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1,088 Hits in 5.5 sec

System design of an Insertable Robotic Effector Platform for Single Port Access (SPA) Surgery

Kai Xu, Roger E. Goldman, Jienan Ding, Peter K. Allen, Dennis L. Fowler, Nabil Simaan
2009 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
This paper presents a novel design and preliminary kinematic analysis of an Insertable Robotic Effector Platform (IREP) for Single Port Access (SPA) Surgery.  ...  It consists of two snake-like continuum robots as slave surgical assistants for tissue manipulation, two parallelogram mechanisms for the continuum robots' placement, and one controllable stereo vision  ...  Hogle's help in project development and lab support.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2009.5354028 dblp:conf/iros/XuGDAFS09 fatcat:rjzor2unzrbnlpr7rbpkyurxf4

Design, Kinematics and Controlling a Novel Soft Robot Arm with Parallel Motion

Alaa Al-Ibadi, Samia Nefti-Meziani, Steve Davis
2018 Robotics  
The performance of the soft robot arm presented is explained, then another design of the horizontal motion continuum robot arm is proposed, using two self-bending contraction actuators (SBCA) in series  ...  This article presents a novel design for a double bend pneumatic muscle actuator (DB-PMA) inspired by snake lateral undulation.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/robotics7020019 fatcat:uroiact76bafrd5aixuefhatl4

High Dexterity Snake-Like Robotic Slaves for Minimally Invasive Telesurgery of the Upper Airway [chapter]

Nabil Simaan, Russell Taylor, Paul Flint
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper reports our efforts to develop an integrated system for telesurgery of the throat and upper airway. The system is described while focusing on the novel design of its slave robot.  ...  The proposed design of the DDU's provides an enhanced downsize scalability and distal dexterity that are crucial for medical applications such as laryngeal surgery where simultaneous manipulation of 2-  ...  This work was partially funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Engineering Research Center grant #EEC9731478, NSF grant #IIS9801684, and by the Johns Hopkins University internal funds.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-30136-3_3 fatcat:3voefytoqfgnlkunjxyc2pckdi

The i2Snake Robotic Platform for Endoscopic Surgery

Pierre Berthet-Rayne, Gauthier Gras, Konrad Leibrandt, Piyamate Wisanuvej, Andreas Schmitz, Carlo A. Seneci, Guang-Zhong Yang
2018 Annals of Biomedical Engineering  
The proposed robotic platform design focuses on ergonomics and intuitive control. The control workflow was first validated in simulation and then implemented on the robotic platform.  ...  of the i 2 Snake; and a master interface for master-slave teleoperation.  ...  The motion of the snake robot is combined with the motion of the KUKA using IK control for a more intuitive teleoperation and is solved in two steps described in the system control section.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10439-018-2066-y pmid:29948372 fatcat:7tv7slkk35e6rimutmb5mbuvhe

Design and architecture of the unified modular snake robot

Cornell Wright, Austin Buchan, Ben Brown, Jason Geist, Michael Schwerin, David Rollinson, Matthew Tesch, Howie Choset
2012 2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
The design of a hyper-redundant serial-linkage snake robot is the focus of this paper. The snake, which consists of many fully enclosed actuators, incorporates a modular architecture.  ...  Each module includes a motor and gear train, an SMA wire actuated bistable brake, custom electronics featuring several different sensors, and a custom intermodule connector.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of all of the members of the Biorobotics Lab who helped construct and maintain the Unified Snake robot.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra.2012.6225255 dblp:conf/icra/WrightBBGSRTC12 fatcat:4o3tbtdlpjevpnkevg43gwvvfi

HISSbot: Sidewinding with a Soft Snake Robot [article]

Farhan Rozaidi, Emma Waters, Olivia Dawes, Jennifer Yang, Joseph R. Davidson, Ross L. Hatton
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We propose a novel means of constructing a soft snake robot capable of sidewinding, and introduce the Helical Inflating Soft Snake Robot (HISSbot).  ...  Soft snake robots are a subset of these robots which utilize soft, compliant actuators to produce movement. Prior work on soft snake robots has primarily focused on planar gaits, such as undulation.  ...  [23] , presents an insect-sized flapping wing robot, with separate controls for powering the flapping motion and guiding the angle of the wing.  ... 
arXiv:2303.15732v1 fatcat:kvlbmaeodrchfnfwh4g4rvfwdq

A review on Snake-like Continuum Robots for Medical Surgeries

Manika Jha, Nathi Ram Chauhan
2019 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
In this paper, current state of structure, modelling and actuation in snake like robot is provided.  ...  This paper describes the various applications of Continuum robots in the field of medical science. These robots are biologically inspired by trunks and snakes.  ...  There are different examples of feasible robotic structures which include mounting of a snake like link, an industrial robot or design actuator [11] .  ... 
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/691/1/012093 fatcat:nyyetpnmpvbene6sjykfgary6a

