael Köster, Peter Novák, David Mainzer, Bernd Fuhrmann
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Recently, we introduced Behavioural State Machines (BSM ), a novel programming framework for development of cognitive agents with Jazzyk, its associated programming language and interpreter.  ...  This makes it a particularly suitable platform for development of simulated, as well as physically embodied cognitive agents, such as virtual agents, or non-player characters for computer games.  ...  Similarly to the Jazzbot, the overall agent design is inspired by the BDI architecture and reuses parts of the code developed for Jazzbot.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-11198-3_3 fatcat:uglo6bytk5bdvmvhakdtlbojyi

Twilio Integration with Dialogflow for Effective Communication

Sujana A S, D R Ramesh Babu, S Venkatesan
2019 Zenodo  
To address this problem, the design of a Twilio chatbot that is integrated with Dialogflow is explained, which provides an effective and precise answer for any query based on intents and utterances configured  ...  achieve the conversation.While there are numerous competing tools accessible in the market, Dialogflow was one of the firstand continuously evolving; moreover, it is easy to use and it can be integrated with  ...  students in natural language, an intelligent agent founded on BDI (Believes, Desires, Intentions) technology that acts as the brain of the system, an inference engine built on JESS (a rule engine for  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.3251169 fatcat:cgjdbx66wzahroncamrdft543e

Distributed Artificial Intelligence Solution for D2D Communication in 5G Networks [article]

Iacovos Ioannou, Vasos Vassiliou, Christophoros Christophorou, and Andreas Pitsillides
2020 arXiv   pre-print
More precisely, the proposed approach uses Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) intelligent agents with extended capabilities (BDIx) to manage each D2D node independently and autonomously, without the help of  ...  Simulations show the applicability of BDI agents in jointly solving D2D challenges.  ...  BDI Agents for Wireless and Mobile Communications The authors in [37] utilize a multi-agent software design, dynamic analysis, and decentralized control in order to implement solutions for the complex  ... 
arXiv:2001.05232v2 fatcat:axcse73vlbhctnagxy7nwgfzay
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