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6 Hits in 3.9 sec

System Integration and Control for 3D Scanning Laser Metrology

Ernst Csencsics, Shingo Ito, Johannes Schlarp, Georg Schitter
2019 IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications  
The integration process can be tailored to individual applications, and is discussed for raster and Lissajous scan trajectories, considering their individual requirements for the system and control design  ...  This paper discusses the interplay between process and control design, as well as the system integration with the example of a scanning laser triangulation system for high precision 3D metrology.  ...  State of the art fast steering mirror system from Optics in Motion. The 1 inch diameter mirror is actuated by two voice coils per axis and has a range of ± 26.2 mrad.  ... 
doi:10.1541/ieejjia.8.207 fatcat:7y5kndcq2ffbnlfc3i7fznkx6e

In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Follow-on Laser Ranging Interferometer

Klaus Abich, Alexander Abramovici, Bengie Amparan, Andreas Baatzsch, Brian Bachman Okihiro, David C. Barr, Maxime P. Bize, Christina Bogan, Claus Braxmaier, Michael J. Burke, Ken C. Clark, Christian Dahl (+71 others)
2019 Physical Review Letters  
Autonomous controls that lock the laser frequency to a cavity reference and establish the 5 degree of freedom two-way laser link between remote spacecraft succeeded on the first attempt.  ...  much less noise at a level of 1 nm/√( Hz) at Fourier frequencies above 100 mHz.  ...  The LRP commands the fast steering mirror in link acquisition and performs closed loop control for differential wave front sensing when the interspacecraft FIG. 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.123.031101 fatcat:enjehxizinbuvhmuh4khctpbdu

Resonant Scanning Design and Control for Fast Spatial Sampling [article]

Zhanghao Sun, Ronald Quan, Olav Solgaard
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Here we propose methods for optimized design and control of the scanning trajectory of two-dimensional resonant scanners under various physical constraints, including high frame-rate and limited actuation  ...  First, we propose an analytical design rule for uniform spatial sampling.  ...  Design of a dual-tone controller for lissajous-based scanning of fast steering 323 mirrors. In 2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 461-466 (IEEE, 2016).324 29. Betterton, J.  ... 
arXiv:2103.12996v2 fatcat:4gl36ygxbzfg7ekvg3zefn3zwm

In-Orbit Performance of the GRACE Follow-on Laser Ranging Interferometer [article]

K. Abich, A. Abramovici, B. Amparan, A. Baatzsch, B.B. Okihiro, D.C. Barr, M.P. Bize, C. Bogan, C. Braxmaier, M.J. Burke, K.C. Clark, C. Dahl (+71 others)
Autonomous controls that lock the laser frequency to a cavity reference and establish the 5 degrees of freedom two-way laser link between remote spacecraft succeeded on the first attempt.  ...  much less noise at a level of 1 nm/Hz at Fourier frequencies above 100 mHz. © 2019 authors.  ...  The LRP commands the fast steering mirror in link acquisition and performs closed loop control for differential wave front sensing when the interspacecraft link is active.  ... 
doi:10.15488/10449 fatcat:okqdwlxeejc4dml5dyad4eavd4

Prediction of noise in ships by the application of "statistical energy analysis."

John Ødegaard Jensen
1979 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
A personal philosophy of design for noise control in ships. J. R.  ...  The design for the control of noise begins with the establishment of requirements.  ...  A versatile fast scanner for ultrasound temperature tomography and wide aperture synlhetic focus imaging. Steven A.  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.2017799 fatcat:5ysuka7wgjg25o5xewownrtb2q

Data Processing and Investigations for the GRACE Follow-On Laser Ranging Interferometer [article]

Malte Matthias Misfeldt, University, My, University, My, Gerhard Heinzel, Karsten Danzmann
These investigations even lead to a proposal for a new scan pattern, which has actually been performed.  ...  The author of this thesis contributed to this project by programming a comprehensive framework for ground-processing of LRI telemetry and analyzing various kinds of instrument data streams.  ...  The beam pointing is controlled using DWS (cf. section 2.3) as sensor and a 2-axis steering mirror, also called Fast Steering Mirror (FSM) (cf. section 4.4) as actuator.  ... 
doi:10.15488/9639 fatcat:nytzrsdyafghneki73iyl4y6ci