Snake Robots for Surgical Applications: A Review

Jenna Seetohul, Mahmood Shafiee
2022 Robotics  
Although substantial advancements have been achieved in robot-assisted surgery, the blueprint to existing snake robotics predominantly focuses on the preliminary structural design, control, and human–robot  ...  We present the types of actuation methods, robot kinematics, dynamics, sensing, and prospects of AR integration in snake robots, whilst addressing their shortcomings to facilitate the surgeon's task.  ...  [110] , integrated pneumatic actuators were utilised in the design and control of the OmniTread OT-4 robot, which were a series of pneumatic bellows linked to its body, providing two DOF motion to the  ... 
doi:10.3390/robotics11030057 fatcat:vgpup2mp2vg65ikna66z4vzzsa

Design and control of a second-generation hyper-redundant mechanism

H. Ben Brown, Michael Schwerin, E. Shammas, H. Choset
2007 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
The robot is composed of six actuated universal joints which are serially chained to construct a twelve degrees of freedom snake-like robot optimized for strength and compactness.  ...  This robot has substantial advantages over our previous design iteration, "Snoopy," in terms of cost and performance.  ...  Naturally, we are also interested in optimizing our design for minimum backlash and compliance while maintaining a reasonable speed of motion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2007.4399504 dblp:conf/iros/BrownSSC07 fatcat:7myo4b4ohnepbmunnf222fo3n4

A survey of snake-inspired robot designs

James K Hopkins, Brent W Spranklin, Satyandra K Gupta
2009 Bioinspiration & Biomimetics  
Body undulation used by snakes and the physical architecture of a snake body may offer significant benefits over typical legged or wheeled locomotion designs in certain types of scenarios.  ...  The purpose of this paper is to report different types of snake-inspired robot designs and categorize them based on their main characteristics.  ...  This research has been supported by NSF grants DMI-0457058 and OCI-0636164. Opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect opinions of the sponsors.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1748-3182/4/2/021001 pmid:19158415 fatcat:43k7lvfco5hbhdnxqn4u2olojq

Special Feature on Bio-Inspired Robotics

Toshio Fukuda, Fei Chen, Qing Shi
2018 Applied Sciences  
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ...  Systems and IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (SMC) Technical Committee on Bio-Mechatronics and Bio-Robotics Systems.  ...  A series elastic actuator model is used as the plant model for an observer used in feedback control of the actuator [25] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/app8050817 fatcat:umcpvvryxbfnvlmwvlcmsynj3q

Design and Integration of a Telerobotic System for Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Throat

Nabil Simaan, Kai Xu, Wei Wei, Ankur Kapoor, Peter Kazanzides, Russell Taylor, Paul Flint
2009 The international journal of robotics research  
This method uses a tiered hierarchy of two novel approaches of actuation compensation for remotely actuated snake-like robots.  ...  We present the kinematics of the telesurgical slave and methods for actuation compensation to cancel the effects of backlash, friction, and flexibility of the actuation lines.  ...  National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Grant R21 EB004457-01, and in part by Johns Hopkins University and Columbia University internal funds.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364908104278 pmid:20160881 pmcid:PMC2772168 fatcat:b5v426eeazdkjhiutaj5qttfxy

Torque control strategies for snake robots

David Rollinson, Kalyan Vasudev Alwala, Nico Zevallos, Howie Choset
2014 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
We present three methods of achieving compliant motion with a snake robot by controlling the torques exerted by the joints of the robot.  ...  The three control strategies are implemented and compared on a snake robot that includes series elastic actuation (SEA) and torque sensing at each joint, and demonstrate compliant locomotion that adapts  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Leif Jentoft and Gill Pratt for their work in simulating low-impedance torque control for snake robots, which laid the groundwork for most of Section IV  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2014.6942694 dblp:conf/iros/RollinsonAZC14 fatcat:amoo75if5ja25niuag4zrbahue

Integrated Joint Actuator for Serpentine Robots

G. Granosik, J. Borenstein
2005 IEEE/ASME transactions on mechatronics  
The key advantages of our design over other joint actuation methods are its great strength combined with controllable compliance and minimal space requirements.  ...  This system, which we call "Integrated Joint Actuator," also allows simultaneous proportional control of position and stiffness of the joint.  ...  Department of Energy under Award No. DE-FG04-86NE3796. We are also grateful to graduate student Malik Hansen for his work on designing and building the OmniTread segments.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmech.2005.856222 fatcat:jovvmcdcbfay7k5sfy3bayqhge

Hyper-redundant robot manipulators actuated by optimized binary-dielectric polymers

Andreas Wingert, Matthew D. Lichter, Steven Dubowsky, Moustapha Hafez, Yoseph Bar-Cohen
2002 Smart Structures and Materials 2002: Electroactive Polymer Actuators and Devices (EAPAD)  
The polymer actuators can make such devices feasible. This paper presents the design of a modular polymer actuator that can work under both tension and compression.  ...  This manipulator uses binary actuation and belongs to a class of digital mechanisms that are able to perform precise discrete motions without the need for sensing and feedback control.  ...  The authors would like to thank Peter Weiss and Ebraheem Fontaine for their help in actuator development and fabrication of prototypes.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.475189 fatcat:ouuncjlp3bdfjlvrjmloafthqi
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